Demonstration - Create and configure files and storage networking.

In this demonstration, explore Azure Files storage and storage networking.

Note: In this demo you will create a new storage account, and a virtual network with subnet. These can be pre-created to save time.

Review Azure Files and create a storage account specifically for file shares.

  1. [Supporting Slide] Before beginning the demonstration, discuss what Azure File storage is and how it is different from Azure blob storage. Learn more, Scenarios for Azure Storage.

  2. Access the Azure portal.

  3. Create a new Azure storage account. This account will be used to address the shared files requirements.

  4. [Supporting Slide] For Performance select Premium.

  5. For Premium account type select File shares. Premium file shares are for enterprise or high-performance file share applications. Our scenario requirement is for a corporate file share.

  6. For Redundancy select Zone-redundant storage. Remind students this is recommended for high availability scenarios and protects against datacenter failures.

  7. Move to the Data protection tab.

  8. Point out that Enable soft delete for file shares is enabled.

  9. Review the storage account and then Create.

Configure the file share.

  1. Continue in the storage account.

  2. In the Data storage blade, select File shares.

  3. Select File share and give the file share a name, finance.

  4. Discuss Provisioned capacity and how a premium file share is billed by provisioned file size, regardless of the used capacity. As you have time, discuss other settings.

  5. Discuss Protocol, select SMB.

  6. Select Create.

Configure the file share settings and create a snapshot.

  1. Select the finance file share.

  2. Review the settings at the top of the page. For example, Upload and Change size and performance.

  3. [Supporting Slide] Discuss the purpose of snapshots. Learn more, File share snapshots.

  4. In the Operations blade, select Snapshots.

  5. Select Add snapshot and select OK. Adding a comment is optional.

  6. Students will upload, snapshot, and restore files in the lab.

Configure network access for storage.

  1. [Supporting Slide] Before configuring storage networking, discuss the various options. Review some of the previous networking options that have configured.

  2. Search the portal for virtual networks.

  3. Use the Basics tab to create a virtual network named corpnet. Create a subnet, finance. Point out this network would already be created.

  4. Return to the storage account.

  5. In the Security + networking blade, select Networking.

  6. Select Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses.

  7. In the Add network page, add the corpnet virtual network and finance subnet.

  8. Enable the endpoint. Explain that a new service endpoint may take up to 15 minutes to create.

  9. Review the Firewall settings.

  10. Review the Network Routing section, and that Microsoft network routing is being used.

  11. As you have time, give a quick demonstration of the Storage browser.

Note: Students should now be able to complete LAB_03.