WWL Tenants - Terms of use

If you are being provided with a tenant as a part of an instructor-led training delivery, please note that the tenant is made available for the purpose of supporting the hands-on labs in the instructor-led training.

Tenants should not be shared or used for purposes outside of hands-on labs. The tenant used in this course is a trial tenant and cannot be used or accessed after the class is over and are not eligible for extension.

Tenants must not be converted to a paid subscription. Tenants obtained as a part of this course remain the property of Microsoft Corporation and we reserve the right to obtain access and repossess at any time.

Lab 3 - Exercise 1 - Configure retention policies

In this lab, you are Joni Sherman, a Compliance Administrator at Contoso Ltd. in Texas. Your task is to implement retention policies to comply with state regulations, which allow records to be deleted after three years. You'll configure various retention policies across the organization to ensure data is managed and retained according to these legal requirements.


  1. Create a company-wide retention policy
  2. Create a Teams retention policy with specific user selection
  3. Create a retention policy with PowerShell
  4. Create an adaptive retention policy for legal and retail documents
  5. Test the adaptive scope policy

Task 1 – Create a company-wide retention policy

In this task, you'll set up a company-wide retention policy that covers key Microsoft 365 locations, ensuring that all items are retained for three years in compliance with state laws.

  1. Log into Client 1 VM (SC-400-CL1) as the SC-400-cl1\admin account.

  2. In Microsoft Edge, navigate to https://purview.microsoft.com and log into the Microsoft Purview portal as Joni Sherman JoniS@WWLxZZZZZZ.onmicrosoft.com (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider). Joni's password was set in a previous exercise.

  3. Select Solutions then select Data Lifecycle Management.

  4. On the Data Lifecycle Management page, on the left sidebar, expand Policies then select Retention policies.

  5. On the Retention policies page, select + New retention policy.

  6. On the Name your retention policy page, enter:

    • Name: Company wide
    • Description: All locations except for teams
  7. Select the Next button.

  8. On the Policy Scope page select Next.

  9. On the Choose the type of retention policy to create page, select Static then select Next.

  10. In the Choose where to apply this policy these locations:

    • Exchange mailboxes
    • SharePoint classic and communication sites
    • OneDrive accounts
    • Microsoft 365 Group mailboxes & sites
  11. Select Next.

  12. On the Decide if you want to retain content, delete it, or both page, ensure these values are set for the retention configuration:

    • Select Retain items for a specific period.
    • Under Retain items for a specific period, select Custom from the dropdown list
    • Change the years field to 3
    • Start the retention period based on: When items were last modified
    • At the end of the retention period: Delete items automatically
  13. Select Next.

  14. On the Review and finish page select Submit.

  15. Once your policy is created select Done on the You successfully created a retention policy page.

You have successfully created a retention policy that retains items across key Microsoft 365 locations for three years from the date of last modification. This policy can take up to 24 hours to be applied in your tenant, but you can proceed to the next step.

Task 2 – Create a Teams retention policy with specific user selection

Next, you'll create a retention policy specifically for Microsoft Teams, applying it to channel messages and select user chats to manage their retention separately from other data. Your organization has decided that a limited number of users are required to have their Team chats require a retention period.

  1. You should still be logged into Client 1 VM (SC-400-CL1) as the SC-400-cl1\admin account, and you should be logged into Microsoft Purview as Joni Sherman.

  2. In Microsoft Edge, you should still be on the Retention policies page in the Microsoft Purview portal. If not, navigate to https://purview.microsoft.com, then select Solutions and select Data Lifecycle Management. Select Policies > Retention policies from the left sidebar.

  3. On the Retention policies page, select + New retention policy.

  4. On the Name your retention policy page, enter:

    • Name: Teams Retention
    • Description: Retention for Teams locations
  5. Select Next.

  6. On the Policy Scope page select Next.

  7. On the Choose the type of retention policy to create page, select Static then select Next.

  8. On the Choose locations to apply the policy page enable these locations:

    • Teams channel messages
    • Teams chats and Copilot interactions
    • Leave all other locations disabled.
  9. For the Teams chats and Copilot interactions location, select the Edit text link under All users

  10. On the Teams chats and Copilot interactions flyout panel add users:

    • Adele Vance
    • Pradeep Gupta

    Note: By adding these two users the setting for Included in Teams chats changes from All teams to 2 users.

  11. Select Done at the bottom of the flyout panel.

  12. Back on the Choose where to apply this policy page select Next.

  13. On the Decide if you want to retain content, delete it, or both page, ensure these values are set for the retention configuration:

    • Select Retain items for a specific period.
    • Under Retain items for a specific period, select Custom from the dropdown list
    • Change the years field to 3
    • Start the retention period based on: When items were last modified
    • At the end of the retention period: Delete items automatically
  14. Select Next.

  15. On the Review and finish page select Submit.

  16. Once your policy is created select Done on the You successfully created a retention policy page.

  17. Close the browser window.

You have successfully configured a retention policy for Microsoft Teams, ensuring that channel messages and specific user chats are retained for three years.

Task 3 – Create retention policy with PowerShell

In this task, you'll create the same retention policies using PowerShell, demonstrating how to automate the policy setup process.

  1. Log into Client 1 VM (SC-400-CL1) as the SC-400-cl1\admin account.

  2. Open an elevated PowerShell window by right clicking the Windows button in the task bar, then select Terminal (Admin). Select Yes if the User Account Control dialogue pops up.

  3. Run the Connect-IPPSSession cmdlet to connect to the Security & Compliance Center in your tenant:

  4. When prompted with a sign in dialog box, sign in as MOD Administrator admin@WWLxZZZZZZ.onmicrosoft.com (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider). Admin's password should be provided by your lab hosting provider.

