Lab - Package Azure Virtual Desktop applications (AD DS)

Student lab manual

Lab dependencies

  • An Azure subscription
  • A Microsoft account or a Microsoft Entra account with the Global Administrator role in the Microsoft Entra tenant associated with the Azure subscription and with the Owner or Contributor role in the Azure subscription
  • The completed lab Prepare for deployment of Azure Virtual Desktop (AD DS)
  • The completed lab Configure Conditional Access policies for AVD (AD DS)
  • The completed lab Implement and Manage AVD Profiles (AD DS)

Estimated Time

60 minutes

Lab scenario

You need to package and deploy Azure Virtual Desktop applications in an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) environment.


After completing this lab, you will be able to:

  • Prepare for and create MSIX app packages
  • Implement an MSIX app attach image for Azure Virtual Desktop in an AD DS environment
  • Implement the MSIX app attach on Azure Virtual Desktop in an AD DS environment

Lab files

  • \\AZ-140\AllFiles\Labs\04\az140-42_azuredeploycl42.json
  • \\AZ-140\AllFiles\Labs\04\az140-42_azuredeploycl42.parameters.json


Important: Microsoft renamed Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to Microsoft Entra ID. For details regarding this change, refer to New name for Azure Active Directory. This is an ongoing effort, so you might still encounter instances where there is a mismatch between the lab instruction and the elements of the interface as you step through individual exercises. Take this into considerations (in particular, in this lab, the Microsoft Entra Connect designates the new name of Azure Active Directory Connect).

Exercise 1: Prepare for and create MSIX app packages

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

  1. Prepare for configuration of Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts
  2. Deploy an Azure VM running Windows 10 by using an Azure Resource Manager QuickStart template
  3. Prepare the Azure VM running Windows 10 for MSIX packaging
  4. Generate a signing certificate
  5. Download software to package
  6. Install the MSIX Packaging Tool
  7. Create an MSIX package

Task 1: Prepare for configuration of Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts

  1. From your lab computer, start a web browser, navigate to the Azure portal, and sign in by providing credentials of a user account with the Owner role in the subscription you will be using in this lab.
  2. On the lab computer and, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, open the PowerShell shell session within the Cloud Shell pane.
  3. From the PowerShell session in the Cloud Shell pane, run the following to start the Azure Virtual Desktop session host Azure VMs you will be using in this lab:

    Get-AzVM -ResourceGroup 'az140-21-RG' | Start-AzVM -NoWait

    Note: The command executes asynchronously (as determined by the -NoWait parameter), so while you will be able to run another PowerShell command immediately afterwards within the same PowerShell session, it will take a few minutes before the Azure VMs are actually started.

    Note: If you enabled PSRemoting on the session hosts in the az140-21-RG resource group in the first task of the previous lab (Implement and manage AVD profiles) then you may proceed directly to the next task without waiting for the Azure VMs to start. If you have not previously enabled PSRemoting on the session hosts in the az140-21-RG resource group, wait for the VMs to start and then run the following command.

  4. From the PowerShell session of the Cloud Shell, run the following to enable PowerShell Remoting on the session hosts.

    Get-AzVM -ResourceGroup 'az140-21-RG' | Enable-AzVMPSRemoting

Task 2: Deploy an Azure VM running Windows 10 by using an Azure Resource Manager QuickStart template

  1. From your lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the toolbar of the Cloud Shell pane, select the Upload/Download files icon, in the drop-down menu select Upload, and upload the files \\AZ-140\AllFiles\Labs\04\az140-42_azuredeploycl42.json and \\AZ-140\AllFiles\Labs\04\az140-42_azuredeploycl42.parameters.json into the Cloud Shell home directory.
  2. From the PowerShell session in the Cloud Shell pane, run the following to deploy an Azure VM running Windows 10 that you will use for creating MSIX packages to and to join it to the Microsoft Entra DS domain:

    $vNetResourceGroupName = 'az140-11-RG'
    $location = (Get-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $vNetResourceGroupName).Location
    $resourceGroupName = 'az140-42-RG'
    New-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location
    New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
      -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
      -Location $location `
      -Name az140lab0402vmDeployment `
      -TemplateFile $HOME/az140-42_azuredeploycl42.json `
      -TemplateParameterFile $HOME/az140-42_azuredeploycl42.parameters.json

    Note: Wait for the deployment to complete before you proceed to the next task. This might take about 10 minutes.

