Analyze data with Apache Spark

Apache Spark is an open source engine for distributed data processing, and is widely used to explore, process, and analyze huge volumes of data in data lake storage. Spark is available as a processing option in many data platform products, including Azure HDInsight, Azure Databricks, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Microsoft Fabric. One of the benefits of Spark is support for a wide range of programming languages, including Java, Scala, Python, and SQL; making Spark a very flexible solution for data processing workloads including data cleansing and manipulation, statistical analysis and machine learning, and data analytics and visualization.

This lab will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.

Note: You need a Microsoft Fabric trial to complete this exercise.

Create a workspace

Before working with data in Fabric, create a workspace with the Fabric trial enabled.

  1. On the Microsoft Fabric home page at, select Synapse Data Engineering.
  2. In the menu bar on the left, select Workspaces (the icon looks similar to đź—‡).
  3. Create a new workspace with a name of your choice, selecting a licensing mode in the Advanced section that includes Fabric capacity (Trial, Premium, or Fabric).
  4. When your new workspace opens, it should be empty.

    Screenshot of an empty workspace in Fabric.

Create a lakehouse and upload files

Now that you have a workspace, it’s time to create a data lakehouse for the data files you’re going to analyze.

  1. In the Synapse Data Engineering home page, create a new Lakehouse with a name of your choice.

    After a minute or so, a new empty lakehouse will be created. You need to ingest some data into the data lakehouse for analysis. There are multiple ways to do this, but in this exercise you’ll simply download and extract a folder of text files your local computer (or lab VM if applicable) and then upload them to your lakehouse.

  2. Download and extract the data files for this exercise from

  3. After extracting the zipped archive, verify that you have a folder named orders that contains CSV files named 2019.csv, 2020.csv, and 2021.csv.
  4. Return to the web browser tab containing your lakehouse, and in the … menu for the Files folder in the Explorer pane, select Upload and Upload folder, and then upload the orders folder from your local computer (or lab VM if applicable) to the lakehouse.
  5. After the files have been uploaded, expand Files and select the orders folder; and verify that the CSV files have been uploaded, as shown here:

    Screenshot of uploaded files in a lakehouse.

Create a notebook

To work with data in Apache Spark, you can create a notebook. Notebooks provide an interactive environment in which you can write and run code (in multiple languages), and add notes to document it.

  1. On the Home page while viewing the contents of the orders folder in your datalake, in the Open notebook menu, select New notebook.

    After a few seconds, a new notebook containing a single cell will open. Notebooks are made up of one or more cells that can contain code or markdown (formatted text).

  2. Select the first cell (which is currently a code cell), and then in the dynamic tool bar at its top-right, use the M↓ button to convert the cell to a markdown cell.

    When the cell changes to a markdown cell, the text it contains is rendered.

  3. Use the đź–‰ (Edit) button to switch the cell to editing mode, then modify the markdown as follows:

    # Sales order data exploration
    Use the code in this notebook to explore sales order data.
  4. Click anywhere in the notebook outside of the cell to stop editing it and see the rendered markdown.

Load data into a dataframe

Now you’re ready to run code that loads the data into a dataframe. Dataframes in Spark are similar to Pandas dataframes in Python, and provide a common structure for working with data in rows and columns.

Note: Spark supports multiple coding languages, including Scala, Java, and others. In this exercise, we’ll use PySpark, which is a Spark-optimized variant of Python. PySpark is one of the most commonly used languages on Spark and is the default language in Fabric notebooks.

  1. With the notebook visible, in the Explorer pane, expand Lakehouses and then expand the Files list for your lakehouse and select the orders folder so that the CSV files are listed next to the notebook editor, like this:

    Screenshot of a notebook with a Files pane.

  2. In the … menu for 2019.csv, select Load data > Spark. A new code cell containing the following code should be added to the notebook:

    df ="csv").option("header","true").load("Files/orders/2019.csv")
    # df now is a Spark DataFrame containing CSV data from "Files/orders/2019.csv".

    Tip: You can hide the Lakehouse explorer panes on the left by using their « icons. Doing so will help you focus on the notebook.

  3. Use the â–· Run cell button on the left of the cell to run it.

    Note: Since this is the first time you’ve run any Spark code, a Spark session must be started. This means that the first run in the session can take a minute or so to complete. Subsequent runs will be quicker.

