Lab 5 - Exercise 2 - Configure Insider Risk Management

You are Joni Sherman, the Compliance Administrator for Contoso Ltd. Your role involves ensuring regulatory compliance and protecting sensitive information within the organization. Recently, Contoso Ltd. has noticed unusual browsing activities that could potentially expose sensitive data. To proactively address this insider risk, you will implement Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management, focusing on identifying, analyzing, and responding to potential insider threats effectively.


  1. Assign insider risk management permissions
  2. Configure insider risk settings
  3. Create an insider risk policy
  4. Create a notice template

Task 1 – Assign insider risk management permissions

In this exercise, you will assign the Insider Risk Management role to Joni to grant access to perform insider risk tasks in the Microsoft Purview portal.

  1. Log into the Client 1 VM (SC-400-CL1) as the SC-400-cl1\admin account.

  2. In Microsoft Edge, navigate to and log into the Microsoft Purview portal as MOD Administrator, (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider). Admin's password should be provided by your lab hosting provider.

  3. Select Settings from the left sidebar.

  4. Expand Roles and Scopes then select Role groups.

  5. On the Role groups for Microsoft Purview solutions page select Insider Risk Management.

  6. On the Insider Risk Management flyout panel on the right, select Edit .

  7. On the Edit members of the role group page select + Choose users.

  8. On the Choose users flyout panel, search for Joni then select the checkbox for Joni Sherman.

  9. Select the Select button at the bottom of the panel.

  10. On the Edit members of the role group page select Next.

  11. On the Review the role group and finish page select Save.

  12. Once you have successfully added Joni to the role group, select Done on the You successfully updated the role group page.

  13. Sign out of the Mod Administrator account by selecting the MA icon on the top right of the window, then selecting Sign out.

You have successfully assigned the Insider Risk Management role to Joni Sherman, granting her access to perform insider risk tasks in the Microsoft Purview portal.

Task 2 – Configure insider risk settings

In this task, you will customize the insider risk management settings in the Microsoft Purview portal. This will allow Joni Sherman to effectively manage potential insider risks within the organization and ensure the security of sensitive information.

  1. In Microsoft Edge, navigate to and log into the Microsoft Purview portal as (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider).

  2. Select Settings from the left sidebar.

  3. On the Settings page, select Insider risk management from the left sidebar.

  4. On the Insider Risk Management settings page, explore the available settings:

    • Analytics: Evaluate potential insider risks without configuring policies.
    • Data sharing: Export alert information to SIEM solutions or share user risk levels with Defender and DLP alerts.
    • Detection groups: Create detection groups to tailor indicators and reduce false positives.
    • Global exclusions: Specify global exclusions that won't be scored by policies.
    • Inline alert customization: Quickly adjust policy thresholds or remove activities from policies directly from the Alerts dashboard.
    • Intelligent detections: Boost scores for unusual downloads, control alerts, filter Defender alerts, and specify domains for risk scoring.
    • Microsoft Teams (preview): Enable Teams support for collaborating on insider risk management cases.
    • Notifications: Automatically send email notifications to selected role groups for alerts.
    • Policy indicators: Select specific indicators for insider risk management policies; all are disabled by default.
    • Policy timeframes: Define review periods triggered by policy matches based on events.
    • Power Automate flows (preview): Automate tasks for cases and users using Power Automate flows.
    • Priority physical assets (preview): Identify access to priority locations and correlate with user events.
    • Priority user groups: Define high-risk users for closer inspection and sensitive risk scoring.
    • Privacy: Choose to display usernames or anonymized versions for policy matches.
  5. On the left panel of the Insider Risk Management settings page, select Notifications.

  6. Review the users who will receive alerts for detected activities.

  7. On the left panel of the Insider Risk Management settings page, select Privacy.

  8. On the Privacy panel, select Do not show anonymized versions of usernames, then select Save.

  9. On the left panel of the Insider Risk Management settings page, select Policy indicators.

  10. On the Policy indicators settings panel, expand Risky browsing indicators (preview), then select the checkbox for Select all.

  11. Scroll to the bottom of the Policy indicators panel and select Save.

  12. On the left panel of the Insider Risk Management settings page, select Priority user groups.

  13. Select + Create priority user group to open the New priority user group configuration.

  14. On the Name and describe the priority user group page enter:

    • Name: Finance team
    • Description: Team members that manage financial operations, budgeting, and reporting.
  15. Select Next.

