Lab 07: OPTIONAL — Add Hybrid Identity with Microsoft Entra Connect

This lab will only function in a non-lab-hoster environment. If you want to try it using a personal account, it should work. You will not be able to perform within the class.

Note - This lab is titled Optional. It takes at least 1 hour to complete and does require that you are detailed in your lab steps. Please feel free to computer it as time permits. If your company has already set up its Hybrid configuration, or you don’t plan to use Microsoft Entra Connect, please jump over this lab.

Lab scenario

Your company works has Active Directory Domain Services on-premises. They would like to continue to use on-premises Active Directory as their identity and access management solution, but also require the ability for users to access cloud applications with the same username and password.

Estimated time: 60 minutes

Exercise 1 - Setup On-Premises infrastructure

Task 1 - Create the on-premises Active Directory infrastructure

  1. Deployment template can be accessed at this link: On-Premises Test Lab Guide.

    Note to learners and MCTs - The deployment of this template can take 30-60 minutes, so be ready to take a break at this step or run the deployment before a lecture section of the course.

    Note to Lab providers - If possible, it would be helpful to students to complete and deploy as part of the lab environment setup.

  2. On the TLG (Test Lab Guide) - 3 VM Base Configuration (v1.0) page, select Deploy to Azure.

    Note - The 3 VM Base Configuration provisions a Windows Server 2016 Active Directory domain controller named DC1 using the domain name you specify, and a domain member server named APP1 running Windows Server 2016. It also offers an option to provision a client VM running Windows 10, however we will not be using it in our lab (primarily due to licensing requirements applicable when running Windows 10 VMs in Azure). The domain member server (APP1) has automatically installed .NET 4.5 and IIS.

    Note - The VM that is required for this lab is DC1.

  3. On the Custom deployment page, specify the following settings, then select Review + Create then Create.

    • Subscription: The name of the target Azure subscription where you want to provision the lab environment Azure VMs.
    • Resource group: (Create new) hybrididentity-RG
    • Location: The name of the Azure region that will host the lab environment Azure VMs.
    • Config Name: TlgBaseConfig-01
    • Domain Name:
    • Server OS: 2016-Datacenter
    • Admin Username: demouser
    • Admin Password: Enter a secure password that you will remember
    • Deploy Client VM: No
    • Client VHD URI: leave blank
    • VM Size: Standard_D2s_v3

    Note - Use a similar VM size if your subscription does not support the listed size. Documentation is linked here:

    • DNS Label Prefix: Any valid, globally unique DNS name (a unique string consisting of letters, digits, and hyphens, starting with a letter and up to 47 characters long).

    • _artifacts Location: Accept the default
    • _artifacts Location Sas Token: leave blank
  4. Select Review + Create.

  5. After validation has passed, select Create.

  6. Wait for the deployment to complete. This might take about 60 minutes.

Task 2 - Configure the lab environment Azure VMs

  1. In the browser window displaying the Azure portal, navigate to the DC1 Azure VM and connect to it via Remote Desktop. When prompted, sign in by using the following credentials:

    • Username: demouser
    • Password: Use the secure password you created in Task 1
  2. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, start Windows PowerShell ISE, then open the Script pane. Next, add the following script to the script pane, and run it to disable Internet Explorer enhanced security configuration and User Access Control on both DC1 and APP1 Azure VMs:

    $vmNames = @('dc1','app1')
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A509B1A7-37EF-4b3f-8CFC-4F3A74704073}" -Name "IsInstalled" -Value 0}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A509B1A8-37EF-4b3f-8CFC-4F3A74704073}" -Name "IsInstalled" -Value 0}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin" -Value 00000000}

    Note: To run multiple PowerShell scripts in the same file, you can highlight a specific script and select Run Selection next to the green play button.