  4. When the cell command has completed, review the output below the cell, which should look similar to this:

    Index SO43701 11 2019-07-01 Christy Zhu Mountain-100 Silver, 44 16 3399.99 271.9992
    1 SO43704 1 2019-07-01 Julio Ruiz Mountain-100 Black, 48 1 3374.99 269.9992
    2 SO43705 1 2019-07-01 Curtis Lu Mountain-100 Silver, 38 1 3399.99 271.9992
    … … … … … … … … … …

    The output shows the rows and columns of data from the 2019.csv file. However, note that the column headers don’t look right. The default code used to load the data into a dataframe assumes that the CSV file includes the column names in the first row, but in this case the CSV file just includes the data with no header information.

  5. Modify the code to set the header option to false as follows:

    df ="csv").option("header","false").load("Files/orders/2019.csv")
    # df now is a Spark DataFrame containing CSV data from "Files/orders/2019.csv".
  6. Re-run the cell and review the output, which should look similar to this:

    Index _c0 _c1 _c2 _c3 _c4 _c5 _c6 _c7 _c8
    1 SO43701 11 2019-07-01 Christy Zhu Mountain-100 Silver, 44 16 3399.99 271.9992
    2 SO43704 1 2019-07-01 Julio Ruiz Mountain-100 Black, 48 1 3374.99 269.9992
    3 SO43705 1 2019-07-01 Curtis Lu Mountain-100 Silver, 38 1 3399.99 271.9992
    … … … … … … … … … …

    Now the dataframe correctly includes first row as data values, but the column names are auto-generated and not very helpful. To make sense of the data, you need to explicitly define the correct schema and data type for the data values in the file.

  7. Modify the code as follows to define a schema and apply it when loading the data:

    from pyspark.sql.types import *
    orderSchema = StructType([
        StructField("SalesOrderNumber", StringType()),
        StructField("SalesOrderLineNumber", IntegerType()),
        StructField("OrderDate", DateType()),
        StructField("CustomerName", StringType()),
        StructField("Email", StringType()),
        StructField("Item", StringType()),
        StructField("Quantity", IntegerType()),
        StructField("UnitPrice", FloatType()),
        StructField("Tax", FloatType())
    df ="csv").schema(orderSchema).load("Files/orders/2019.csv")
  8. Run the modified cell and review the output, which should look similar to this:

    Index SalesOrderNumber SalesOrderLineNumber OrderDate CustomerName Email Item Quantity UnitPrice Tax
    1 SO43701 11 2019-07-01 Christy Zhu Mountain-100 Silver, 44 16 3399.99 271.9992
    2 SO43704 1 2019-07-01 Julio Ruiz Mountain-100 Black, 48 1 3374.99 269.9992
    3 SO43705 1 2019-07-01 Curtis Lu Mountain-100 Silver, 38 1 3399.99 271.9992
    … … … … … … … … … …

    Now the dataframe includes the correct column names (in addition to the Index, which is a built-in column in all dataframes based on the ordinal position of each row). The data types of the columns are specified using a standard set of types defined in the Spark SQL library, which were imported at the beginning of the cell.

  9. The dataframe includes only the data from the 2019.csv file. Modify the code so that the file path uses a * wildcard to read the sales order data from all of the files in the orders folder:

    from pyspark.sql.types import *
    orderSchema = StructType([
        StructField("SalesOrderNumber", StringType()),
        StructField("SalesOrderLineNumber", IntegerType()),
        StructField("OrderDate", DateType()),
        StructField("CustomerName", StringType()),
        StructField("Email", StringType()),
        StructField("Item", StringType()),
        StructField("Quantity", IntegerType()),
        StructField("UnitPrice", FloatType()),
        StructField("Tax", FloatType())
    df ="csv").schema(orderSchema).load("Files/orders/*.csv")
  10. Run the modified code cell and review the output, which should now include sales for 2019, 2020, and 2021.

    Note: Only a subset of the rows is displayed, so you may not be able to see examples from all years.

Explore data in a dataframe

The dataframe object includes a wide range of functions that you can use to filter, group, and otherwise manipulate the data it contains.

Filter a dataframe

  1. Add a new code cell by using the + Code link that appears when you move the mouse under the left side of the current cell’s output (or on the menu bar, on the Edit tab, select + Add code cell). Then enter the following code in it.

    customers = df['CustomerName', 'Email']
  2. Run the new code cell, and review the results. Observe the following details:
    • When you perform an operation on a dataframe, the result is a new dataframe (in this case, a new customers dataframe is created by selecting a specific subset of columns from the df dataframe)
    • Dataframes provide functions such as count and distinct that can be used to summarize and filter the data they contain.
    • The dataframe['Field1', 'Field2', ...] syntax is a shorthand way of defining a subset of columns. You can also use select method, so the first line of the code above could be written as customers ="CustomerName", "Email")
  3. Modify the code as follows:

    customers ="CustomerName", "Email").where(df['Item']=='Road-250 Red, 52')
  4. Run the modified code to view the customers who have purchased the Road-250 Red, 52 product. Note that you can “chain” multiple functions together so that the output of one function becomes the input for the next - in this case, the dataframe created by the select method is the source dataframe for the where method that is used to apply filtering criteria.

