Lab 27 - Microsoft Sentinel Kusto Queries for Microsoft Entra data sources
Note - This lab requires an Azure Pass. Please see lab 00 for directions.
Lab scenario
Microsoft Sentinel is Microsoft’s cloud-native SIEM and SOAR solution. Through connecting data sources from Microsoft and third-party security solutions, you have the ability to execute security operations tasks. In this lab exercise, you will create a Microsoft Sentinel workspace with data connectors to Microsoft Entra ID for executing hunting queries using Kusto Query Language (KQL).
Estimated time: 30 minutes
Exercise 1 - Configure Microsoft Sentinel for Kusto Queries
Task 1 - Create a Microsoft Sentinel workspace
Sign in to the as a Global administrator.
Search for and then select Microsoft Sentinel.
Select + Create in the upper left corner.
In the Add Microsoft Sentinel to a workspace tile, select + Create a new workspace.
In Resource group, select Create new and enter Sentinel-RG.
Name the workspace. Example - SentinelLogAnalytics.
Select a Region close to you.
Select Review + Create and then Create.
After the Log Analytics workspace deployment completes, choose the Refresh button. Then select your workspace and select Add. This will add the workspace to Microsoft Sentinel and open Microsoft Sentinel.
If prompted, select OK to activate the Microsoft Sentinel free trial.
Task 2 - Add Microsoft Entra ID as a Data source
**Note** - As of 2/8/2024, the data source is now Microsoft Entra ID.
In Microsoft Sentinel, navigate on the menu to Content management and select Content hub.
Use the search box to look for Entra in the list of connectors, locate Microsoft Entra ID and mark the checkbox.
To the right, a preview tile will open. Select Install.
After the install finishes, select the Data connectors menu item in the Configuration menu.
Note - You should show 1 Connector installed and see Microsoft Entra ID listed.
Select Microsoft Entra ID and then select Open connector page.
In the connector page, the instructions and next steps will be provided for the data connector. Verify that a check-mark is next to each of the Prerequisites to continue with the Configuration.
Under Configuration, check the boxes for Sign-in logs and Audit logs. Additional log sources are available but are currently in Preview and out of scope for this course.
Select Apply Changes.
Notification will be provided that the changes were applied successfully. Navigate to the Microsoft Sentinel workspace by selecting the X on the top right of the connector page.
Select Refresh on the **Microsoft Sentinel Data connectors** tile and the number 1 will show in the Connected count. Note - The Microsoft Entra ID data connector may take a few minutes to show in the active count.
Task 3 - Run Kusto query on User activity
In Microsoft Sentinel, navigate to Logs under the General menu heading.
Close the Welcome to Log Analytics window.
A window will open with sample queries, select Audit, and search to find User IDs.
Select Run.
This will provide a list of User IDs on Microsoft Entra ID. Since we have just created the workspace, you may not see results. Note the format of the query.