Lab 03 - Implement CI/CD with GitHub Actions and IaC with Bicep

Estimated timing: 40 minutes


Remember this module’s scenario in which you work for a software development company in the retail industry that wants to ensure that the release process of a new version of their online store application is efficient and reliable while minimizing the risk of errors. Since you have decided to use GitHub to facilitate application lifecycle management, this lab gives you the opportunity to fork and review the GitHub repo containing the source code of a web app, a GitHub Actions workflow, and a Bicep template. Additionally, you’ll be able to configure the target environment and validate the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and CI/CD functionality.


In this lab, you will:

  • Prepare the Azure subscription for the lab
  • Implement Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and CI/CD with GitHub Actions and a Bicep template

Note: In the previous lab, you configured GitHub Pages, which means that you actually already implemented continuous deployment (potentially without even realizing it). GitHub Pages use (in the background) GitHub Actions to perform automated deployment following any commits to the main branch. You can verify this by navigating to the Actions tab on the main page of the forked repo Spoon-Knife. Now you will enhance this functionality. In particular, you will use a custom-developed GitHub Actions workflow with a Bicep template to provision a couple of Azure App Service web apps in different Azure regions and deploy a custom .NET web app into both of them.

Note: For this and subsequent labs, use the same GitHub account you created for the purpose of the first lab.


Exercise 0: Prepare the Azure subscription for the lab

Note: If you are using a new Azure subscription, some of the Azure resource providers might not be registered. Since the registration process might take a few minutes, to minimize the wait time, you will register them at the beginning of this lab.

Note: In this lab, you will be using Azure Cloud Shell. If this is the first time you are using Azure Cloud Shell in your subscription, you will need to register the corresponding resource provider.

  1. Start a web browser and navigate to the Azure portal at
  2. If prompted, sign in by using your Microsoft Entra ID account with the Owner access to the Azure subscription available to you.
  3. In the web browser tab displaying the Azure portal, in the search text box at the top of the page, enter Subscriptions and, in the list of results, select Subscriptions.
  4. On the Subscriptions page, select the subscription you want to use in this lab.
  5. On the subscriptions page, in the vertical menu on the left side, select Resource providers.
  6. In the list of resource providers, search for and select Microsoft.CloudShell.
  7. With the Microsoft.CloudShell resource provider selected, in the toolbar, select Register.

    Note: Don’t wait until the registration completes but proceed directly to the next exercise. The registration might take a couple of minutes.

Exercise 1: Implement Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and CI/CD with GitHub Actions and a Bicep template

In this exercise, you will implement IaC with CI/CD to Azure App Service web apps with GitHub Actions and a Bicep template.

Note: To simplify the initial setup, you will use a fork of an existing GitHub repo that contains the source code of the .NET app, the GitHub Actions workflow, and the Bicep template.

The exercise consists of the following tasks:

  • Task 1: Fork and review the GitHub repo containing the source code of a web app, a GitHub Actions workflow, and a Bicep template
  • Task 2: Configure the target environment
  • Task 3: Validate the IaC and CI/CD functionality

Task 1: Fork and review the GitHub repo containing the source code of a web app, a GitHub Actions workflow, and a Bicep template

  1. Switch to the browser window displaying your GitHub account and ensure that you are still authenticated (if not, sign in by using your GitHub user account).
  2. Open another tab in the same browser window and navigate to the eShopOnWeb repo, which hosts the .NET version of a sample web site, a GitHub Actions workflow, and a Bicep template.
  3. On the eShopOnWeb repo page, select Fork.
  4. On the Create a new fork page, ensure that the Owner drop-down list entry displays your GitHub user name, accept the default entry eShopOnWeb in the Repository name text box, and confirm the Copy the main branch only checkbox is checked, and then select Create fork.

    Note: Your browser session will be automatically redirected to the newly forked repo.

  5. On the eShopOnWeb page, confirm the drop-down list displays the current branch main.
  6. Review the repo structure and note that it includes the following components:

    • the .github/workflows directory containing several YAML-based workflow, including one named eshoponweb-cicd.yml
    • the infra directory containing the Bicep template named webapp.bicep
    • the src/Web directory containing the .NET code of the source web app
  7. Open the .github/workflows directory and then select the eshoponweb-cicd.yml file to view its content. Note that this GitHub Actions workflow contains the buildandtest and deploy jobs, which consists of the following steps:

    • buildandtest
      • checkout the repository
      • prepare the runner for the desired .NET version SDK
      • build, test, and publish the .NET project
      • upload the published website code artifacts
      • upload the bicep template as an artifact for the next job
    • deploy
      • download the published artifacts created in previous job
      • download the bicep template uploaded in the previous job
      • login to the target Azure subscription using a service principal
      • deploy an Azure App Service web app by using the bicep template
      • publish the website artifacts into the Azure App Service web app

    Note: Do not focus on details of each job. It is much more important at this point to simply understand the purpose of the workflow.