Aggregate and group data in a dataframe

  1. Add a new code cell to the notebook, and enter the following code in it:

    productSales ="Item", "Quantity").groupBy("Item").sum()
  2. Run the code cell you added, and note that the results show the sum of order quantities grouped by product. The groupBy method groups the rows by Item, and the subsequent sum aggregate function is applied to all of the remaining numeric columns (in this case, Quantity)

  3. Add another new code cell to the notebook, and enter the following code in it:

    from pyspark.sql.functions import *
    yearlySales ="OrderDate")).alias("Year")).groupBy("Year").count().orderBy("Year")
  4. Run the code cell you added, and note that the results show the number of sales orders per year. Note that the select method includes a SQL year function to extract the year component of the OrderDate field (which is why the code includes an import statement to import functions from the Spark SQL library). It then uses an alias method to assign a column name to the extracted year value. The data is then grouped by the derived Year column and the count of rows in each group is calculated before finally the orderBy method is used to sort the resulting dataframe.

Use Spark to transform data files

A common task for data engineers is to ingest data in a particular format or structure, and transform it for further downstream processing or analysis.

Use dataframe methods and functions to transform data

  1. Add another new code cell to the notebook, and enter the following code in it:

    from pyspark.sql.functions import *
    ## Create Year and Month columns
    transformed_df = df.withColumn("Year", year(col("OrderDate"))).withColumn("Month", month(col("OrderDate")))
    # Create the new FirstName and LastName fields
    transformed_df = transformed_df.withColumn("FirstName", split(col("CustomerName"), " ").getItem(0)).withColumn("LastName", split(col("CustomerName"), " ").getItem(1))
    # Filter and reorder columns
    transformed_df = transformed_df["SalesOrderNumber", "SalesOrderLineNumber", "OrderDate", "Year", "Month", "FirstName", "LastName", "Email", "Item", "Quantity", "UnitPrice", "Tax"]
    # Display the first five orders
  2. Run the code to create a new dataframe from the original order data with the following transformations:
    • Add Year and Month columns based on the OrderDate column.
    • Add FirstName and LastName columns based on the CustomerName column.
    • Filter and reorder the columns, removing the CustomerName column.
  3. Review the output and verify that the transformations have been made to the data.

    You can use the full power of the Spark SQL library to transform the data by filtering rows, deriving, removing, renaming columns, and applying any other required data modifications.

    Tip: See the Spark dataframe documentation to learn more about the methods of the Dataframe object.

Save the transformed data

  1. Add a new cell with the following code to save the transformed dataframe in Parquet format (Overwriting the data if it already exists):

    print ("Transformed data saved!")

    Note: Commonly, Parquet format is preferred for data files that you will use for further analysis or ingestion into an analytical store. Parquet is a very efficient format that is supported by most large scale data analytics systems. In fact, sometimes your data transformation requirement may simply be to convert data from another format (such as CSV) to Parquet!

  2. Run the cell and wait for the message that the data has been saved. Then, in the Lakehouses pane on the left, in the … menu for the Files node, select Refresh; and select the transformed_data folder to verify that it contains a new folder named orders, which in turn contains one or more Parquet files.

    Screenshot of a folder containing parquet files.

  3. Add a new cell with the following code to load a new dataframe from the parquet files in the transformed_data/orders folder:

    orders_df ="parquet").load("Files/transformed_data/orders")
  4. Run the cell and verify that the results show the order data that has been loaded from the parquet files.

Save data in partitioned files

  1. Add a new cell with the following code; which saves the dataframe, partitioning the data by Year and Month:

    print ("Transformed data saved!")
  2. Run the cell and wait for the message that the data has been saved. Then, in the Lakehouses pane on the left, in the … menu for the Files node, select Refresh; and expand the partitioned_orders folder to verify that it contains a hierarchy of folders named Year=xxxx, each containing folders named Month=xxxx. Each month folder contains a parquet file with the orders for that month.

    Screenshot of a hierarchy of partitioned data files.

    Partitioning data files is a common way to optimize performance when dealing with large volumes of data. This technique can significantly improve performance and make it easier to filter data.