Task 3: Prepare the Azure VM running Windows 10 for MSIX packaging

  1. From your lab computer, in the Azure portal, search for and select Virtual machines and, from the Virtual machines blade, in the list of virtual machines, select the az140-cl-vm42 entry. This will open the az140-cl-vm42 blade.
  2. On the az140-cl-vm42 blade, select Connect, in the drop-down menu, select Connect via Bastion.
  3. When prompted, sign in with the user name and the password you set when creating this user account.
  4. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, start Windows PowerShell ISE as administrator, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to prepare the operating system for MSIX packaging:

    Schtasks /Change /Tn "\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start" /Disable
    reg add HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore /v AutoDownload /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
    reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager /v PreInstalledAppsEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
    reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager\Debug /v ContentDeliveryAllowedOverride /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f
    reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\RDInfraAgent\MSIXAppAttach /v PackageListCheckIntervalMinutes /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
    reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

    Note: The last of these registry changes disables User Access Control. This is technically not required but simplifies the process illustrated in this lab.

Task 4: Generate a signing certificate

Note: In this lab, you will use a self-signed certificate. In a production environment, you should be using a certificate issued by either a public Certification Authority or an internal one, depending on the intended use.

  1. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to generate a self-signed certificate with the Common Name attribute set to Adatum, and store the certificate in the Personal folder of the Local Machine certificate store:

    New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type Custom -Subject "CN=Adatum" -KeyUsage DigitalSignature -KeyAlgorithm RSA -KeyLength 2048 -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My"
  2. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to start the Certificates console targeting the Local Machine certificate store:

  3. In the Certificates console pane, expand the Personal folder, select the Certificates subfolder, right-click the Adatum certificate, in the right-click menu, select All Tasks followed by Export. This will launch the Certificate Export Wizard.
  4. On the Welcome to the Certificate Export Wizard page of the Certificate Export Wizard, select Next.
  5. On the Export Private Key page of the Certificate Export Wizard, select the option Yes, export the private key option and select Next.
  6. On the Export File Format page of the Certificate Export Wizard, select the checkbox Export all extended properties, clear the checkbox Enable certificate privacy, and select Next.
  7. On the Security page of the Certificate Export Wizard, select the Password checkbox, in the textboxes below, type Pa55w.rd1234, and select Next.
  8. On the File to Export page of the Certificate Export Wizard, in the File name textbox, select Browse, in the Save As dialog box, navigate to the C:\Allfiles\Labs\04 folder (create the folder first), in the File name textbox, type adatum.pfx, and select Save.
  9. Back on the File to Export page of the Certificate Export Wizard, ensure that the textbox contains the entry C:\Allfiles\Labs\04\adatum.pfx, and select Next.
  10. On the Completing Certificate Export Wizard page of the Certificate Export Wizard, select Finish, and select OK to acknowledge successful export.

    Note: Since you are using a self-signed certificate, you need to install it in the Trusted People certificate store on the target session hosts.

  11. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to install the newly generated certificate in the Trusted People certificate store on the target session hosts:

    $wvdhosts = 'az140-21-p1-0','az140-21-p1-1','az140-21-p1-2'
    $cleartextPassword = 'Pa55w.rd1234'
    $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $cleartextPassword -AsPlainText -Force
    $localPath = 'C:\Allfiles\Labs\04'
    ForEach ($wvdhost in $wvdhosts){
       $remotePath = "\\$wvdhost\C$\Allfiles\Labs\04\"
       New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $remotePath -Force
       Copy-Item -Path "$localPath\adatum.pfx" -Destination $remotePath -Force
       Invoke-Command -ComputerName $wvdhost -ScriptBlock {
          Import-PFXCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople -FilePath 'C:\Allfiles\Labs\04\adatum.pfx' -Password $using:securePassword

Task 5: Download software to package

  1. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, start Microsoft Edge and browse to
  2. On the microsoft/XmlNotepad page, select the download link for Standalone downloadable installer and download the compressed installation files.
  3. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, start File Explorer, navigate to the Downloads folder, open the compressed file, copy the content from within the folder in the compressed file, and paste it to the C:\AllFiles\Labs\04\ directory.