  8. Note that the process of provisioning Azure resources targets a single resource group which is defined at the beginning of the workflow as an environment variable RESOURCE-GROUP.

    Note: You will need to create the resource group before you run the workflow.

  9. Note that the workflow relies on a secret to authenticate to the target Azure subscription during the Set up Azure CLI step, as evidenced by the statement creds: $.

    Note: You will need to set up this secret before you run the workflow.

  10. In addition, note that this workflow can be configured to be triggered manually, as indicated by the on: workflow_dispatch: syntax.

Task 2: Configure the target environment

Note: You will start by creating the resource groups. You will run the workflow twice in order to deploy two instances of the website in two different Azure regions.

  1. Switch to the web browser tab displaying the Azure portal at
  2. In the Azure portal, in the search text box at the top of the page, enter Resource groups and select Resource groups in the list of results.
  3. On the Resource groups page, select + Create.
  4. In the Resource groups text box, enter rg-eshoponweb-westeurope.
  5. In the Region drop-down list, select (Europe) West Europe.
  6. Select Review + create and then, on the Review + create, select Create.
  7. On the Resource groups page, select + Create.
  8. In the Resource groups text box, enter rg-eshoponweb-eastus.
  9. In the Region drop-down list, select (US) East US.
  10. Select Review + create and then, on the Review + create, select Create.

    Note: Next, you will create a service principal that will be used to authenticate from the GitHub Actions workflow to the target Azure subscription and assign to it the role of Contributor in the subscription.

  11. In the Azure portal, select the Cloud Shell icon to the right of the search text box.
  12. If necessary, select Bash in the drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of the Cloud Shell pane.
  13. In the Bash session within the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to store the value of your Azure subscription ID in a variable:

    SUBCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id --output tsv) 
  14. Copy the value of the Subscription ID returned by the second command and record it. You will need it later in this exercise.
  15. In the Bash session within the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to create a Microsoft Entra ID service principal and assign to it the role of Contributor in the scope of the subscription:

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "devopsfoundationslabsp" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/$SUBCRIPTION_ID --json-auth
  16. Copy the entire JSON-formatted output of the command and record it. You will need it shortly. The output should have the format that resembles the following text:

      "clientId": "cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc",
      "clientSecret": "xxxxx~xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxx",
      "subscriptionId": "yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy",
      "tenantId": "zzzzzzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzz",
      "activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "",
      "resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "",
      "activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "",
      "sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "",
      "galleryEndpointUrl": "",
      "managementEndpointUrl": ""
  17. Switch to the web browser window displaying the forked eShopOnWeb GitHub repo page and, in the toolbar, select Settings.
  18. In the vertical menu on the left side, in the Security section, select Secrets and variables and, in the drop-down list, select Actions.
  19. In the Actions secrets and variables pane, select New repository secret.
  20. In the Actions secrets / New secret pane, in the Name text box, enter AZURE_CREDENTIALS.
  21. In the Secret text box, paste the JSON-formatted text you recorded earlier in this task and select Add secret.
  22. Switch back to the web browser displaying the Bash session within the Cloud Shell pane and run the following command to generate the name of the first App Service web app you will be deploying:

    echo devops-webapp-westeurope-$RANDOM$RANDOM
  23. Copy the value returned by the command and record it. You will use it later in this exercise.
  24. In the Bash session within the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to generate the name of the second App Service web app you will be deploying:

    echo devops-webapp-eastus-$RANDOM$RANDOM
  25. Copy the value returned by the command and record it. You will use it later in this exercise.

Task 3: Validate the IaC and CI/CD functionality

  1. Switch to the web browser window displaying the forked eShopOnWeb GitHub repo page and, if needed, on the eShopOnWeb page, click in the Code tab and, in the drop-down list confirm that the current branch is main.
  2. In the web browser window displaying the main branch of the forked eShopOnWeb GitHub repo page, navigate to the .github/workflows folder and select eshoponweb-cicd.yml.
  3. In the .github/workflows/eshoponweb-cicd.yml pane, select the pencil icon to edit the workflow.
  4. In the Edit pane, replace line 4 with the following text:

    on: workflow_dispatch

    Note: Ensure that you use proper indentation.