  3. Add a new cell with the following code to load a new dataframe from the orders.parquet file:

    orders_2021_df ="parquet").load("Files/partitioned_data/Year=2021/Month=*")
  4. Run the cell and verify that the results show the order data for sales in 2021. Note that the partitioning columns specified in the path (Year and Month) are not included in the dataframe.

Work with tables and SQL

As you’ve seen, the native methods of the dataframe object enable you to query and analyze data from a file quite effectively. However, many data analysts are more comfortable working with tables that they can query using SQL syntax. Spark provides a metastore in which you can define relational tables. The Spark SQL library that provides the dataframe object also supports the use of SQL statements to query tables in the metastore. By using these capabilities of Spark, you can combine the flexibility of a data lake with the structured data schema and SQL-based queries of a relational data warehouse - hence the term “data lakehouse”.

Create a table

Tables in a Spark metastore are relational abstractions over files in the data lake. tables can be managed (in which case the files are managed by the metastore) or external (in which case the table references a file location in the data lake that you manage independently of the metastore).

  1. Add a new code cell to the notebook, and enter the following code, which saves the dataframe of sales order data as a table named salesorders:

    # Create a new table
    # Get the table description
    spark.sql("DESCRIBE EXTENDED salesorders").show(truncate=False)

    Note: It’s worth noting a couple of things about this example. Firstly, no explicit path is provided, so the files for the table will be managed by the metastore. Secondly, the table is saved in delta format. You can create tables based on multiple file formats (including CSV, Parquet, Avro, and others) but delta lake is a Spark technology that adds relational database capabilities to tables; including support for transactions, row versioning, and other useful features. Creating tables in delta format is preferred for data lakehouses in Fabric.

  2. Run the code cell and review the output, which describes the definition of the new table.

  3. In the Lakehouses pane, in the … menu for the Tables folder, select Refresh. Then expand the Tables node and verify that the salesorders table has been created.

    Screenshot of the salesorder table in Explorer.

  4. In the … menu for the salesorders table, select Load data > Spark.

    A new code cell containing code similar to the following example is added to the notebook:

    df = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM [your_lakehouse].salesorders LIMIT 1000")
  5. Run the new code, which uses the Spark SQL library to embed a SQL query against the salesorder table in PySpark code and load the results of the query into a dataframe.

Run SQL code in a cell

While it’s useful to be able to embed SQL statements into a cell containing PySpark code, data analysts often just want to work directly in SQL.

  1. Add a new code cell to the notebook, and enter the following code in it:

    SELECT YEAR(OrderDate) AS OrderYear,
           SUM((UnitPrice * Quantity) + Tax) AS GrossRevenue
    FROM salesorders
    GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate)
    ORDER BY OrderYear;
  2. Run the cell and review the results. Observe that:

    • The %%sql line at the beginning of the cell (called a magic) indicates that the Spark SQL language runtime should be used to run the code in this cell instead of PySpark.
    • The SQL code references the salesorders table that you created previously.
    • The output from the SQL query is automatically displayed as the result under the cell.

Note: For more information about Spark SQL and dataframes, see the Spark SQL documentation.

Visualize data with Spark

A picture is proverbially worth a thousand words, and a chart is often better than a thousand rows of data. While notebooks in Fabric include a built in chart view for data that is displayed from a dataframe or Spark SQL query, it is not designed for comprehensive charting. However, you can use Python graphics libraries like matplotlib and seaborn to create charts from data in dataframes.

View results as a chart

  1. Add a new code cell to the notebook, and enter the following code in it:

    SELECT * FROM salesorders
  2. Run the code and observe that it returns the data from the salesorders view you created previously.
  3. In the results section beneath the cell, change the View option from Table to Chart.
  4. Use the Customize chart button at the top right of the chart to display the options pane for the chart. Then set the options as follows and select Apply:
    • Chart type: Bar chart
    • Key: Item
    • Values: Quantity
    • Series Group: leave blank
    • Aggregation: Sum
    • Stacked: Unselected
  5. Verify that the chart looks similar to this:

    Screenshot of a bar chart of products by total order quantiies

Get started with matplotlib

  1. Add a new code cell to the notebook, and enter the following code in it:

    sqlQuery = "SELECT CAST(YEAR(OrderDate) AS CHAR(4)) AS OrderYear, \
                    SUM((UnitPrice * Quantity) + Tax) AS GrossRevenue \
                FROM salesorders \
                GROUP BY CAST(YEAR(OrderDate) AS CHAR(4)) \
                ORDER BY OrderYear"
    df_spark = spark.sql(sqlQuery)
  2. Run the code and observe that it returns a Spark dataframe containing the yearly revenue.