Task 6: Install the MSIX Packaging Tool

  1. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, start the Microsoft Store app.
  2. In the Microsoft Store app, search for and select MSIX Packaging Tool, on the MSIX Packaging Tool page, select Get.
  3. When prompted, skip signing in, wait for the installation to complete, select Launch and, in the Send diagnostic data dialog box, select Decline,

Task 7: Create an MSIX package

  1. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, switch to the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE window and, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE script pane, run the following to disable the Windows Search service:

    $serviceName = 'wsearch'
    Set-Service -Name $serviceName -StartupType Disabled
    Stop-Service -Name $serviceName
  2. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to create the folder that will host the MSIX package:

    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path 'C:\AllFiles\Labs\04\XmlNotepad' -Force
  3. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to remove the Zone.Identifier alternate data stream from the extracted installer files, which has a value of “3” to indicate that they were downloaded from the Internet:

    Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\AllFiles\Labs\04' -Recurse -File | Unblock-File
  4. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, switch to the MSIX Packaging Tool interface, on the Select task page, select Application package - Create your app package entry. This will start the Create new package wizard.
  5. On the Select environment page of the Create new package wizard, ensure that the Create package on this computer option is selected, select Next, and wait for the installation of the MSIX Packaging Tool Driver.

    Note: The installation of the MSIX Packaging Tool Driver will take 5-10. The status column will initially say Checking and, once installed, will say Installed.

  6. On the Prepare computer page of the Create new package wizard, review the recommendations. If there is a pending reboot, restart the operating system, sign back in by using the account, and restart the MSIX Packaging Tool before you proceed.

    Note: MSIX Packaging Tool disables temporarily Windows Update and Windows Search. In this case, the Windows Search service is already disabled.

  7. On the Prepare computer page of the Create new package wizard, click Next.
  8. On the Select installer page of the Create new package wizard, next to the Choose the installer you want to package text box, select Browse, in the Open dialog box, browse to the C:\AllFiles\Labs\04 folder, select XmlNotepadSetup.msi, and click Open,
  9. On the Select installer page of the Create new package wizard, in the Signing preference drop-down list, select the Sign with a certificate (.pfx) entry, next to the Browse for certificate textbox, select Browse, in the Open dialog box, navigate to the C:\AllFiles\Labs\04 folder, select the adatum.pfx file, click Open, in the Password text box, type Pa55w.rd1234, and select Next.
  10. On the Package information page of the Create new package wizard, review the package information, validate that the publisher name is set to CN=Adatum, and select Next.
  11. On the Choose the Accelerator for applying to the package page, select Next. This will trigger installation of the downloaded software.
  12. In the XMLNotepad Setup window, accept the terms in the License Agreement and select Install and, once the installation completes, select Finish.
  13. In the Installation page of the Create new package wizard, select Next.
  14. On the Manage first launch tasks page of the Create new package wizard, review the provided information and select Next.
  15. When prompted Are you done?, select Yes, move on.
  16. On the Services report page of the Create new package wizard, verify that no services are listed and select Next.
  17. On the Create package page of the Create new package wizard, in the Save location textbox, type C:\Allfiles\Labs\04\XmlNotepad\XmlNotepad.msix and click Create.
  18. In the Package successfully created dialog box, note the location of the saved package and select Close.
  19. Switch to the File Explorer window, navigate to the C:\Allfiles\Labs\04\XmlNotepad folder and verify that it contains the *.msix and *.xml files.
  20. Copy the XmlNotepad.msix file to the C:\Allfiles\Labs\04 folder.

