Get started with querying a Kusto database in Microsoft Fabric

A KQL Queryset is a tool that allows you to execute queries, modify, and display query results from a KQL database. You can link each tab in the KQL Queryset to a different KQL database, and save your queries for future use or share them with others for data analysis. You can also switch the KQL database for any tab, so you can compare the query results from different data sources.

In this exercise, you’ll perform the role of an analyst who’s tasked with querying a sample dataset of raw metrics NYC taxicab rides that you pull summary statistics (profiling) the data from the Fabric environment. You use KQL to query this data and gather information to gain informational insights about the data.

The KQL Queryset uses the Kusto Query language, which is compatible with many SQL functions, to create queries. To learn more about the kusto query (KQL)language.

This lab takes approximately 25 minutes to complete.

Note: You need a Microsoft Fabric trial to complete this exercise.

Create a workspace

Before working with data in Fabric, create a workspace with the Fabric trial enabled.

  1. On the Microsoft Fabric home page, select Real-Time Intelligence.
  2. In the menu bar on the left, select Workspaces (the icon looks similar to 🗇).
  3. Create a new workspace with a name of your choice, selecting a licensing mode that includes Fabric capacity (Trial, Premium, or Fabric).
  4. When your new workspace opens, it should be empty.

    Screenshot of an empty workspace in Fabric.

In this lab, you use the Real-Time Intelligence in Fabric to create a KQL database from a sample eventstream. Real-Time Intelligence conveniently provides a sample dataset that you can use to explore Real-Time Intelligences’ capabilities. You use this sample data to create KQL/SQL queries and querysets that analyze real-time data and allow for other uses in downstream processes.

Create a KQL Database

  1. Within the Real-Time Intelligence, select the KQL Database box.

    Image of choose KQL Database

  2. You’re prompted to Name the KQL Database

    Image of name KQL Database

  3. Give the KQL Database a name that you remember, such as TaxiData, press Create.

  4. In the Database details panel, select the pencil icon to turn on availability in OneLake.

    Image of enable onelake

    Then use the slider to turn on the availability.

    Image of selecting the slider in Data Lake

  5. Select sample data box from the options of Start by getting data.

    Image of selection options with sample data highlighted

    Then choose the Automotive operations analytics box from the options for sample data.

    Image of choosing analytics data for lab

  6. Once the data is finished loading, we can verify the KQL Database is populated.

    Data being loaded into the KQL Database

  7. Once the data is loaded, verify the data is loaded into the KQL database. You can accomplish this operation by selecting the ellipses to the right of the table, navigating to Query table, and selecting Show any 100 records.

    Image of selecting the top 100 files from the RawServerMetrics table

    NOTE: The first time you run this, it can take several seconds to allocate compute resources.

    Image of the 100 records from the data

Introduction to Kusto Query Language (KQL) and its syntax

Kusto Query Language (KQL) is a query language used to analyze data in Microsoft Azure Data Explorer, which is a part of the Azure Fabric. KQL is designed to be simple and intuitive, making it easy for beginners to learn and use. At the same time, it’s also highly flexible and customizable, allowing advanced users to perform complex queries and analysis.

KQL is based on a syntax similar to SQL but with some key differences. For example, KQL uses a pipe operator ( ) instead of a semicolon (;) to separate commands, and it uses a different set of functions and operators for filtering and manipulating data.

One of the key features of KQL is its ability to handle large volumes of data quickly and efficiently. This capability makes it ideal for analyzing logs, telemetry data, and other types of big data. KQL also supports a wide range of data sources, including structured and unstructured data, making it a versatile tool for data analysis.

In the context of Microsoft Fabric, KQL can be used to query and analyze data from various sources, such as application logs, performance metrics, and system events. This can help you gain insights into the health and performance of your applications and infrastructure, and identify issues and opportunities for optimization.

Overall, KQL is a powerful and flexible query language that can help you gain insights into your data quickly and easily, whether you’re working with Microsoft Fabric or other data sources. With its intuitive syntax and powerful capabilities, KQL is worth exploring further.

In this module, we focus on the basics of queries against a KQL Database using KQL first and then T-SQL. We’ll focus on the basic elements of T-SQL syntax that are used for queries including:

SELECT queries, which are used to retrieve data from one or more tables. For example, you can use a SELECT query to get the names and salaries of all employees in a company.

WHERE queries, which are used to filter the data based on certain conditions. For example, you can use a WHERE query to get the names of employees who work in a specific department or who have a salary above a certain amount.

GROUP BY queries, which are used to group the data by one or more columns and perform aggregate functions on them. For example, you can use a GROUP BY query to get the average salary of employees by department or by country.