    To visualize the data as a chart, we’ll start by using the matplotlib Python library. This library is the core plotting library on which many others are based, and provides a great deal of flexibility in creating charts.

  3. Add a new code cell to the notebook, and add the following code to it:

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    # matplotlib requires a Pandas dataframe, not a Spark one
    df_sales = df_spark.toPandas()
    # Create a bar plot of revenue by year['OrderYear'], height=df_sales['GrossRevenue'])
    # Display the plot
  4. Run the cell and review the results, which consist of a column chart with the total gross revenue for each year. Note the following features of the code used to produce this chart:
    • The matplotlib library requires a Pandas dataframe, so you need to convert the Spark dataframe returned by the Spark SQL query to this format.
    • At the core of the matplotlib library is the pyplot object. This is the foundation for most plotting functionality.
    • The default settings result in a usable chart, but there’s considerable scope to customize it
  5. Modify the code to plot the chart as follows:

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    # Clear the plot area
    # Create a bar plot of revenue by year['OrderYear'], height=df_sales['GrossRevenue'], color='orange')
    # Customize the chart
    plt.title('Revenue by Year')
    plt.grid(color='#95a5a6', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, axis='y', alpha=0.7)
    # Show the figure
  6. Re-run the code cell and view the results. The chart now includes a little more information.

    A plot is technically contained with a Figure. In the previous examples, the figure was created implicitly for you; but you can create it explicitly.

  7. Modify the code to plot the chart as follows:

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    # Clear the plot area
    # Create a Figure
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,3))
    # Create a bar plot of revenue by year['OrderYear'], height=df_sales['GrossRevenue'], color='orange')
    # Customize the chart
    plt.title('Revenue by Year')
    plt.grid(color='#95a5a6', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, axis='y', alpha=0.7)
    # Show the figure
  8. Re-run the code cell and view the results. The figure determines the shape and size of the plot.

    A figure can contain multiple subplots, each on its own axis.

  9. Modify the code to plot the chart as follows:

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    # Clear the plot area
    # Create a figure for 2 subplots (1 row, 2 columns)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (10,4))
    # Create a bar plot of revenue by year on the first axis
    ax[0].bar(x=df_sales['OrderYear'], height=df_sales['GrossRevenue'], color='orange')
    ax[0].set_title('Revenue by Year')
    # Create a pie chart of yearly order counts on the second axis
    yearly_counts = df_sales['OrderYear'].value_counts()
    ax[1].set_title('Orders per Year')
    # Add a title to the Figure
    fig.suptitle('Sales Data')
    # Show the figure
  10. Re-run the code cell and view the results. The figure contains the subplots specified in the code.

Note: To learn more about plotting with matplotlib, see the matplotlib documentation.

Use the seaborn library

While matplotlib enables you to create complex charts of multiple types, it can require some complex code to achieve the best results. For this reason, over the years, many new libraries have been built on the base of matplotlib to abstract its complexity and enhance its capabilities. One such library is seaborn.

  1. Add a new code cell to the notebook, and enter the following code in it:

    import seaborn as sns
    # Clear the plot area
    # Create a bar chart
    ax = sns.barplot(x="OrderYear", y="GrossRevenue", data=df_sales)
  2. Run the code and observe that it displays a bar chart using the seaborn library.
  3. Modify the code as follows:

    import seaborn as sns
    # Clear the plot area
    # Set the visual theme for seaborn
    # Create a bar chart
    ax = sns.barplot(x="OrderYear", y="GrossRevenue", data=df_sales)
  4. Run the modified code and note that seaborn enables you to set a consistent color theme for your plots.

  5. Modify the code again as follows:

    import seaborn as sns
    # Clear the plot area
    # Create a line chart
    ax = sns.lineplot(x="OrderYear", y="GrossRevenue", data=df_sales)
  6. Run the modified code to view the yearly revenue as a line chart.

Note: To learn more about plotting with seaborn, see the seaborn documentation.

Save the notebook and end the Spark session

Now that you’ve finished working with the data, you can save the notebook with a meaningful name and end the Spark session.

  1. In the notebook menu bar, use the ⚙️ Settings icon to view the notebook settings.
  2. Set the Name of the notebook to Explore Sales Orders, and then close the settings pane.
  3. On the notebook menu, select Stop session to end the Spark session.

Clean up resources

In this exercise, you’ve learned how to use Spark to work with data in Microsoft Fabric.

If you’ve finished exploring your lakehouse, you can delete the workspace you created for this exercise.

  1. In the bar on the left, select the icon for your workspace to view all of the items it contains.
  2. In the … menu on the toolbar, select Workspace settings.
  3. In the General section, select Remove this workspace.