Exercise 2: Implement an MSIX app attach image for Azure Virtual Desktop in an AD DS environment

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

  1. Enable Hyper-V on the Azure VMs running Window 11 Enterprise multi-session
  2. Create an MSIX app attach image

Task 1: Enable Hyper-V on the Azure VMs running Window 11 Enterprise multi-session

  1. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to prepare the target Azure Virtual Desktop hosts for MSIX app attach:

    $wvdhosts = 'az140-21-p1-0','az140-21-p1-1','az140-21-p1-2'
    ForEach ($wvdhost in $wvdhosts){
       Invoke-Command -ComputerName $wvdhost -ScriptBlock {
          Schtasks /Change /Tn "\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start" /Disable
          reg add HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore /v AutoDownload /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
          reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager /v PreInstalledAppsEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
          reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager\Debug /v ContentDeliveryAllowedOverride /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f
          reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
          reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\RDInfraAgent\MSIXAppAttach /v PackageListCheckIntervalMinutes /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
          Set-Service -Name wuauserv -StartupType Disabled
  2. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to install Hyper-V and its management tools, including the Hyper-V PowerShell module on the Azure Virtual Desktop hosts:

    $wvdhosts = 'az140-21-p1-0','az140-21-p1-1','az140-21-p1-2'
    ForEach ($wvdhost in $wvdhosts){
       Invoke-Command -ComputerName $wvdhost -ScriptBlock {
          Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All
  3. When prompted to restrart the target operating system, select Yes.
  4. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to install Hyper-V and its management tools, including the Hyper-V PowerShell module on the local computer:

    Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All
  5. Once the installation of the Hyper-V components completes, select Yes to restart the operating system. Following the restart, sign back in with the user name and the password you set when creating this user account.

Task 2: Create an MSIX app attach image

  1. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, start Microsoft Edge, browse to This will automatically download the file (the MSIX mgr tool archive) into the Downloads folder.
  2. In File Explorer, navigate to the Downloads folder, open the compressed file and copy the content of the x64 folder (including the folder) to the C:\AllFiles\Labs\04 folder.
  3. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, start Windows PowerShell ISE as administrator and, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE script pane, run the following to create the folder that will store the MSIX app attach image:

    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path 'C:\Allfiles\Labs\04\MSIXVhds' -Force
  4. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE script pane, run the following to create the VHD that will host the MSIX files and unpack into it the MSIX package you created in the previous task:

    $appName = 'XmlNotepad'
    Set-Location -Path 'C:\AllFiles\Labs\04\x64'
    .\msixmgr.exe -Unpack -packagePath ..\$appName.msix -destination ..\MSIXVhds\$appName.vhd -applyacls -create -filetype vhd -vhdSize 128 -rootDirectory Apps
  5. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, in File Explorer, navigate to the C:\AllFiles\Labs\04\MSIXVhds folder and ensure you have a virtual disk called XmlNotepad.vhd.

Exercise 3: Implement MSIX app attach on Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

  1. Configure Active Directory groups containing Azure Virtual Desktop hosts
  2. Set up the Azure Files share for MSIX app attach
  3. Mount and register the MSIX App attach image on Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts
  4. Publish MSIX apps to an application group
  5. Validate the functionality of MSIX App attach

Task 1: Configure Active Directory groups containing Azure Virtual Desktop hosts

  1. Switch to the lab computer, in the web browser displaying the Azure portal, search for and select Virtual machines and, from the Virtual machines blade, select az140-dc-vm11.
  2. On the az140-dc-vm11 blade, select Connect, in the drop-down menu, select Connect via Bastion.
  3. When prompted, provde the following credentials and select Connect:

    Setting Value
    User Name Student
    Password Pa55w.rd1234
  4. Within the Bastion session to az140-dc-vm11, start Windows PowerShell ISE as administrator.
  5. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE script pane, run the following to create an AD DS group object that will be synchronized to the Microsoft Entra tenant used in this lab:

    $ouPath = "OU=WVDInfra,DC=adatum,DC=com"
    New-ADGroup -Name 'az140-hosts-42-p1' -GroupScope 'Global' -GroupCategory Security -Path $ouPath

    Note: You will use this group to grant Azure Virtual Desktop hosts permissions to the az140-42-msixvhds file share.