  5. In the Edit pane, replace line 8 with the following text:

     RESOURCE-GROUP: rg-eshoponweb-westeurope
  6. In the Edit pane, replace the YOUR-SUBS-ID placeholder in line 11 with the value of the Azure subscription ID you recorded earlier in this exercise:
  7. In the Edit pane, replace the eshoponweb-webapp-NAME placeholder in line 11 with the name of the first Azure App Service web app you generated earlier in this exercise.
  8. In the .github/workflows/eshoponweb-cicd.yml pane, select Commit changes and then select Commit changes again.
  9. In the web browser window displaying the main branch of the forked eShopOnWeb GitHub repo page, navigate to the infra folder and select webapp.bicep.
  10. In the infra/webapp.bicep pane, select the pencil icon to edit the workflow.
  11. In the Edit pane, replace line 2 with the following text:

    param sku string = 'S1' // The SKU of App Service Plan
  12. In the infra/webapp.bicep pane, select Commit changes and then select Commit changes again.
  13. In the web browser window displaying the forked eShopOnWeb GitHub repo page, select Actions.
  14. If you are prompted to enable GitHub Actions, select I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them.

    Note: This is expected, since, by default GitHub will disable workflows in a forked repo for your own protection.

  15. In the All workflows section on the left side, select eShopOnWeb Build and Test.
  16. In the eShopOnWeb Build and Test pane, select Run workflow, in the drop-down list confirm that Branch: main is selected and select Run workflow again.

    Note: This should trigger a workflow run.

  17. Select the eShopOnWeb Build and Test workflow run.

    Note: If needed, refresh the page to see the latest workflow run.

  18. In the eShopOnWeb Build and Test #1 pane, select buildandtest.
  19. Monitor the progress of the workflow and verify that all steps of the buildandtest job complete successfully.
  20. Once this job completes, in the Summary section, select deploy.
  21. Monitor the progress of the workflow and verify that all steps of the deploy job complete successfully.

    Note: In case any of the steps fail, from the same page that displays the workflow progress, in the upper right corner, select Re-run all jobs and then, in the Re-run all jobs pane, select Re-run jobs.

  22. Switch to the web browser window displaying the forked eShopOnWeb GitHub repo page and, if needed, on the eShopOnWeb page, in the drop-down list confirm that the current branch is main.
  23. In the web browser window displaying the main branch of the forked eShopOnWeb GitHub repo page, navigate to the .github/workflows folder and select eshoponweb-cicd.yml.
  24. In the .github/workflows/eshoponweb-cicd.yml pane, select the pencil icon to edit the workflow.
  25. In the Edit pane, replace line 8 with the following text:

     RESOURCE-GROUP: rg-eshoponweb-eastus
  26. In the Edit pane, replace the eshoponweb-webapp-NAME placeholder in line 11 with the name of the second Azure App Service web app you generated earlier in this exercise.
  27. In the .github/workflows/eshoponweb-cicd.yml pane, select Commit changes and then select Commit changes again.
  28. In the web browser window displaying the forked eShopOnWeb GitHub repo page, select Actions.
  29. In the All workflows section on the left side, select eShopOnWeb Build and Test.
  30. In the eShopOnWeb Build and Test pane, select Run workflow, in the drop-down list confirm that Branch: main is selected and select Run workflow again.

    Note: This should trigger a workflow run.

  31. Select the eShopOnWeb Build and Test workflow run.
  32. In the eShopOnWeb Build and Test #2 pane, select buildandtest.
  33. Monitor the progress of the workflow and verify that all steps of the buildandtest job complete successfully.
  34. Once this job completes, in the Summary section, select deploy.
  35. Monitor the progress of the workflow and verify that all steps of the deploy job complete successfully.

    Note: In case any of the steps fail, from the same page that displays the workflow progress, in the upper right corner, select Re-run all jobs and then, in the Re-run all jobs pane, select Re-run jobs.

  36. In the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the search text box at the top of the page, enter App Services and select App Services in the list of results.
  37. On the App Services page, in the list of App Services, select the devops-webapp-westeurope- app service you created earlier in this exercise.
  38. On the devops-webapp-westeurope- page, in the Essentials section, verify that the Default domain value is displayed and select it to open the web app in a new browser tab.
  39. In the new browser tab, verify that the web app is displayed and that it is functional. You can also verify the second web app in the East US region in the same way.

    Note: Leave the deployed Azure resources running. You will need them in the next lab.