Create a stored procedure with the Azure portal

Stored procedures are one of the ways you can execute business logic server-side in Azure Cosmos DB. With a stored procedure, you can perform basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations with a container on multiple documents within a single transactional scope.

In this lab, you’ll author a stored procedure that creates a document within your container. You will then use a SQL query to validate the results of the stored procedure.

Author a stored procedure

Stored procedures are authored in language-integrated JavaScript and support execution of basic CRUD operations inside of the database engine. JavaScript running within the database engine is made possible using the server-side JavaScript SDK for Azure Cosmos DB and a series of helper methods.

  1. In a new web browser window or tab, navigate to the Azure portal (

  2. Sign into the portal using the Microsoft credentials associated with your subscription.

  3. Select + Create a resource, search for Cosmos DB, and then create a new Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account resource with the following settings, leaving all remaining settings to their default values:

    Setting Value
    Subscription Your existing Azure subscription
    Resource group Select an existing or create a new resource group
    Account Name Enter a globally unique name
    Location Choose any available region
    Capacity mode Provisioned throughput
    Apply Free Tier Discount Do Not Apply

    đź“ť Your lab environments may have restrictions preventing you from creating a new resource group. If that is the case, use the existing pre-created resource group.

  4. Wait for the deployment task to complete before continuing with this task.

  5. Go to the newly created Azure Cosmos DB account resource and navigate to the Data Explorer pane.

  6. In the Data Explorer, select New Container, and then create a new container with the following settings, leaving all remaining settings to their default values:

    Setting Value
    Database id Create new | cosmicworks
    Share throughput across containers Select this option
    Database throughput Manual | 400
    Container id products
    Indexing Automatic
    Partition key /categoryId
  7. In the Data Explorer, expand the cosmicworks database node, then select the new products container node within the NOSQL API navigation tree.

  8. Select New Stored Procedure.

  9. In the Stored Procedure Id field, enter the value createDoc.

  10. Delete the contents of the editor area.

  11. Create a new JavaScript function named createDoc with no input parameters:

     function createDoc() {
  12. Within the createDoc function, invoke the built-in getContext method and store the result in a variable named context:

     var context = getContext();
  13. Invoke the getCollection method of the context object and store the result in a variable named container:

     var container = context.getCollection();
  14. Create a new object named doc with two properties:

    Property Value
    Name first document
    Category ID demo
     var doc = {
         name: 'first document',
         categoryId: 'demo'
  15. Invoke the createDocument method of the container object passing in the result of invoking the getSelfLink method of the container object and the new document as parameters:

  16. Once you are done, your stored procedure code should now include:

     function createDoc() {
       var context = getContext();
       var container = context.getCollection();
       var doc = {
         name: 'first document',
         categoryId: 'demo'
  17. Select Save to persist the changes to the stored procedure.

  18. Select Execute and then execute the stored procedure using the following input parameters:

    Setting Key Value
    Partition key value String demo
  19. Observe the empty result. While the stored procedure executed successfully, the JavaScript code never returned a human-readable response.

Implement best practices for a stored procedure

While the stored procedure authored earlier in this lab has basic functionality, it is also missing some common error-handling techniques that should be implemented in all stored procedures. First, the stored procedure assumes that it will always have time to complete the operation and doesn’t check the return value of the createDocument method to ensure it has enough time. Second, the stored procedure assumes that all documents are successfully inserted without checking or throwing any potential error messages. Finally, the stored procedure doesn’t return the newly created document as the HTTP response for the request that originally invoked the stored procedure. You will make these three changes to the stored procedure to implement common best practices.

  1. Return to the editor for the createDoc stored procedure.

  2. Locate Line 1 in the code that defines the createDoc function:

     function createDoc() {

    and update the line of code to include a parameter named title:

     function createDoc(title) {
  3. Locate Line 5 in the code that sets the name property of the doc object:

     name: 'first document',

    and update the line of code to use the value of the title parameter:

     name: title,
  4. Locate Line 8 in the code that invokes the createDocument method:


    and update the line of code to store the result of the method invocation in a variable named accepted

     var accepted = container.createDocument(
  5. Add a new line of code after the createDocument method invocation to check the value of the accepted variable and return the method if it is not true:

     if (!accepted) return;
  6. Finally, add a third parameter to the createDocument method invocation that is a function that takes in two parameters named error and newDoc, checks to see if the error is null, and then sets the newDoc to the response body of the stored procedure:

     (error, newDoc) => {
       if (error) throw new Error(error.message);
  7. Once you are done, your stored procedure code should now include:

     function createDoc(title) {
       var context = getContext();
       var container = context.getCollection();
       var doc = {
         name: title,
         categoryId: 'demo'
       var accepted = container.createDocument(
         (error, newDoc) => {
           if (error) throw new Error(error.message);
       if (!accepted) return;
  8. Select Update to persist the changes to the stored procedure.

  9. Select Execute and then execute the stored procedure using the following input parameters:

    Setting Key Value
    Partition key value String demo
    Input parameters String second document
  10. Observe the JSON result. After the stored procedure executed successfully, the newly created document was returned as a response for the original HTTP request.

Query documents

To wrap up things, you will use the Data Explorer to issue a SQL query that will return the two documents created in this lab.

  1. In the Data Explorer, expand the cosmicworks database node, then select the products container node within the NOSQL API navigation tree.

  2. Select New SQL Query.

  3. Delete the contents of the editor area.

  4. Create a new SQL query that will return all documents where the categoryId is equivalent to demo:

     SELECT * FROM docs WHERE docs.categoryId = 'demo'
  5. Select Execute Query.

  6. Observe the two documents you created in this lab as the results of executing this query.

  7. Close your web browser window or tab.