ORDER BY queries, which are used to sort the data by one or more columns in ascending or descending order. For example, you can use an ORDER BY query to get the names of employees sorted by their salaries or by their last names.

WARNING: You cannot create Power BI Reports from querysets with T-SQL because Power BI does not support T-SQL as a data source. Power BI only supports KQL as the native query language for querysets. If you want to use T-SQL to query your data in Microsoft Fabric, you need to use the T-SQL endpoint that emulates Microsoft SQL Server and allows you to run T-SQL queries on your data. However, the T-SQL endpoint has some limitations and differences from the native SQL Server, and it does not support creating or publishing reports to Power BI.

NOTE: Besides the approach to pull up a query window shown earlier, you can always press the Explore your data button in the main KQL Database panel…

Image of the Explore your data button

SELECT data from our sample dataset using KQL

  1. In this query, we pull 100 records from the Trips table. We use the take keyword to ask the engine to return 100 records.

     | take 100

    NOTE: The Pipe | character is used for two purposes in KQL including to separate query operators in a tabular expression statement. It is also used as a logical OR operator within square or round brackets to denote that you may specify one of the items separated by the pipe character.

  2. We can be more precise by adding specific attributes we would like to query using the project keyword and then using the take keyword to tell the engine how many records to return.

    NOTE: the use of // denotes comments used within the Microsoft Fabric Explore your data query tool.

     // Use 'project' and 'take' to view a sample number of records in the table and check the data.
     | project vendor_id, trip_distance
     | take 10
  3. Another common practice in the analysis is renaming columns in our queryset to make them more user-friendly. This can be accomplished by using the new column name followed by the equals sign and the column we wish to rename.

     | project vendor_id, ["Trip Distance"] = trip_distance
     | take 10
  4. We may also want to summarize the trips to see how many miles were traveled:

     | summarize ["Total Trip Distance"] = sum(trip_distance)

GROUP BY data from our sample dataset using KQL

  1. Then we may want to group by the pickup location that we do with the summarize operator. We’re also able to use the project operator that allows us to select and rename the columns you want to include in your output. In this case, we group by borough within the NY Taxi system to provide our users with the total distance traveled from each borough.

| summarize ["Total Trip Distance"] = sum(trip_distance) by pickup_boroname
| project Borough = pickup_boroname, ["Total Trip Distance"]
  1. In this case we have a blank value, which is never good for analysis, and we can use the case function along with the isempty and the isnull functions to categorize into a Unidentified category for follow-up.

| summarize ["Total Trip Distance"] = sum(trip_distance) by pickup_boroname
| project Borough = case(isempty(pickup_boroname) or isnull(pickup_boroname), "Unidentified", pickup_boroname), ["Total Trip Distance"]

ORDER BY data from our sample dataset using KQL

To make more sense of our data, we typically order it by a column, and this process is done in KQL with either a sort by or order by operator and they act the same way.

// using the sort by operators
| summarize ["Total Trip Distance"] = sum(trip_distance) by pickup_boroname
| project Borough = case(isempty(pickup_boroname) or isnull(pickup_boroname), "Unidentified", pickup_boroname), ["Total Trip Distance"]
| sort by Borough asc 

// order by operator has the same result as sort by
| summarize ["Total Trip Distance"] = sum(trip_distance) by pickup_boroname
| project Borough = case(isempty(pickup_boroname) or isnull(pickup_boroname), "Unidentified", pickup_boroname), ["Total Trip Distance"]
| sort by Borough asc 

WHERE clause to filter data in our sample KQL Query

Unlike SQL, our WHERE clause is immediately called in our KQL Query. We can still use the and and the or logical operators within the where clause and it evaluates to true or false against the table and can be a simple or complex expression that might involve multiple columns, operators, and functions.

// let's filter our dataset immediately from the source by applying a filter directly after the table.
| where pickup_boroname == "Manhattan"
| summarize ["Total Trip Distance"] = sum(trip_distance) by pickup_boroname
| project Borough = case(isempty(pickup_boroname) or isnull(pickup_boroname), "Unidentified", pickup_boroname), ["Total Trip Distance"]
| sort by Borough asc

Use T-SQL to query summary information

KQL Database doesn’t support T-SQL natively, but it provides a T-SQL endpoint that emulates Microsoft SQL Server and allows you to run T-SQL queries on your data. However, the T-SQL endpoint has some limitations and differences from the native SQL Server. For example, it doesn’t support creating, altering, or dropping tables, or inserting, updating, or deleting data. It also doesn’t support some T-SQL functions and syntax that aren’t compatible with KQL. It was created to allow systems that didn’t support KQL to use T-SQL to query the data within a KQL Database. So, it’s recommended to use KQL as the primary query language for KQL Database, as it offers more capabilities and performance than T-SQL. You can also use some SQL functions that are supported by KQL, such as count, sum, avg, min, max, etc.

