Create copilot actions
In this lab, you will:
- Create copilot actions
What you will learn
- How to add use Power Automate to access data in Microsoft Dataverse
High-level lab steps
- Create a Power Automate cloud flow to retrieve Dataverse data with a copilot action
- Create a Power Automate cloud flow to create Dataverse data with a copilot action
- Must have completed Lab: Work with entities
Detailed steps
Exercise 1 - Create Copilot action to retrieve data from Dataverse
Microsoft Copilot Studio can access data in Microsoft Dataverse using Power Automate cloud flows.
Task 1.1 - Create Power Automate flow to retrieve a property
Navigate to the Microsoft Copilot Studio portal
and ensure you are in the appropriate environment. -
Select Copilots from the left navigation pane.
Select the Real Estate Booking Service you created in the earlier lab.
Select the Actions tab.
Select + Add an action.
Select the Flow filter, then select Create a new flow.
Sign in to Power Automate if prompted.
Select Run a flow from Copilot in the top-left of the screen and enter
Get Property
as the flow name. -
Select the trigger step Run a flow from Copilot and select + Add an input.
Select Text.
for Input andNumber of Bedrooms
for Please enter your input. -
Select the + icon between the two steps in the flow and select Add an action.
in the Search field and select See more for the Microsoft Dataverse connector. -
Select the List rows action.
If prompted for authentication, select OAuth and select Sign in.
Note: If you see a ‘Failed to create OAuth connection’ error, you may need to allow popups in your browser.
Select Real Estate Properties for table name.
contoso_bedrooms eq
(with a space after eq) in the Filter Rows field. -
With the Filter Rows field still selected, select the lightning icon to its right, then select the Bedrooms parameter.
In the main Power Automate pane, select the Respond to Copilot action and select + Add an output.
Select Text.
for Enter a name -
Select the Enter a value to respond with field, and select fx (Insert Expression).
Enter the following expression into the top field:
Select Add.
Select + Add an output.
Select Text.
for Enter a name. -
Select the Enter a value to respond with field, and select fx (Insert Expression).
Enter the following expression:
Select Add.
Select the Settings tab in the Respond to Copilot pane.
Ensure that Asynchronous Response is set to Off.
Select Save near the upper-right of the page.
Wait for the save to complete, then close the Power Automate tab.
Task 1.2 - Add a Copilot action to retrieve a property
Select Refresh from the Copilot Studio dialog box to see the new Flow.
Select the Get Property flow.
Select Next.
Select Next.
Select Finish.
Task 1.3 - Add the Get Property Copilot action to the topic
Select the Topics tab.
Select the Book a Real Estate Showing topic.
Select the the + icon below the How many bedrooms do you need question? node, select Call an action, then select the Get Property flow.
Select the NumberofBedrooms variable for the Bedrooms input parameter.
Select the three dots in the Which property do you want to see? node and select Delete.
Select the the + icon under the Action node and select Send a message.
In the Enter a message field, enter
(with a space following it). -
In the same node, select the {X} (Insert variable) icon and select the PropertyName variable.
Select Save.
Exercise 2 - Create Copilot action to create data in Dataverse
Microsoft Copilot Studio can ceate data in Microsoft Dataverse using Power Automate cloud flows.
Task 2.1 - Create Power Automate flow to make a booking
Select the Actions tab in Real Estate Booking Service.
Select + Add an action.
Scroll down and select Create a new flow.
Select Run a flow from Copilot in the top-left of the screen and enter
Create Booking Request
as the flow name. -
Select the trigger step Run a flow from Copilot and select + Add an input.
Select Text.
for Input andProperty
for Please enter your input. -
Select + Add an input.
Select Text.
for Input andViewer Name
for Please enter your input. -
Select + Add an input.
Select Text.
for Input andViewer Email
for Please enter your input. -
Select the + icon between the two steps in the flow and select Add an action.
in the Search field and select See more for the Microsoft Dataverse connector. -
Select the Add a new row action.
Select Booking Requests for table name.
Copilot booking
in the Booking Name field. -
Select Show all under Advanced parameters.
in the Property (Real Estate Properties) field, move the cursor within the parentheses, select the lightning icon, then select the PropertyId parameter. -
Select the Viewer Email field, select the lightning icon, then select the ViewerEmail parameter.
Select the Viewer Name field, select the lightning icon, then select the ViewerName parameter.
Select the Respond to Copilot action.
Select the Settings tab.
Ensure that Asynchronous Response is set to Off.
Select Save in the upper-right of the window.
Wait for the save to complete, then close the Power Automate tab.
Task 2.2 - Add a Copilot action to create a booking request
Select Refresh from the Copilot Studio dialog box to see the new Flow.
Select the Create Booking Request flow.
Select Next.
Select Next.
Select Finish.
Task 2.3 - Add the Create Booking Request Copilot action to the topic
Select the Topics tab.
Select the Book a Real Estate Showing topic.
Select the the + icon below the What date and time do you want to see the property? node, select Call an action, then select the Create Booking Request flow.
Select the PropertyId variable for the PropertyId input parameter.
Select the Name variable for the ViewerName input parameter.
Select the EmailAddress variable for the ViewerEmail input parameter.
Select the the + icon below the new Action node, select Topic management, select Go to another topic and select End of Conversation.
Select Save.
Select Publish and select Publish again.
Exercise 3 - Test the copilot actions
Task 3.1 - Make a booking request
If closed, select the Test button in the upper-right of the screen to open the testing panel.
Select the three dots at the top of the testing panel in the upper-right of the screen.
If it’s not enabled, enable Track between topics.
Select the Start a new conversation icon at the top of the testing panel.
When the Conversation Start message appears, your copilot will start a conversation. In response, enter a trigger phrase for the topic that you’ve created:
I want to book a real estate showing
Enter the following information:
Name: <Your name> Email address: <Your email address>
After you supply the information, an Adaptive Card displays the information that you entered and asks if the details are correct. Select Yes.
Select House for the type of property prompt.
for the number of bedrooms prompts. -
Tomorrow 2:00 PM
to the What date and time do you want to see the property? prompt. -
Select Yes to the Did that answer your question? prompt.
Select any rating.
Select No to the Can I help with anything else? prompt.
Task 3.2 - Verify the booking request
If it’s not still open, navigate to
in a new tab. -
Make sure you are in the appropriate environment.
Select Play on the Real Estate Property Management Model-Driven App.
In the left navigation, select Booking Requests.