  6. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE console, run the following to add members to the groups you created in the previous step:

    Get-ADGroup -Identity 'az140-hosts-42-p1' | Add-AdGroupMember -Members 'az140-21-p1-0$','az140-21-p1-1$','az140-21-p1-2$'
  7. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE script pane, run the following to restart the servers which are members of the ‘az140-hosts-42-p1’ group:

    $hosts = (Get-ADGroup -Identity 'az140-hosts-42-p1' | Get-ADGroupMember | Select-Object Name).Name
    $hosts | ForEach-Object {Restart-Computer -ComputerName $_ -Force}

    Note: This step ensures that the group membership change takes effect.

  8. Within the Bastion session to az140-dc-vm11, in the Start menu, expand the Microsoft Azure AD Connect folder and select Microsoft Azure AD Connect.
  9. On the Welcome to Azure AD Connect page of the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window, select Configure.
  10. On the Additional tasks page in the Microsoft Entra Connect window, select Customize synchronization options and select Next.
  11. On the Connect to Microsoft Entra page in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window, authenticate by using the user principal name of the aadsyncuser user account you identified earlier in this task with the password you set when creating this user account.
  12. On the Connect your directories page in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window, select Next.
  13. On the Domain and OU filtering page in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window, ensure that the option Sync selected domains and OUs is selected, expand the node, select the checkbox next to the WVDInfra OU (leave any other selected checkboxes unchanged), and select Next.
  14. On the Optional features page in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window, accept the default settings, and select Next.
  15. On the Ready to configure page in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window, ensure that the checkbox Start the synchronization process when configuration completes is selected and select Configure.
  16. Review the information on the Configuration complete page and select Exit to close the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window.
  17. Within the Bastion session to az140-dc-vm11, start Microsoft Edge and navigate to the Azure portal. When prompted, sign in by using the Microsoft Entra credentials of the user account with the Global Administrator role in the Microsoft Entra tenant associated with the Azure subscription you are using in this lab.
  18. Within the Bastion session to az140-dc-vm11, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, search for and select Microsoft Entra ID to navigate to the Microsoft Entra tenant associated with the Azure subscription you are using for this lab.
  19. On the Microsoft Entra ID blade, in the vertical menu bar on the left side, in the Manage section, click Groups.
  20. On the **Groups All groups** blade, in the list of groups, select the az140-hosts-42-p1 entry.

    Note: You might need to refresh the page for the group to be displayed.

  21. On the az140-hosts-42-p1 blade, in the vertical menu bar on the left side, in the Manage section, click Members.
  22. On the **az140-hosts-42-p1 Members** blade, verify that the list of Direct members include the three hosts of the Azure Virtual Desktop pool you added to the group earlier in this task.

Task 2: Set up the Azure Files share for MSIX app attach

  1. On the lab computer, switch back to the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42.
  2. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, start Microsoft Edge in the InPrivate mode, navigate to the Azure portal, and sign in by providing credentials of a user account with the Owner role in the subscription you will be using in this lab.

    Note: Ensure to use the Microsoft Edge InPrivate mode.

  3. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, search for and select Storage accounts and, on the Storage accounts blade, select the storage account you configured to host user profiles.

    Note: This part of the lab is contingent on completing the lab Implement and Manage Storage for AVD (AD DS) or Implement and Manage Storage for AVD (Microsoft Entra DS)

    Note: In production scenarios, you should consider using a separate storage account. This would require configuring that storage account for Microsoft Entra DS authentication, which you already implemented for the storage account hosting user profiles. You are using the same storage account to minimize duplicate steps across individual labs.

  4. On the storage account blade, in the vertical menu on the left side, select Access Control (IAM).
  5. On the Access Control (IAM) blade of the storage account, select + Add and, in the drop-down menu, select Add role assignment,
  6. On the Add role assignment blade, on the Role tab, specify the following settings and select Next:

    Setting Value
    Job function role Storage File Data SMB Share Contributor
  7. On the Add role assignment blade, on the Members tab, click + Select members, specify the following settings and click Select.

