Custom text classification
Azure AI Language provides several NLP capabilities, including the key phrase identification, text summarization, and sentiment analysis. The Language service also provides custom features like custom question answering and custom text classification.
To test the custom text classification of the Azure AI Language service, we’ll configure the model using Language Studio then use a small command-line application that runs in the Cloud Shell to test it. The same pattern and functionality used here can be followed for real-world applications.
Provision an Azure AI Language resource
If you don’t already have one in your subscription, you’ll need to provision an Azure AI Language service resource. Additionally, use custom text classification, you need to enable the Custom text classification & extraction feature.
- In a browser, open the Azure portal at
, and sign in with your Microsoft account. - Select the search field at the top of the portal, search for
Azure AI services
, and create a Language Service resource. - Select the box that includes Custom text classification. Then select Continue to create your resource.
- Create a resource with the following settings:
- Subscription: Your Azure subscription.
- Resource group: Select or create a resource group.
- Region: Choose from one of the following regions*
- Australia East
- Central India
- East US
- East US 2
- North Europe
- South Central US
- Switzerland North
- UK South
- West Europe
- West US 2
- West US 3
- Name: Enter a unique name.
- Pricing tier: Select F0 (free), or S (standard) if F is not available.
- Storage account: New storage account
- Storage account name: Enter a unique name.
- Storage account type: Standard LRS
- Responsible AI notice: Selected.
- Select Review + create, then select Create to provision the resource.
- Wait for deployment to complete, and then go to the deployed resource.
- View the Keys and Endpoint page. You will need the information on this page later in the exercise.
Roles for your user
NOTE: If you skip this step, you’ll have a 403 error when trying to connect to your custom project. It’s important that your current user has this role to access storage account blob data, even if you’re the owner of the storage account.**
- Go to your storage account page in the Azure portal.
- Select Access Control (IAM) in the left navigation menu.
- Select Add to Add Role Assignments, and choose the Storage Blob Data Contributor role on the storage account.
- Within Assign access to, select User, group, or service principal.
- Select Select members.
- Select your User. You can search for user names in the Select field.
Upload sample articles
Once you’ve created the Azure AI Language service and storage account, you’ll need to upload example articles to train your model later.
In a new browser tab, download sample articles from
and extract the files to a folder of your choice. -
In the Azure portal, navigate to the storage account you created, and select it.
In your storage account select Configuration, located below Settings. In the Configuration screen enable the option to Allow Blob anonymous access then select Save.
Select Containers in the left menu, located below Data storage. On the screen that appears, select + Container. Give the container the name
, and set Anonymous access level to Container (anonymous read access for containers and blobs).NOTE: When you configure a storage account for a real solution, be careful to assign the appropriate access level. To learn more about each access level, see the Azure Storage documentation.
After you’ve created the container, select it then select the Upload button. Select Browse for files to browse for the sample articles you downloaded. Then select Upload.
Create a custom text classification project
After configuration is complete, create a custom text classification project. This project provides a working place to build, train, and deploy your model.
NOTE: This lab utilizes Language Studio, but you can also create, build, train, and deploy your model through the REST API.
- In a new browser tab, open the Azure AI Language Studio portal at
and sign in using the Microsoft account associated with your Azure subscription. -
If prompted to choose a Language resource, select the following settings:
- Azure Directory: The Azure directory containing your subscription.
- Azure subscription: Your Azure subscription.
- Resource type: Language.
- Language resource: The Azure AI Language resource you created previously.
If you are not prompted to choose a language resource, it may be because you have multiple Language resources in your subscription; in which case:
- On the bar at the top if the page, select the Settings (⚙) button.
- On the Settings page, view the Resources tab.
- Select the language resource you just created, and click Switch resource.
- At the top of the page, click Language Studio to return to the Language Studio home page
- At the top of the portal, in the Create new menu, select Custom text classification.
- The Connect storage page appears. All values will already have been filled. So select Next.
- On the Select project type page, select Single label classification. Then select Next.
- On the Enter basic information pane, set the following:
- Name:
- Text primary language: English (US)
- Description:
Custom text lab
- Name:
- Select Next.
- On the Choose container page, set the Blob store container dropdown to your articles container.