  5. Run the New-RetentionCompliancePolicy cmdlet to create the first retention policy for all locations except teams:

    New-RetentionCompliancePolicy -Name "Company Wide PS" -ExchangeLocation All -ModernGroupLocation All -SharePointLocation All -OneDriveLocation All
  6. Run the New-RetentionComplianceRule cmdlet to set the retention period to 3 years, using days as units based on the date modified:

    New-RetentionComplianceRule -Name "Company Wide PS Rule" -Policy "Company Wide PS" -RetentionDuration 1095 -ExpirationDateOption ModificationAgeInDays -RetentionComplianceAction Keep
  7. Run the New-RetentionCompliancePolicy cmdlet to create the second retention policy for Teams locations:

    New-RetentionCompliancePolicy -Name "Teams Retention PS" -TeamsChannelLocation All -TeamsChatLocation "Adele Vance", "Pradeep Gupta"
  8. Run the New-RetentionComplianceRule cmdlet to set the retention period to 3 years, using days as units:

    New-RetentionComplianceRule -Name "Teams Retention PS Rule" -Policy "Teams Retention PS" -RetentionDuration 1095 -RetentionComplianceAction Keep
  9. Close the terminal window.

You have successfully created retention policies using PowerShell, mirroring the policies set up through the Microsoft Purview portal.

Now, you'll create an adaptive retention policy for the finance and legal departments, ensuring that all legal-related documents are retained for five years.

  1. You should still be logged into Client 1 VM (SC-400-CL1) as the SC-400-cl1\admin account, and you should be logged into Microsoft 365 as Joni Sherman.

  2. Open Microsoft Edge and navigate to https://purview.microsoft.com. Verify you're still logged in with Joni's account, then select Settings from the left sidebar.

  3. On the Settings page, expand Roles and scopes from the left sidebar, then select Adaptive scopes.

  4. On the Adaptive scopes page select + Create scope.

  5. On the Name your adaptive policy scope page enter:

    • Name: Legal Documents Retention
    • Description: Retention for legal related documents
  6. Select Next.

  7. On the Assign admin unit page select Next.

  8. On the What type of scope do you want to create? page select Users then select Next.

  9. On the Create the query to define users page, in the User attributes section, ensure these values are selected for the user attribute configuration:

    • Select the Attribute dropdown then select Department
    • Leave the default is equal to value in the next field
    • Enter Legal as the Value
  10. Add a second attribute by selecting + Add attribute on the Create the query to define users page. In the new field under the one we just configured, configure these values:

    • Select the dropdown for the query operator and update it from And to Or
    • Select the Attribute dropdown then select Department
    • Leave the default is equal to value in the next field
    • Enter Retail as the Value
  11. Select Next.

  12. On the Review and finish page select Submit.

  13. Once your adaptive scope is created select Done on the Your scope was created page.

  14. Back on the Adaptive scopes page, select Solutions from the bottom of the left sidebar.

  15. Select the tab for Data Governance from the top filter buttons.

  16. Select the Data Lifecycle Management card.

  17. On the Data Lifecycle Management page, expand Policies then select Retention policies.

  18. On the Retention policies page, select + New retention policy.

  19. On the Name your retention policy page enter:

    • Name: Legal Data Retention
    • Description: Retention of all documents within the legal and retail departments.
  20. Select Next.

  21. On the Policy Scope page select Next.

  22. On the Choose the type of retention policy to create page select Adaptive then select Next.

  23. On the Choose adaptive policy scopes and locations page select + Add scopes.

  24. On the Choose adaptive policy scopes flyout panel select the checkbox for Legal Documents Retention then select Add at the bottom of the panel.

  25. Back on the Choose locations to apply the policy enable:

    • Exchange mailboxes
    • OneDrive accounts
    • Leave all other locations disabled.
  26. Select Next.

  27. On the Decide if you want to retain content, delete it, or both page, ensure these values are set for the retention configuration:

    • Select Retain items for a specific period.
    • Under Retain items for a specific period, select 5 years from the dropdown list
    • Start the retention period based on: When items were last modified
    • At the end of the retention period: Do nothing
  28. Select Next.

  29. On the Review and finish page select Submit.

  30. Once your policy is created, select the Done button.

  31. Once your policy is created select Done on the You successfully created a retention policy page.

You have successfully applied an adaptive scope to a retention policy, covering legal and retail department documents for five years.

Task 5 – Test the adaptive scope policy

In this final task, you'll verify the users affected by the adaptive scope and test the new retention policy to ensure it is functioning as expected.

Note: When you create and submit a retention policy, it can take up to seven days for the retention policy to be applied.

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell window by right clicking the Windows button in the task bar, then select Terminal (Admin). Select Yes if the User Account Control dialogue pops up.

  2. Run the Connect-IPPSSession cmdlet to the Security & Compliance Center in your tenant:

  3. When prompted with a sign in dialog box, sign in with Joni Sherman's account, JoniS@WWLxZZZZZZ.onmicrosoft.com (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider). Joni's account was set in a previous exercise.

  4. Run the Get-RetentionCompliancePolicy cmdlet to view all details of the adaptive scope policy:

    Get-RetentionCompliancePolicy -Identity "Legal Data Retention" -DistributionDetail | Format-List
  5. Review the results and search for these details:

    • Enabled: True
    • Mode: Enforce
    • DistributionStatus: Success

    Screenshot of the results of the Get-RetentionCompliancePolicy cmdlet.

You have verified the successful implementation of the adaptive scope retention policy, confirming that it is correctly applied and operational.