Practice Lab 12 - Customer assets


After a Commercial coffee machine is installed at a customer location, Contoso Coffee will keep track of the assets at the customer location. This allows them to track work orders that are associated with the device. You have been tasked with configuring Dynamics 365 Field Service to support the use of Customer Assets.

Upon successful completion of this lab, you will do the following:

  • Configure a product to be converted to a Customer Asset automatically.
  • Create a Customer Asset record.
  • Define functional locations for an Account and associate assets with them.
  • Attach Assets to work orders.

Exercise 1 – Convert product to customer asset

In this exercise you will set the products to convert to customer assets.

Task 1 – Product settings

  1. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Settings area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the General group select Products.

  2. Edit the Remote Printer product you created in an earlier lab.

  3. Select the Field Service tab.

  4. Select Yes from the Convert to Customer Asset drop-down field.

  5. Click Save & Close.

Exercise 2 – Create assets

In this exercise you will create the assets for a customer.

Task 1 – Asset categories

  1. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Settings area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the General group select Asset Categories.

  2. Click + New.

  3. Enter Printer for Name.

  4. Click Save & Close.

  5. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Settings area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the Asset Properties group select Property Definitions.

  6. Click + New.

  7. Enter Model for Name.

  8. Select String from the Property Type drop-down field.

  9. Click Save & Close.

  10. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Settings area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the Asset Properties group select Templates for Properties.

  11. Click + New.

  12. Enter Printer Properties for Name.

  13. Click Save.

  14. Click + New Property Template Association.

  15. Select the Model property definition you created for Property.

  16. Click Save and Close.

  17. Click + New Asset Category Template Association.

  18. Select the Printer asset category you created for Customer Asset Category.

  19. Click Save and Close.

  20. Click Save & Close.

Task 2 – Assets

  1. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Service area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the Assets group select Assets.

  2. Click + New.

  3. Enter Printer 122333 for Name.

  4. Select the Printer asset category you created for Category.

  5. Select the Remote Printer product you created in an earlier lab for Product.

  6. Select the Relecloud account you created in an earlier lab for Account.

  7. Click Save & Close.

Task 3 – Asset hierarchy

  1. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Service area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the Assets group select Assets.

  2. Click + New.

  3. Enter Printer Drum 122333 for Name.

  4. Select the Printer asset category you created for Category.

  5. Select the Relecloud account you created in an earlier lab for Account.

  6. Select the Printer 122333 asset you created Parent Asset.

  7. Click Save & Close.

  8. Click + New.

  9. Enter Printer Fuser Unit 122333 for Name.

  10. Select the Printer asset category you created for Category.

  11. Select the Relecloud account you created in an earlier lab for Account.

  12. Select the Printer 122333 asset you created Parent Asset.

  13. Click Save & Close.

Exercise 3 – Functional locations

In this exercise you will create functional locations for an account and associate assets with the locations.

Task 1 – Create functional locations

  1. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Service area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the Customers group select Accounts.

  2. Open the Relecloud account you created in an earlier lab.

  3. Select the Assets and Locations tab.

  4. Click on the ellipsis (…) alongside Relecloud and select + New location.

  5. Enter Advanta A for Name.

  6. Click on the pencil icon and enter 3009 160th Avenue Southeast, Bellevue, WA 98008, USA for Address.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. Click on the ellipsis (…) alongside Relecloud and select + New location.

  9. Enter Advanta B for Name.

  10. Click on the pencil icon and enter 3007 160th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98008, USA for Address.

  11. Click Save and Close.

  12. Click on the ellipsis (…) alongside Relecloud and select + New location.

  13. Enter Advanta C for Name.

  14. Click on the pencil icon and enter 3005 160th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98008, USA for Address.

  15. Click Save and Close.

  16. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Service area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the Assets group select Functional Locations.

  17. Verify that the functional locations have latitude and longitude set.

Task 2 – Associate assets with functional locations

  1. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Service area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the Customers group select Accounts.

  2. Open the Relecloud account you created in an earlier lab.

  3. Select the Assets and Locations tab.

  4. Check Show Assets

  5. Drag the Printer 122333 asset you created in Exercise 2 to Advanta B

Exercise 4 – Associate assets with work orders

In this exercise you will create a work order linked to the customer asset and functional location.

Task 1 – Create work order with a customer asset

  1. In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, click the Service area in the bottom-left of the sitemap, and in the Scheduling group select Work Orders.

  2. Click + New.

  3. Select the Relecloud account you created in an earlier lab for Service Account.

  4. Select the Service Printer incident type you created in a previous lab for Primary Incident Type.

  5. Select the Printer 122333 asset you created for Primary Incident Customer Asset.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Select the Location tab and verify the address has been copied from the functional location.

  8. Select the Products tab.

  9. Open the work order product and in the General tab, verify the customer asset is populated.