SELECT data from our sample dataset using T-SQL

  1. In this query, we pull the first 100 records from the Trips table using the TOP clause.

     // We can use the TOP clause to limit the number of records returned
     SELECT TOP 100 * from Trips
  2. If you use the // which is a comment in the Explore your data tool within the KQL database, you can’t highlight it when executing T-SQL queries, rather you should use the standard -- SQL comments notation. this double-hyphen will also tell the KQL Engine to expect T-SQL in Azure Data Explorer.

     -- instead of using the 'project' and 'take' keywords we simply use a standard SQL Query
     SELECT TOP 10 vendor_id, trip_distance
     FROM Trips
  3. Again, you can see that standard T-SQL features work fine with the query where we rename trip_distance to a more user-friendly name.

     -- No need to use the 'project' or 'take' operators as standard T-SQL Works
     SELECT TOP 10 vendor_id, trip_distance as [Trip Distance]
     from Trips
  4. We may also want to summarize the trips to see how many miles were traveled:

     Select sum(trip_distance) as [Total Trip Distance]
     from Trips

    NOTE: The use of the quotations is not necessary in T-SQL compared to the KQL query, also note the summarize and sort by commands aren’t available in T-SQL.

GROUP BY data from our sample dataset using T-SQL

  1. Then we may want to group by the pickup location that we do with the GROUP BY operator. We’re also able to use the AS operator that allows us to select and rename the columns you want to include in your output. In this case, we group by borough within the NY Taxi system to provide our users with the total distance traveled from each borough.

     SELECT pickup_boroname AS Borough, Sum(trip_distance) AS [Total Trip Distance]
     FROM Trips
     GROUP BY pickup_boroname
  2. In this case we have a blank value, which is never good for analysis, and we can use the CASE function along with the IS NULL function and the '' empty value to categorize into a Unidentified category for follow-up.

              WHEN pickup_boroname IS NULL OR pickup_boroname = '' THEN 'Unidentified'
              ELSE pickup_boroname
            END AS Borough,
            SUM(trip_distance) AS [Total Trip Distance]
     FROM Trips
                WHEN pickup_boroname IS NULL OR pickup_boroname = '' THEN 'Unidentified'
                ELSE pickup_boroname

ORDER BY data from our sample dataset using T-SQL

  1. To make more sense of our data, we typically order it by a column, and this process is done in T-SQL with an ORDER BY operator. There’s no SORT BY operator in T-SQL

     -- Group by pickup_boroname and calculate the summary statistics of trip_distance
              WHEN pickup_boroname IS NULL OR pickup_boroname = '' THEN 'unidentified'
              ELSE pickup_boroname
            END AS Borough,
            SUM(trip_distance) AS [Total Trip Distance]
     FROM Trips
                WHEN pickup_boroname IS NULL OR pickup_boroname = '' THEN 'unidentified'
                ELSE pickup_boroname
     -- Add an ORDER BY clause to sort by Borough in ascending order
     ORDER BY Borough ASC;

    ## WHERE clause to filter data in our sample T-SQL Query

  2. Unlike KQL, our WHERE clause would go at the end of the T-SQL Statement; however, in this case, we have a GROUP BY clause, which requires us to use the HAVING statement and we use the new name of the column, in this case Borough as the column name to filter from.

     -- Group by pickup_boroname and calculate the summary statistics of trip_distance
              WHEN pickup_boroname IS NULL OR pickup_boroname = '' THEN 'unidentified'
              ELSE pickup_boroname
            END AS Borough,
            SUM(trip_distance) AS [Total Trip Distance]
     FROM Trips
                WHEN pickup_boroname IS NULL OR pickup_boroname = '' THEN 'unidentified'
                ELSE pickup_boroname
     -- Add a having clause due to the GROUP BY statement
     HAVING Borough = 'Manhattan'
     -- Add an ORDER BY clause to sort by Borough in ascending order
     ORDER BY Borough ASC;

Clean up resources

In this exercise, you have created a KQL database and set up a sample dataset for querying. After that, you queried the data using KQL and SQL. When you’ve finished exploring your KQL database, you can delete the workspace you created for this exercise.

  1. In the bar on the left, select the icon for your workspace.
  2. In the … menu on the toolbar, select Workspace settings.
  3. In the General section, select Remove this workspace.