    Setting Value
    Select az140-wvd-users
  8. On the Add role assignment blade, select Review + assign, and then select Review + assign.
  9. On the Access Control (IAM) blade of the storage account, select + Add and, in the drop-down menu, select Add role assignment,
  10. On the Add role assignment blade, on the Role tab, specify the following settings and select Next:

    Setting Value
    Job function role Storage File Data SMB Share Elevated Contributor
  11. On the Add role assignment blade, on the Members tab, click + Select members, specify the following settings and click Select.

    Setting Value
    Select az140-wvd-admins
  12. On the Add role assignment blade, select Review + assign, and then select Review + assign.
  13. On the Access Control (IAM) blade of the storage account, select + Add and, in the drop-down menu, select Add role assignment,
  14. On the Add role assignment blade, on the Role tab, specify the following settings and select Next:

    Setting Value
    Job function role Storage File Data SMB Share Elevated Contributor
  15. On the Add role assignment blade, on the Members tab, click + Select members, specify the following settings and click Select.

    Setting Value
    Select az140-hosts-42-p1
  16. On the Add role assignment blade, select Review + assign, and then select Review + assign.

  17. On the storage account blade, in the vertical menu on the left side, in the Data storage section, select File shares and then select + File share.
  18. On the New file share blade, specify the following settings and select Next : Backup > (leave other settings with their default values):

    Setting Value
    Name az140-42-msixvhds
    Access tier Transaction optimized
  19. On the Backup blade, deselect the Enable backup checkbox, select Review + Create, wait for the validation process to complete, and then select Create.
  20. In the Microsoft Edge displaying the Azure portal, in the list of file shares, select the newly created file share.
  21. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, start Command Prompt and, from the Command Prompt window, run the following to map a drive to the az140-42-msixvhds share (replace the <storage-account-name> placeholder with the name of the storage account) and verify that the command completes successfully:

    net use Z: \\<storage-account-name>\az140-42-msixvhds
  22. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, from the Command Prompt window, run the following to grant the required NTFS permissions to the computer accounts of session hosts:

    icacls Z:\ /grant ADATUM\az140-hosts-42-p1:(OI)(CI)(RX) /T
    icacls Z:\ /grant ADATUM\az140-wvd-users:(OI)(CI)(RX) /T
    icacls Z:\ /grant ADATUM\az140-wvd-admins:(OI)(CI)(F) /T

    Note: You could also set these permissions by using File Explorer while signed in as wvdadmin1\

    Note: Next you will validate the functionality of MSIX App attach

  23. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, from the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE window, run the following to copy the VHD file you created in the previous exercise to the Azure Files share you created earlier in this exercise:

    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path 'Z:\packages' 
    Copy-Item -Path 'C:\Allfiles\Labs\04\MSIXVhds\XmlNotepad.vhd' -Destination 'Z:\packages\' -Force

Task 3: Mount and register the MSIX App attach image on Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts

  1. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, search for and select Azure Virtual Desktop and, on the Azure Virtual Desktop blade, in the vertical menu on the left side, in the Manage section, select Host pools.
  2. On the Azure Virtual Desktop | Host pools blade, in the list of host pools, select the az140-21-hp1 entry.
  3. On the az140-21-hp1 | Properties blade, in the vertical menu on the left side, in the Manage section, select MSIX packages.
  4. On the az140-21-hp1 | MSIX packages blade, click + Add.
  5. On the Add MSIX package blade, in the MSIX image path textbox, enter the path to the XmlNotepad.vhd file in the format \\<storage-account-name>\az140-42-msixvhds\packages\XmlNotepad.vhd (replace the <storage-account-name> placeholder with the name of the storage account hosting the az140-42-msixvhds file share) and click Add.
  6. On the Add MSIX package blade, specify the following settings and click Add:

    Setting Value
    MSIX image path \\<storage-account-name>\az140-42-msixvhds\XmlNotepad.vhd, where the placeholder <storage-account-name> designates the name of the storage account hosting the az140-42-msixvhds file share
    MSIX package the name generated during package creation
    Display name XML Notepad
    Registration type On-demand
    State Active

Task 4: Publish MSIX apps to an application group

Note: You will publish the MSIX app to both the remote app and the desktop app group.

