Import Dataverse solution

In this exercise, you’ll import a Dataverse solution to use for the following labs.

Note: This exercise assumes you already have a Copilot Studio license or have signed up for a free trial and have a Power Apps environment to work in.

Exercise 1 – Import solution

In this exercise, you will import a Dataverse solution into your environment that contains the tables needed for the labs.

Task 1.1 – Sign in to Power Apps

  1. In a new browser tab, navigate to

  2. If prompted for credentials, sign in with your email address and password if prompted.

  3. If prompted for contact information, set the Country/region and select Get Started.

  4. In the upper-right of the screen, verify that the Environment is set to your environment. This is where you will be working for the entirety of the labs. If it is not, select the appropriate environment.

Task 1.2 – Download solution

  1. Go to in GitHub. The file is located at

  2. Select the ellipses (…) near the top-right and select Download.

Task 1.3 – Import solution

  1. Go to

  2. Make sure you are in the appropriate environment.

  3. In the left navigation, select Solutions.

  4. In the top bar, select Import solution.

  5. Select Browse and locate the file and select Open.

    Solution to import.

  6. Select Next.

  7. Select Import.

    The solution will import in the background. This may take a few minutes.

    Solution imported.

    Alert: Wait until the solution has finished importing before continuing to the next step.

  8. When the solution has imported successfully, open the Bookings solution.

  9. In the left navigation, select the Overview tab.

    Solution Overview tab.

  10. Select Publish all customizations.

Task 1.4 – Test data

  1. In the left navigation of the Bookings solution, select the Objects tab.

  2. Select the ellipsis … menu for the Real Estate Property Management Model-Driven App, and select Play.


  3. Select + New.

  4. Enter the following data:

    • Property Name: 1100 High Villas
    • Asking Price: 250,000
    • Street: Main Avenue
    • City: Redmond
    • Bedrooms: 3
    • Bathrooms: 2


  5. Select Save & Close.

  6. Select + New.

  7. Enter the following data:

    • Property Name: 555 Oak Lane
    • Asking Price: 300,000
    • Street: Oak Lane
    • City: Denver
    • Bedrooms: 4
    • Bathrooms: 3


  8. Select Save & Close.