- Select the No, I need to label my files as part of this project option. Then select Next.
- Select Create project.
Tip: If you get an error about not being authorized to perform this operation, you’ll need to add a role assignment. To fix this, we add the role “Storage Blob Data Contributor” on the storage account for the user running the lab. More details can be found on the documentation page
Label your data
Now that your project is created, you need to label, or tag, your data to train your model how to classify text.
- On the left, select Data labeling, if not already selected. You’ll see a list of the files you uploaded to your storage account.
On the right side, in the Activity pane, select + Add class. The articles in this lab fall into four classes you’ll need to create:
, andEntertainment
. - After you’ve created your four classes, select Article 1 to start. Here you can read the article, define which class this file is, and which dataset (training or testing) to assign it to.
Assign each article the appropriate class and dataset (training or testing) using the Activity pane on the right. You can select a label from the list of labels on the right, and set each article to training or testing using the options at the bottom of the Activity pane. You select Next document to move to the next document. For the purposes of this lab, we’ll define which are to be used for training the model and testing the model:
Article Class Dataset Article 1 Sports Training Article 10 News Training Article 11 Entertainment Testing Article 12 News Testing Article 13 Sports Testing Article 2 Sports Training Article 3 Classifieds Training Article 4 Classifieds Training Article 5 Entertainment Training Article 6 Entertainment Training Article 7 News Training Article 8 News Training Article 9 Entertainment Training NOTE Files in Language Studio are listed alphabetically, which is why the above list is not in sequential order. Make sure you visit both pages of documents when labeling your articles.
- Select Save labels to save your labels.
Train your model
After you’ve labeled your data, you need to train your model.
- Select Training jobs on the left side menu.
- Select Start a training job.
- Train a new model named
. -
Select Use a manual split of training and testing data.
TIP In your own classification projects, the Azure AI Language service will automatically split the testing set by percentage which is useful with a large dataset. With smaller datasets, it’s important to train with the right class distribution.
- Select Train
IMPORTANT Training your model can sometimes take several minutes. You’ll get a notification when it’s complete.
Evaluate your model
In real world applications of text classification, it’s important to evaluate and improve your model to verify it’s performing as you expect.
- Select Model performance, and select your ClassifyArticles model. There you can see the scoring of your model, performance metrics, and when it was trained. If the scoring of your model isn’t 100%, it means that one of the documents used for testing didn’t evaluate to what it was labeled. These failures can help you understand where to improve.
- Select Test set details tab. If there are any errors, this tab allows you to see the articles you indicated for testing and what the model predicted them as and whether that conflicts with their test label. The tab defaults to show incorrect predictions only. You can toggle the Show mismatches only option to see all the articles you indicated for testing and what they each of them predicted as.
Deploy your model
When you’re satisfied with the training of your model, it’s time to deploy it, which allows you to start classifying text through the API.
- On the left panel, select Deploying model.
- Select Add deployment, then enter
in the Create a new deployment name field, and select ClassifyArticles in the Model field. - Select Deploy to deploy your model.
- Once your model is deployed, leave that page open. You’ll need your project and deployment name in the next step.
Prepare to develop an app in Visual Studio Code
To test the custom text classification capabilities of the Azure AI Language service, you’ll develop a simple console application in Visual Studio Code.
Tip: If you have already cloned the mslearn-ai-language repo, open it in Visual Studio code. Otherwise, follow these steps to clone it to your development environment.
- Start Visual Studio Code.
- Open the palette (SHIFT+CTRL+P) and run a Git: Clone command to clone the
repository to a local folder (it doesn’t matter which folder). -
When the repository has been cloned, open the folder in Visual Studio Code.
Note: If Visual Studio Code shows you a pop-up message to prompt you to trust the code you are opening, click on Yes, I trust the authors option in the pop-up.
Wait while additional files are installed to support the C# code projects in the repo.
Note: If you are prompted to add required assets to build and debug, select Not Now.
Configure your application
Applications for both C# and Python have been provided, as well as a sample text file you’ll use to test the summarization. Both apps feature the same functionality. First, you’ll complete some key parts of the application to enable it to use your Azure AI Language resource.