  16. On the Choose members page select + Choose members.

  17. On the Choose members flyout panel, select:

    • Lynne Robbins
    • Debra Berger
    • Megan Bowen
  18. Select Add at the bottom of the flyout panel to add the 3 members.

  19. Back on the Choose members page select Next.

  20. On the Choose who can view data involving users in this priority group select + Choose users and role groups.

  21. On the Choose users and role groups flyout panel, select the checkbox for Insider Risk Management to add all members who have the Insider Risk Management role in Microsoft Purview then select Add.

  22. Back on the Choose who can view data involving users in this priority group select Next.

  23. On the Review page select Submit.

  24. Once you have successfully created the priority group, select Done on the Created priority user group page.

You have successfully customized the Insider risk management settings. Now, Joni Sherman has the necessary tools and capabilities to proactively identify and mitigate insider risks, safeguarding valuable data in the Microsoft Purview portal.

Task 3 – Create an insider risk policy

In this task, you will configure a policy named Sensitive Data Protection in Microsoft Purview to monitor and protect against risky browsing activities that could expose sensitive information within the organization.

  1. You should still be logged into Microsoft Purview with Joni's account on the Insider Risk Management settings page.

  2. Navigate to insider risk management by selecting Solutions from the left sidebar, then select Insider Risk Management.

  3. On the Insider Risk Management page, select Recommendations from the left sidebar. Take some time to review this page before creating your first policy.

  4. After reviewing the recommendations, select the Policies from the left sidebar, then select + Create policy.

  5. On the Choose a policy template page select Risky browser usage (preview) then select Next.

  6. On the Name your policy page enter:

    • Name: Sensitive Data Protection
    • Description: Monitor and protect against risky browsing activities.
  7. Select Next.

  8. On the Choose users, groups, & adaptive scope page, select All users, groups, and adaptive scopes, then select Next.

  9. On the Exclude users and groups (optional) (preview) page, select Next.

  10. On the Decide whether to prioritize content page, select I don't want to prioritize content right now, then select Next.

  11. On the Choose triggering event for this policy page, you'll see the indicators you enabled in a previous task. Leave the defaults selected, then select Next.

  12. On the Choose thresholds for triggering events page, select Apply built-in thresholds, then select Next.

  13. On the Indicators page, expand Risky browsing indicators (preview), and ensure all indicators are selected. This ensures alerts are generated when these activities are detected.

  14. Select Next.

  15. On the Choose threshold type for indicators page, select Apply thresholds provided by Microsoft, then select Next.

  16. On the Review settings and finish page, select Submit.

  17. Once you have successfully created your insider risk policy, select Done on the Your policy was created page.

    Note: As noted on this page, it may take up to 24 hours before policy matches will start showing up in the Alerts tab.

You have successfully created the Sensitive Data Protection policy, which will help detect and prevent risky browsing activities that could expose sensitive information. Keep in mind that it may take up to 24 hours for policy matches to appear in the Alerts tab.

Task 4 – Create a notice template

In this task, you will create a notice template in Microsoft Purview's Insider Risk Management, which allows you to automatically send email messages to users when a case is generated for risky browsing activities, serving as reminders or providing information for compliance training.

  1. You should still be logged in as Joni in Microsoft Purview in insider risk management.

  2. Select Notice templates from the left sidebar.

  3. On the Notice templates page, select + Create notice template.

  4. Fill out the necessary information in Create a new notice template flyout panel on the right.

    • Template name: Risky Browsing Alert

    • Send from: Joni Sherman

    • Subject: Risky Browsing Activity Detected

    • Message body:

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <h2>Alert: Risky Browsing Activity Detected</h2>
      <p>We detected potentially risky browsing activity associated with your account. As part of our Insider Risk Management policy, we are required to investigate any suspicious online behavior that could compromise data security.</p>
      <p>Please review your recent browsing activities, report any unusual behavior, and refer to the Contoso User Code of Conduct training at <a href=''></a> for more information.</p>
      <p>Thank you for your cooperation,</p>
      <p><em>Human Resources</em></p>
  5. Select Create.

  6. Back on the Notice templates page you'll see the Risky Browsing Alert template you just created.

You have successfully created the Risky Browsing Alert notice template, enabling automated notifications to be sent to users when risky browsing activities are detected, reinforcing security measures and promoting adherence to the Contoso User Code of Conduct.