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Lab 5 - Exercise 1 - Configure Communication Compliance

As the Compliance Administrator for your organization, you are responsible for configuring Microsoft Communication Compliance to help ensure that your organization meets its compliance requirements. Microsoft Communication Compliance allows you to monitor communication activities in various channels, such as email, Microsoft Teams, and other chat and collaboration tools, to help detect and mitigate policy violations and other inappropriate behaviors.


  1. Assign Compliance Administrator Role
  2. Configure a Custom Policy
  3. Test your custom policy (Optional)
  4. Manage your communication compliance policy (Optional)
  5. Modify communication compliance policy

Task 1 – Assign Compliance Administrator Role

In this exercise, you will assign the Communication Compliance role to Joni to grant access to perform communication compliance tasks in the Microsoft Purview portal.

  1. Log into the Client 1 VM (SC-400-CL1) as the SC-400-cl1\admin account.

  2. In Microsoft Edge, navigate to https://purview.microsoft.com and log into the Microsoft Purview portal as MOD Administrator, admin@WWLxZZZZZZ.onmicrosoft.com (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider). Admin's password should be provided by your lab hosting provider.

  3. Select Settings from the left sidebar.

  4. Expand Roles and Scopes then select Role groups.

  5. On the Role groups for Microsoft Purview solutions page select Communication Compliance.

  6. On the Communication Compliance flyout panel on the right, select Edit.

  7. On the Edit members of the role group page select + Choose users.

  8. On the Choose users flyout panel, search for Joni then select the checkbox for Joni Sherman.

  9. Select the Select button at the bottom of the panel.

  10. On the Edit members of the role group page select Next.

  11. On the Review the role group and finish page select Save.

  12. Once you have successfully added Joni to the role group, select Done on the You successfully updated the role group page.

  13. Sign out of the Mod Administrator account by selecting the MA icon on the top right of the window, then selecting Sign out.

You have successfully assigned the Communication Compliance role to Joni Sherman, granting her access to perform communication compliance tasks in the Microsoft Purview portal.

Task 2 – Configure a Custom Policy

In this exercise, you will configure a custom policy in Microsoft Communication Compliance to monitor communications for sensitive financial information.

  1. In Microsoft Edge, navigate to https://purview.microsoft.com and log into the Microsoft Purview portal as JoniS@WWLxZZZZZZ.onmicrosoft.com (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider).

  2. On left sidebar, select Solutions then select Communication Compliance.

  3. On the Communication compliance page, from the top navigation bar, select Policies.

  4. On the left sidebar, select Policies.

  5. On the Policies page, select + Create policy, then select Custom policy.

  6. On the Name and describe your policy enter:

    • Name: Detect Financial Secrets
    • Description Detection of sharing financial secrets
  7. Select Next.

  8. On the Choose users and reviews page, under Choose users and groups, leave All users selected.

  9. In the Reviewers field, enter and select Joni Sherman and MOD Administrator, then select Next.

  10. On the Choose locations to detect communications page select Exchange. Leave all other locations deselected, then select Next.

  11. On the Choose conditions and review percentage page under Communication direction leave defaults selected.

  12. Under Condition select + Add condition, then select Message contains any of these words.

  13. In the field under Message contains any of these words enter secret,secrets.

    Note: To apply the policy based on specific words or phrases in a message, enter them separated by commas. No spaces between comma-separated items. Use quotation marks for phrases of two or more words. Each word or phrase is applied independently (only one word is needed to trigger the policy).

  14. Under Review percentage adjust the slider to 100%, then select Next.

  15. On the Review and finish page, select Create policy.

  16. Once your policy has been successfully created, select Done on the Your policy was created page.

  17. Your communication compliance policy has been created.

  18. Log out of Joni's account and close all browser windows.

    Note: Make sure you give your policies time to activate before testing the policy. Email messages can take approximately 24 hours to fully process in a policy. Communications in Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and third-party platforms can take approximately 48 hours to fully process in a policy.

Task 3 – Test your custom policy (Optional)

In this task, you will verify the effectiveness of your configured custom policy. Through testing different scenarios, you will assess the policy's ability to identify and flag sensitive financial information. These tests provide valuable real-world insights into the policy's behavior.

Note: Make sure you give your policies time to activate before testing the policy. Email messages can take approximately 24 hours to fully process in a policy. Communications in Microsoft Teams, Viva Engage, and third-party platforms can take approximately 48 hours to fully process in a policy.

  1. In Microsoft Edge, navigate to https://outlook.office.com and log into Outlook on the web as LynneR@WWLxZZZZZZ.onmicrosoft.com (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider).

