Setup local lab environment
Ideally, you should complete these labs in a hosted lab environment. If you want to complete them on your own computer, you can do so by installing the following software. You may experience unexpected dialogs and behavior when using your own environment. Due to the wide range of possible local configurations, the course team cannot support issues you may encounter in your own environment.
Windows Installation
📝 The instructions below are for a Windows 10 computer. You can also use Linux or MacOS. You may need to adapt the lab instructions for your chosen OS.
Windows 10 (OS)
Install Windows 10 (version 2004 or later).
Apply all available updates.
- Install the latest version of Microsoft Edge from [].
Download and install from [].
- Use the default options in the installer.
Visual Studio Code
Download and install from [].
- Use the default options in the installer.
SQL Server Management Studio
Download and install from [].
- Use the default options in the installer.
Azure Data Studio
Download and install from [].
- Use the default options in the installer.