Use delta tables in Apache Spark

Tables in a Microsoft Fabric lakehouse are based on the open source Delta Lake format for Apache Spark. Delta Lake adds support for relational semantics for both batch and streaming data operations, and enables the creation of a Lakehouse architecture in which Apache Spark can be used to process and query data in tables that are based on underlying files in a data lake.

This exercise should take approximately 40 minutes to complete

Note: You need a Microsoft Fabric trial to complete this exercise.

Create a workspace

Before working with data in Fabric, create a workspace with the Fabric trial enabled.

  1. On the Microsoft Fabric home page at, select Synapse Data Engineering.
  2. In the menu bar on the left, select Workspaces (the icon looks similar to 🗇).
  3. Create a new workspace with a name of your choice, selecting a licensing mode that includes Fabric capacity (Trial, Premium, or Fabric).
  4. When your new workspace opens, it should be empty.

    Screenshot of an empty workspace in Fabric.

Create a lakehouse and upload data

Now that you have a workspace, it’s time to create a data lakehouse for the data you’re going to analyze.

  1. In the Synapse Data Engineering home page, create a new Lakehouse with a name of your choice.

    After a minute or so, a new empty lakehouse. You need to ingest some data into the data lakehouse for analysis. There are multiple ways to do this, but in this exercise you’ll simply download a text file to your local computer (or lab VM if applicable) and then upload it to your lakehouse.

  2. Download the data file for this exercise from, saving it as products.csv on your local computer (or lab VM if applicable).

  3. Return to the web browser tab containing your lakehouse, and in the … menu for the Files folder in the Explorer pane, select New subfolder and create a folder named products.

  4. In the … menu for the products folder, select Upload and Upload files, and then upload the products.csv file from your local computer (or lab VM if applicable) to the lakehouse.
  5. After the file has been uploaded, select the products folder; and verify that the products.csv file has been uploaded, as shown here:

    Screenshot of uploaded products.csv file in a lakehouse.

Explore data in a dataframe

  1. On the Home page while viewing the contents of the products folder in your datalake, in the Open notebook menu, select New notebook.

    After a few seconds, a new notebook containing a single cell will open. Notebooks are made up of one or more cells that can contain code or markdown (formatted text).

  2. Select the existing cell in the notebook, which contains some simple code, and then use its 🗑 (Delete) icon at its top-right to remove it - you will not need this code.
  3. In the Lakehouse explorer pane on the left, expand Files and select products to reveal a new pane showing the products.csv file you uploaded previously:

    Screenshot of a notebook with a Files pane.

  4. In the … menu for products.csv, select Load data > Spark. A new code cell containing the following code should be added to the notebook:

    df ="csv").option("header","true").load("Files/products/products.csv")
    # df now is a Spark DataFrame containing CSV data from "Files/products/products.csv".

    Tip: You can hide the pane containing the files on the left by using its « icon. Doing so will help you focus on the notebook.

  5. Use the â–· (Run cell) button on the left of the cell to run it.

    Note: Since this is the first time you’ve run any Spark code in this notebook, a Spark session must be started. This means that the first run can take a minute or so to complete. Subsequent runs will be quicker.

  6. When the cell command has completed, review the output below the cell, which should look similar to this:

    Index ProductID ProductName Category ListPrice
    1 771 Mountain-100 Silver, 38 Mountain Bikes 3399.9900
    2 772 Mountain-100 Silver, 42 Mountain Bikes 3399.9900
    3 773 Mountain-100 Silver, 44 Mountain Bikes 3399.9900
    … … … … …

Create delta tables

You can save the dataframe as a delta table by using the saveAsTable method. Delta Lake supports the creation of both managed and external tables.

Create a managed table

Managed tables are tables for which both the schema metadata and the data files are managed by Fabric. The data files for the table are created in the Tables folder.

  1. Under the results returned by the first code cell, use the + Code icon to add a new code cell if one doesn’t already exist.

    Tip: To see the + Code icon, move the mouse to just below and to the left of the output from the current cell. Alternatively, in the menu bar, on the Edit tab, select + Add code cell.

  2. Enter the following code in the new cell and run it:

  3. In the Lakehouse explorer pane, in the … menu for the Tables folder, select Refresh. Then expand the Tables node and verify that the managed_products table has been created.

Create an external table

You can also create external tables for which the schema metadata is defined in the metastore for the lakehouse, but the data files are stored in an external location.

  1. Add another new code cell, and add the following code to it:

    df.write.format("delta").saveAsTable("external_products", path="abfs_path/external_products")
  2. In the Lakehouse explorer pane, in the … menu for the Files folder, select Copy ABFS path.

    The ABFS path is the fully qualified path to the Files folder in the OneLake storage for your lakehouse - similar to this:


  3. In the code you entered into the code cell, replace abfs_path with the path you copied to the clipboard so that the code saves the dataframe as an external table with data files in a folder named external_products in your Files folder location. The full path should look similar to this:


  4. In the Lakehouse explorer pane, in the … menu for the Tables folder, select Refresh. Then expand the Tables node and verify that the external_products table has been created.

  5. In the Lakehouse explorer pane, in the … menu for the Files folder, select Refresh. Then expand the Files node and verify that the external_products folder has been created for the table’s data files.