  1. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, search for and select Azure Virtual Desktop and, on the Azure Virtual Desktop blade, in the vertical menu on the left side, in the Manage section, select Application groups.
  2. On the Azure Virtual Desktop | Application groups blade, select the az140-21-hp1-Utilities-RAG application group entry.
  3. On the az140-21-hp1-Utilities-RAG blade, in the vertical menu on the left side, in the Manage section, select Applications.
  4. On the az140-21-hp1-Utilities-RAG | Applications blade, click + Add.
  5. On the Add application blade, on the Basics and Icon tabs, specify the following settings and select Review + add:

    Setting Value
    Application source App Attach
    Package the name representing the package included in the image
    Application XMLNOTEPAD
    Application identifier XML Notepad
    Display name XML Notepad
    Description XML Notepad
  6. Review the configured settings, then select Add.
  7. Navigate back to the Azure Virtual Desktop | Application groups blade and select the az140-21-hp1-DAG application group entry.
  8. On the az140-21-hp1-DAG blade, in the vertical menu on the left side, in the Manage section, select Applications.
  9. On the az140-21-hp1-DAG | Applications blade, click + Add.
  10. On the Add application blade, specify the following settings and select Review + add:

    Setting Value
    Application source MSIX package
    MSIX package the name representing the package included in the image
    Application identifier XML Notepad
    Display name XML Notepad
    Description XML Notepad
  11. Review the configured settings, then select Add.

Task 5: Validate the functionality of MSIX App attach

  1. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, start Microsoft Edge, navigate to Windows Desktop client download page and, once download completes, select Open file to start its installation. On the Installation Scope page of the Remote Desktop Setup wizard, select the option Install for all users of this machine and click Install.
  2. Once the installation completes, ensure that the Launch Remote Desktop when setup exits checkbox is selected and click Finish to start the Remote Desktop client.
  3. In the Remote Desktop client window, select Subscribe and, when prompted, sign in with the aduser1 user principal name and the password you set when creating this user account.
  4. In the Remote Desktop client window, within the az140-21-ws1 section, double-click the XML Notepad icon, when prompted, provide the password, and verify that the XML Notepad launches successfully.
  5. Within the Bastion session to az140-cl-vm42, right-click Start, in the right-click menu, select Shut down or sign out and then, in the cascading menu, select Sign out.
  6. In the Disconnected dialog, select Close.

Exercise 4: Stop and deallocate Azure VMs provisioned and used in the lab

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

  1. Stop and deallocate Azure VMs provisioned and used in the lab

Note: In this exercise, you will deallocate the Azure VMs provisioned and used in this lab to minimize the corresponding compute charges

Task 1: Deallocate Azure VMs provisioned and used in the lab

  1. Switch to the lab computer and, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, open the PowerShell shell session within the Cloud Shell pane.
  2. From the PowerShell session in the Cloud Shell pane, run the following to list all Azure VMs created and used in this lab:

    Get-AzVM -ResourceGroup 'az140-21-RG'
    Get-AzVM -ResourceGroup 'az140-42-RG'
  3. From the PowerShell session in the Cloud Shell pane, run the following to stop and deallocate all Azure VMs you created and used in this lab:

    Get-AzVM -ResourceGroup 'az140-21-RG' | Stop-AzVM -NoWait -Force
    Get-AzVM -ResourceGroup 'az140-42-RG' | Stop-AzVM -NoWait -Force

    Note: The command executes asynchronously (as determined by the -NoWait parameter), so while you will be able to run another PowerShell command immediately afterwards within the same PowerShell session, it will take a few minutes before the Azure VMs are actually stopped and deallocated.