  3. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE window add the following script to the script pane, and run it to install Remote Server Administration Tools on both DC1* and **APP1 Azure VMs:

    $vmNames = @('dc1','app1')
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {Install-WindowsFeature RSAT -IncludeAllSubFeature} 
  4. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE window add the following script to the script pane, and run it to enable TLS 1.2 on both DC1* and **APP1 Azure VMs:

    $vmNames = @('dc1','app1')
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server' -Force}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client' -Force}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {New-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client' -name 'Enabled' -value 1 –PropertyType DWORD}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {New-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client' -name 'DisabledByDefault' -value 0 –PropertyType DWORD}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {New-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server' -name 'Enabled' -value 1 –PropertyType DWORD}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {New-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server' -name 'DisabledByDefault' -value 0 –PropertyType DWORD}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319' -name 'SchUseStrongCrypto' -value 1 –PropertyType DWORD}
  5. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE window add the following script to the script pane, and run it to configure Windows Integrated Authentication on the Default Web Site hosted on the APP1 Azure VM:

    $vmNames = @('app1')
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName IIS-WindowsAuthentication}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter "/system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication" -Name Enabled -Value False -PSPath IIS:\ -Location "Default Web Site"}
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vmNames {Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter "/system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication" -Name Enabled -Value True -PSPath IIS:\ -Location "Default Web Site"}

Task 3 - Restart the Azure VMs

  1. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE window, from the console pane, run the following to restart APP1:

     Restart-Computer -ComputerName 'APP1'
  2. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE window, from the console pane, run the following to restart DC1:

     Restart-Computer -ComputerName 'DC1'

Task 5 - Configure contoso.local Active Directory

  1. Connect again to the DC1 Azure VM via Remote Desktop. When prompted, sign in by using the following credentials:

    • Username: demouser

    • Password: demo\@pass123 - It is strongly recommended that you enter a secure password that you can remember.

  2. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, start Internet Explorer and navigate to the link below.
  3. On the Create Users/Group for Active Directory Demo/Test Environment page, select the CreateDemoUsers.ps1 link, accept the licensing terms, and save the corresponding script to the local file system.

  4. On the Create Users/Group for Active Directory Demo/Test Environment page, select the CreateDemoUsers.csv link (directly above the PowerShell code section) and save the corresponding csv file to the same location as the CreateDemoUsers.ps1 file.

  5. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, start File Explorer, navigate to the folder where you downloaded both files, right-Select on the file CreateDemoUsers.ps1, select Properties, in the CreateDemoUsers.ps1 Properties dialog box, check the Unblock checkbox and select OK.

  6. Within the File Explorer window, right-Select on the file CreateDemoUsers.ps1 again and select Edit.

  7. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE window, change line 148 from:

     $UserCount = 1000 #Up to 2500 can be created


     $UserCount = 2500 #Up to 2500 can be created
  8. In the Windows PowerShell ISE window, save the change and run the CreateDemoUsers.ps1 script to create a lab environment organizational unit hierarchy and populate it with test user accounts.

  9. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE window, add the following script to the script pane, and run it to modify settings of the AD user accounts you will use in this lab:

    $adUser1 = Get-ADUser -Filter {samAccountName -eq "AGAyers"}
    $adUser1groups = $adUser1 | Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership 
    $adUser1groups | foreach { if ($ -ne 'Domain Users') {Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf $ -Identity $adUser1.DistinguishedName} }
    Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf 'Engineering' -Identity $adUser1.DistinguishedName
    Move-ADObject -Identity $adUser1.DistinguishedName -TargetPath 'OU=NJ,OU=US,OU=Users,OU=Demo Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com'
    Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity 'CN=Ayers\, Ann,OU=NJ,OU=US,OU=Users,OU=Demo Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com' -Reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "demo@pass123" -Force)
    $adUser2 = Get-ADUser -Filter {samAccountName -eq "TFBell"}
    $adUser2groups = $adUser2 | Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership 
    $adUser2groups | foreach { if ($ -ne 'Domain Users') {Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf $ -Identity $adUser2.DistinguishedName} }
    Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf 'Engineering' -Identity $adUser2.DistinguishedName
    Move-ADObject -Identity $adUser2.DistinguishedName -TargetPath 'OU=VT,OU=US,OU=Users,OU=Demo Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com'
    Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity 'CN=Bell\, Teresa,OU=VT,OU=US,OU=Users,OU=Demo Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com' -Reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "demo@pass123" -Force)
    Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Domain Admins' | Add-ADGroupMember -Members 'CN=Ayers\, Ann,OU=NJ,OU=US,OU=Users,OU=Demo Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com'
    Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Enterprise Admins' | Add-ADGroupMember -Members 'CN=Ayers\, Ann,OU=NJ,OU=US,OU=Users,OU=Demo Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com'
  10. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE window, add the following script to the script pane, and run it to create additional organizational units named Servers and Clients and move the APP1 computer account to the first of them:

    New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name 'Servers' -Path 'OU=Demo Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com'
    New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name 'Clients' -Path 'OU=Demo Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com'
    Move-ADObject -Identity 'CN=APP1,CN=Computers,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com' -TargetPath 'OU=Servers,OU=Demo Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com'
  11. Sign out from DC1.

Exercise 2: Integrate an Active Directory forest with an Azure Active Directory tenant

Task 1: Create an Azure Active Directory tenant and activate an EMS E5 trial

In this task, you will create an Azure Active Directory tenant with the following settings:

  • Organization name: Contoso

  • Initial domain name: Any valid, unique domain name.

  • Country or region: United States

  1. From the lab computer, start a new Web browser window and navigate to the Azure portal at if you haven’t already.

  2. When prompted, sign into the Azure subscription into which you deployed resources in the Before Hands-On Lab exercises.

  3. On the lab computer, in the Azure portal, select + Create a resource.

  4. On the New page, in the Search the Marketplace text box, type Azure Active Directory and, in the list of results, select Azure Active Directory.

  5. On the Azure Active Directory page, select Create.

  6. On the Create directory page, specify the following settings and select Create:

Basic tab: - Select a tenant type: Choose Azure Active Directory

Configuration tab: - Organization name: Contoso

-   Initial domain name: Any valid, unique domain name.

-   Country or region: **United States**
  1. Once it’s created, open Azure Active Directory.

  2. On the Overview page choose Manage tenant.

  3. Put a check in your newly created directory.

  4. Choose Switch at the top of the page.

    Note: It may take a few minutes for everything to display properly.

  5. On the Contoso - Overview page, select Users.

  6. Note that you only have a single ExternalAzureAD user in this new tenant.

Task 2: Create and configure Azure AD user to administer this directory

  1. From the lab computer, in the Azure portal, navigate back to the Contoso - Overview page.

  2. On the Contoso - Overview page, select Users under Manage in the left navigation.

  3. On the Users - All users page, select the entry representing your user account.

  4. On the Profile page of your user account, select Edit.

  5. In the Settings section, in the Usage location drop-down list, select the United States entry and select Save.

Create the new administrator

  1. On the New user page, ensure that the Create user option is selected, specify the following settings, and select Create:

    • User name: john.doe @your Azure AD tenant domain name ** where **your Azure AD tenant domain name is the domain name you specified when creating the Contoso Azure AD tenant.

    • Name: john.doe

    • First name: John

    • Last name: Doe

    • Password: Auto-generate password

    • Show Password: Enabled then make sure to copy the password.

    • Groups: 0 group selected

    • Roles: Global Administrator

    • Block sign in: No

    • Usage location: United States

    • Job title: Leave blank

    • Department: Leave blank

    Note: Copy the User name and Password values into Notepad. You will need them later in this lab.

Task 5: Configure DNS suffix in the Contoso Active Directory forest

In this task, you will configure the DNS suffix of the Contoso Active Directory forest to match the newly verified Azure AD custom domain name.