Compare managed and external tables

Let’s explore the differences between managed and external tables.

  1. Add another code cell and run the following code:

    DESCRIBE FORMATTED managed_products;

    In the results, view the Location property for the table, which should be a path to the OneLake storage for the lakehouse ending with /Tables/managed_products (you may need to widen the Data type column to see the full path).

  2. Modify the DESCRIBE command to show the details of the external_products table as shown here:

    DESCRIBE FORMATTED external_products;

    In the results, view the Location property for the table, which should be a path to the OneLake storage for the lakehouse ending with /Files/external_products (you may need to widen the Data type column to see the full path).

    The files for managed table are stored in the Tables folder in the OneLake storage for the lakehouse. In this case, a folder named managed_products has been created to store the Parquet files and delta_log folder for the table you created.

  3. Add another code cell and run the following code:

    DROP TABLE managed_products;
    DROP TABLE external_products;
  4. In the Lakehouse explorer pane, in the … menu for the Tables folder, select Refresh. Then expand the Tables node and verify that no tables are listed.

  5. In the Lakehouse explorer pane, expand the Files folder and verify that the external_products has not been deleted. Select this folder to view the Parquet data files and _delta_log folder for the data that was previously in the external_products table. The table metadata for the external table was deleted, but the files were not affected.

Use SQL to create a table

  1. Add another code cell and run the following code:

    CREATE TABLE products
    LOCATION 'Files/external_products';
  2. In the Lakehouse explorer pane, in the … menu for the Tables folder, select Refresh. Then expand the Tables node and verify that a new table named products is listed. Then expand the table to verify that its schema matches the original dataframe that was saved in the external_products folder.

  3. Add another code cell and run the following code:

    SELECT * FROM products;

Explore table versioning

Transaction history for delta tables is stored in JSON files in the delta_log folder. You can use this transaction log to manage data versioning.

  1. Add a new code cell to the notebook and run the following code:

    UPDATE products
    SET ListPrice = ListPrice * 0.9
    WHERE Category = 'Mountain Bikes';

    This code implements a 10% reduction in the price for mountain bikes.

  2. Add another code cell and run the following code:

    DESCRIBE HISTORY products;

    The results show the history of transactions recorded for the table.

  3. Add another code cell and run the following code:

    delta_table_path = 'Files/external_products'
    # Get the current data
    current_data ="delta").load(delta_table_path)
    # Get the version 0 data
    original_data ="delta").option("versionAsOf", 0).load(delta_table_path)

    The results show two dataframes - one containing the data after the price reduction, and the other showing the original version of the data.

Use delta tables for streaming data

Delta lake supports streaming data. Delta tables can be a sink or a source for data streams created using the Spark Structured Streaming API. In this example, you’ll use a delta table as a sink for some streaming data in a simulated internet of things (IoT) scenario.

  1. Add a new code cell in the notebook. Then, in the new cell, add the following code and run it:

    from notebookutils import mssparkutils
    from pyspark.sql.types import *
    from pyspark.sql.functions import *
    # Create a folder
    inputPath = 'Files/data/'
    # Create a stream that reads data from the folder, using a JSON schema
    jsonSchema = StructType([
    StructField("device", StringType(), False),
    StructField("status", StringType(), False)
    iotstream = spark.readStream.schema(jsonSchema).option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 1).json(inputPath)
    # Write some event data to the folder
    device_data = '''{"device":"Dev1","status":"ok"}
    mssparkutils.fs.put(inputPath + "data.txt", device_data, True)
    print("Source stream created...")

    Ensure the message Source stream created… is printed. The code you just ran has created a streaming data source based on a folder to which some data has been saved, representing readings from hypothetical IoT devices.

  2. In a new code cell, add and run the following code:

    # Write the stream to a delta table
    delta_stream_table_path = 'Tables/iotdevicedata'
    checkpointpath = 'Files/delta/checkpoint'
    deltastream = iotstream.writeStream.format("delta").option("checkpointLocation", checkpointpath).start(delta_stream_table_path)
    print("Streaming to delta sink...")

    This code writes the streaming device data in delta format to a folder named iotdevicedata. Because the path for the folder location in the Tables folder, a table will automatically be created for it.

  3. In a new code cell, add and run the following code:

    SELECT * FROM IotDeviceData;

    This code queries the IotDeviceData table, which contains the device data from the streaming source.

  4. In a new code cell, add and run the following code:

    # Add more data to the source stream
    more_data = '''{"device":"Dev1","status":"ok"}
    mssparkutils.fs.put(inputPath + "more-data.txt", more_data, True)

    This code writes more hypothetical device data to the streaming source.

  5. Re-run the cell containing the following code:

    SELECT * FROM IotDeviceData;

    This code queries the IotDeviceData table again, which should now include the additional data that was added to the streaming source.

  6. In a new code cell, add and run the following code:


    This code stops the stream.

Clean up resources

In this exercise, you’ve learned how to work with delta tables in Microsoft Fabric.

If you’ve finished exploring your lakehouse, you can delete the workspace you created for this exercise.

  1. In the bar on the left, select the icon for your workspace to view all of the items it contains.
  2. In the … menu on the toolbar, select Workspace settings.
  3. In the General section, select Remove this workspace.