- In Visual Studio Code, in the Explorer pane, browse to the Labfiles/04-text-classification folder and expand the CSharp or Python folder depending on your language preference and the classify-text folder it contains. Each folder contains the language-specific files for an app into which you’re you’re going to integrate Azure AI Language text classification functionality.
Right-click the classify-text folder containing your code files and open an integrated terminal. Then install the Azure AI Language Text Analytics SDK package by running the appropriate command for your language preference:
dotnet add package Azure.AI.TextAnalytics --version 5.3.0
pip install azure-ai-textanalytics==5.3.0
In the Explorer pane, in the classify-text folder, open the configuration file for your preferred language
- C#: appsettings.json
- Python: .env
- Update the configuration values to include the endpoint and a key from the Azure Language resource you created (available on the Keys and Endpoint page for your Azure AI Language resource in the Azure portal). The file should already contain the project and deployment names for your text classification model.
- Save the configuration file.
Add code to classify documents
Now you’re ready to use the Azure AI Language service to classify documents.
- Expand the articles folder in the classify-text folder to view the text articles that your application will classify.
In the classify-text folder, open the code file for the client application:
- C#: Program.cs
- Python:
Find the comment Import namespaces. Then, under this comment, add the following language-specific code to import the namespaces you will need to use the Text Analytics SDK:
C#: Programs.cs
// import namespaces using Azure; using Azure.AI.TextAnalytics;
# import namespaces from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential from import TextAnalyticsClient
In the Main function, note that code to load the Azure AI Language service endpoint and key and the project and deployment names from the configuration file has already been provided. Then find the comment Create client using endpoint and key, and add the following code to create a client for the Text Analysis API:
C#: Programs.cs
// Create client using endpoint and key AzureKeyCredential credentials = new AzureKeyCredential(aiSvcKey); Uri endpoint = new Uri(aiSvcEndpoint); TextAnalyticsClient aiClient = new TextAnalyticsClient(endpoint, credentials);
# Create client using endpoint and key credential = AzureKeyCredential(ai_key) ai_client = TextAnalyticsClient(endpoint=ai_endpoint, credential=credential)
in the Main function, note that the existing code reads all of the files in the articles folder and creates a list containing their contents. Then find the comment Get Classifications and add the following code:
C#: Program.cs
// Get Classifications ClassifyDocumentOperation operation = await aiClient.SingleLabelClassifyAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, batchedDocuments, projectName, deploymentName); int fileNo = 0; await foreach (ClassifyDocumentResultCollection documentsInPage in operation.Value) { foreach (ClassifyDocumentResult documentResult in documentsInPage) { Console.WriteLine(files[fileNo].Name); if (documentResult.HasError) { Console.WriteLine($" Error!"); Console.WriteLine($" Document error code: {documentResult.Error.ErrorCode}"); Console.WriteLine($" Message: {documentResult.Error.Message}"); continue; } Console.WriteLine($" Predicted the following class:"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (ClassificationCategory classification in documentResult.ClassificationCategories) { Console.WriteLine($" Category: {classification.Category}"); Console.WriteLine($" Confidence score: {classification.ConfidenceScore}"); Console.WriteLine(); } fileNo++; } }
# Get Classifications operation = ai_client.begin_single_label_classify( batchedDocuments, project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name ) document_results = operation.result() for doc, classification_result in zip(files, document_results): if classification_result.kind == "CustomDocumentClassification": classification = classification_result.classifications[0] print("{} was classified as '{}' with confidence score {}.".format( doc, classification.category, classification.confidence_score) ) elif classification_result.is_error is True: print("{} has an error with code '{}' and message '{}'".format( doc, classification_result.error.code, classification_result.error.message) )
- Save the changes to your code file.
Test your application
Now your application is ready to test.
In the integrated terminal for the classify-text folder, and enter the following command to run the program:
- C#:
dotnet run
- Python:
Tip: You can use the Maximize panel size (^) icon in the terminal toolbar to see more of the console text.
- C#:
Observe the output. The application should list a classification and confidence score for each text file.
Clean up
When you don’t need your project anymore, you can delete if from your Projects page in Language Studio. You can also remove the Azure AI Language service and associated storage account in the Azure portal.