Add to an index using the push API

You want to explore how to create an Azure AI Search index and upload documents to that index using C# code.

In this exercise, you’ll clone an existing C# solution and run it to work out the optimal batch size to upload documents. You’ll then use this batch size and upload documents effectively using a threaded approach.

Note To complete this exercise, you will need a Microsoft Azure subscription. If you don’t already have one, you can sign up for a free trial at

Set up your Azure resources

To save you time, select this Azure Resource Manager template to create resources you’ll need later in the exercise:

  1. Deploy to Azure. select this link to create an Azure Cognitive Search service. A screenshot of the options shown when deploying resources to Azure.
  2. In Resource group, select Create new, name it cog-search-language-exe.
  3. In Region, select a supported region that is close to you.
  4. The Resource Prefix needs to be globally unique, enter a random numeric and lower-case character prefix, for example, acs118245.
  5. In Location, select the same region you chose above.
  6. Select Review + create.
  7. Select Create.
  8. When deployment has finished, select Go to resource group to see all the resources that you’ve created.

    A screenshot showing all of the deployed Azure resources.

Copy Azure AI Search service REST API information

  1. In the list of resources, select the search service you created. In the above example acs118245-search-service.
  2. Copy the search service name into a text file.

    A screenshot of the keys section of a search service.

  3. On the left, select Keys, then copy the Primary admin key into the same text file.

Download example code

Open your the Azure Cloud Shell by selecting the Cloud Shell button at the top of the Azure portal.

Note If you’re prompted to create an Azure Storage account select Create storage.

  1. Once it has finished starting up, clone the following example code repository by running the following in your Cloud Shell:

     git clone samples
  2. Change into the newly created directory by running:

     cd samples
  3. Then run:

     code ./optimize-data-indexing/v11
  4. This opens the code editor inside Cloud Shell at the /optimize-data-indexing/v11 folder.

    A screenshot of VS Code showing the setup notifications.

  5. In the navigation on the left, expand the OptimizeDataIndexing folder, then select the appsettings.json file.

    A screenshot showing the contents of the appsettings.json file.

  6. Paste in your search service name and primary admin key.

       "SearchServiceUri": "",
       "SearchServiceAdminApiKey": "YOUR_SEARCH_SERVICE_KEY",
       "SearchIndexName": "optimize-indexing"

    The settings file should look similar to the above.

  7. Save your change by pressing CTRL + S.
  8. Select the OptimizeDataIndexing.csproj file.
  9. On the fifth line, change <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework> to <TargetFramework>net7.0</TargetFramework>.
  10. Save your change by pressing CTRL + S.
  11. In the terminal, enter cd ./optimize-data-indexing/v11/OptimizeDataIndexing then press Enter to change into the correct directory.
  12. Select the Program.cs file. Then, in the terminal, enter dotnet run and press Enter.

    A screenshot showing the app running in VS Code with an exception. The output shows that in this case, the best performing batch size is 900 documents. As it reaches 3.688 MB per second.

Edit the code to implement threading and a backoff and retry strategy

There’s code commented out that’s ready to change the app to use threads to upload documents to the search index.

  1. Make sure you’ve selected Program.cs.

    A screenshot of VS Code showing the Program.cs file.

  2. Comment out lines 38 and 39 like this:

     //Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Finding optimal batch size...\n");
     //await TestBatchSizesAsync(searchClient, numTries: 3);
  3. Uncomment lines 41 to 49.

     long numDocuments = 100000;
     DataGenerator dg = new DataGenerator();
     List<Hotel> hotels = dg.GetHotels(numDocuments, "large");
     Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Uploading using exponential backoff...\n");
     await ExponentialBackoff.IndexDataAsync(searchClient, hotels, 1000, 8);
     Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Validating all data was indexed...\n");
     await ValidateIndexAsync(indexClient, indexName, numDocuments);

    The code that controls the batch size and number of threads is await ExponentialBackoff.IndexDataAsync(searchClient, hotels, 1000, 8). The batch size is 1000 and the threads are eight.

    A screenshot showing all the edited code. Your code should look like the above.

  4. Save your changes, press CTRL+S.
  5. Select your terminal, then press any key to end the running process if you haven’t already.
  6. Run dotnet run in the terminal.

    A screenshot showing the completed messages in the console. The app will start eight threads, and then as each thread finishes writing a new message to the console:

     Finished a thread, kicking off another...
     Sending a batch of 1000 docs starting with doc 57000...

    After 100,000 documents are uploaded, the app writes a summary (this might take a while to complete):

     Ended at: 9/1/2023 3:25:36 PM
     Upload time total: 00:01:18:0220862
     Upload time per batch: 780.2209 ms
     Upload time per document: 0.7802 ms
     Validating all data was indexed...
     Waiting for service statistics to update...
     Document Count is 100000
     Waiting for service statistics to update...
     Index Statistics: Document Count is 100000
     Index Statistics: Storage Size is 71453102

Explore the code in the TestBatchSizesAsync procedure to see how the code tests the batch size performance.

Explore the code in the IndexDataAsync procedure to see how the code manages threading.

Explore the code in the ExponentialBackoffAsync to see how the code implements an exponential backoff retry strategy.

You can search and verify that the documents have been added to the index in the Azure portal.

A screenshot showing the search index with 100000 documents.

Delete exercise resources

Now that you’ve completed the exercise, delete all the resources you no longer need. Start with the code cloned to your machine. Then delete the Azure resources.

  1. In the Azure portal, select Resource groups.
  2. Select the resource group you’ve created for this exercise.
  3. Select Delete resource group.
  4. Confirm deletion then select Delete.
  5. Select the resources you don’t need, then select Delete.