  2. Select New mail in Outlook on the web.

  3. In the To line enter Joni Sherman and select the suggested email address. Enter New Secret Message in the subject line and My super-secret message. in the body of the email.

  4. Select Send to send the message.

  5. Once that message is sent, select New mail again in Outlook on the web.

  6. In the To line enter Megan Bowen and select the suggested email address. Enter Big secret! in the subject line, and We have a surprise baby shower coming for Debra! Keep it secret! in the body of the email.

  7. Select Send

  8. Lynne wants to send one last email. Select New mail in Outlook on the web.

  9. In the To line enter Debra Berger and select the suggested email address. In the subject line enter Northwind Acquisition, and enter Debra! I just heard a HUGE financial secret about Northwind's acquisition! Let's get together at lunch to discuss. in the body of the email.

  10. Select Send

  11. Logout of Lynne's account and close all browser windows.

You have successfully tested your custom policy to verify its effectiveness in identifying and flagging sensitive financial information.

Task 4 – Manage your communication compliance policy (Optional)

In this task, you will manage your communication compliance policy in the Microsoft Purview portal. You will review and take action on the pending items for the Detect Financial Secrets policy to ensure your policy is working effectively to identify and handle any potential compliance issues.

  1. In Microsoft Edge, navigate to https://purview.microsoft.com and log into the Microsoft Purview portal as JoniS@WWLxZZZZZZ.onmicrosoft.com (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider). Joni's password was set in a previous task.

  2. Select Solutions from the left sidebar, then select Communication Compliance.

  3. Select Policies then select the Detect Financial Secrets policy.

  4. Select the Pending tab to review the pending items for the Detect Financial Secrets policy.

    Note: Please note that if the Pending count is 0, it might require additional time for your tests to be completely processed by the policy. Keep in mind that email messages can take approximately 24 hours to fully process within a policy.

  5. Select the item with the subject Big Secret!.

  6. Since this message is a simple notification of a party, select Resolve. In the Resolve pane enter Policy modification needed in the Comment field then select Resolve.

  7. There will now be 2 pending items for the Detect Financial Secrets policy. Select the item with the subject New Secret Message.

  8. Under the message that appears in the right, select Tag as.

  9. In the Tag item pane, select Questionable. In the Comment field enter Questionable secret item then select Save.

  10. In the Detect Financial Secrets policy, select the item with the subject Northwind Acquisition.

  11. Select Notify under the Northwind Acquisition item.

  12. In the Send a notice pane select the dropdown for Chose a notice template. Select + Create a new notification to create a new notice template.

  13. In the Create a notice template panel, enter:

    • Template Name: Offending message
    • Send from: Joni Sherman, then select Joni Sherman
    • Subject: Offending message detected
    • Message body: This is to notify an offending message was detected and will be escalated.
  14. Select Create.

  15. Once the template is successfully created, select Close on the Notice template Offending message was created panel.

  16. In the Send a notice panel under Choose a notice template, select the newly created Offending message notice template then select Save.

  17. In the Notification has been sent panel select Close.

  18. In the Detect Financial Secrets policy, select the item with the subject Northwind Acquisition.

  19. Select Escalate under the Northwind Acquisition item.

  20. In the Escalate remediation for this item select MOD Administrator as an additional reviewer. In the Reason for escalation field enter Data leak plans detected. then select Escalate.

  21. In the Escalation has been sent panel select Close.

  22. Back in the view for the message for the Northwind Acquisition message, select Tag as. In the Tag item pane select Non-compliant. Enter Non-compliant message in the Comment field then select Save.

You have successfully managed your communication compliance policy by reviewing and resolving pending items.

Task 5 – Modify communication compliance policy

In this task you will make modifications to your Communication compliance policy. You will fine-tune the policy settings and add new conditions to detect sensitive information to ensure your policy aligns with the compliance needs of Contoso Ltd.

  1. You should still be logged in with Joni's account in Communication compliance in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

  2. Select Policies from the left sidebar.

  3. Select the checkbox for the Detect Financial Secrets policy.

  4. Select Edit from the top navigation bar.

  5. On the Name and describe your policy page select Next.

  6. On the Choose users and reviewers page select Next.

  7. On the Choose locations to detect communications page select Next.

  8. On the Choose conditions and review percentage page select + Add Condition then select Content matches any of these trainable classifiers.

  9. Under Content matches any of these trainable classifiers select Add then select Trainable classifiers.

  10. On the Trainable classifiers flyout panel, select Unauthorized disclosure, then select Add at the bottom of the panel.

  11. Back on the Choose conditions and review percentage page, select Next.

  12. On the Review and finish page select Save.

  13. On the Your policy was updated page select Done.

You have successfully modified your communication compliance policy to include a new condition for detecting a sensitive info type.