  1. On the lab computer, in the Azure portal, verify that you are signed into the Azure AD tenant associated with the Azure subscription into which you deployed resources in the Before Hands-On Lab exercises (the Default Directory). If not, select the Directory + Subscription icon in the toolbar of the Azure portal (to the right of the Cloud Shell icon) to switch to that Azure AD tenant.

  2. In the Azure portal, navigate to the page of the DC1 virtual machine.

  3. On the DC1 virtual machine page, connect to DC1 via Remote Desktop. When prompted to sign in, use the demouser name and the demo\@pass123 password.

  4. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, on the Server Manager window, start the Active Directory Domains and Trusts console under Tools.

  5. In the Active Directory Domains and Trusts console, right-Select Active Directory Domains and Trusts [] on the left and select Properties.

  6. On the UPN Suffixes tab of the Active Directory Domains and Trusts [] window, in the Alternative UPN suffixes textbox, type the name of the custom domain you verified in the previous task, select Add, and then select OK.

  7. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, on the Server Manager window, start the Active Directory Users and Computers console under Tools.

  8. In the Active Directory Users and Computers console, expand on the left and examine the organizational unit hierarchy of the domain and the group membership of the domain groups.

  9. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, start Windows PowerShell ISE and, on the Script pane, run the following to replace the UPN suffix of all users who are members of the Engineering group with the one matching the custom verified domain name of the Contoso Azure AD tenant (replace the placeholder <custom_domain_name> with the actual name of the custom verified domain name you assigned to the Contoso Azure AD tenant).

    $domainName = '<custom_domain_name>'
    $users = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Engineering' -Recursive | Where-Object {$_.objectClass -eq 'user'}
    foreach ($user in $users) {
        $user = Get-ADUser -Identity $User.SamAccountName
        $userName = $user.UserPrincipalName.Split('@')[0] 
        $upn = $userName + "@" + $domainName 
        $user | Set-ADUser -UserPrincipalName $upn

Task 6: Install Microsoft Entra Connect

In this task, you will install Microsoft Entra Connect.

  1. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, in Server Manager, select Local Server, and ensure that IE Enhanced Security Configuration is disabled. If not, then select the On link next to IE Enhanced Security Configuration, set the Administrators settings to Off, and select OK.

  2. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, open the Windows PowerShell ISE window and run this command to install the Chrome browser.

     $LocalTempDir = $env:TEMP; $ChromeInstaller = "ChromeInstaller.exe"; (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', "$LocalTempDir\$ChromeInstaller"); & "$LocalTempDir\$ChromeInstaller" /silent /install; $Process2Monitor = "ChromeInstaller"; Do { $ProcessesFound = Get-Process | ?{$Process2Monitor -contains $_.Name} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name; If ($ProcessesFound) { "Still running: $($ProcessesFound -join ', ')" | Write-Host; Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } else { rm "$LocalTempDir\$ChromeInstaller" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose } } Until (!$ProcessesFound)
  3. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, start the Chrome browser and navigate to the Azure portal at

  4. When prompted to sign in, enter the credentials of the john.doe Microsoft Entra user account, which you copied into Notepad earlier in this exercise.

  5. When prompted, change the password for the john.doe user account.

    Note: If you receive the message We’ve seen that password too many times before. Choose something harder to guess, you’ll need to modify the password until it is unique enough to be accepted.

  6. If prompted whether to Stay signed in?” select No. You will be redirected to the Azure portal interface.

  7. If presented with the Welcome to Microsoft Azure dialog box, select Maybe later.

  8. In the Azure portal, search for Microsoft Entra Connect.

  9. On the search results page, select Microsoft Entra Connect.

  10. On the Microsoft Entra Connect page, select the Download Microsoft Entra Connect link. Then choose Connect Sync from the menu.

  11. On the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect v2 web page of the Microsoft Downloads site, select Download.

  12. When prompted whether to run or save AzureADConnect.msi, select Run. This will download the file and automatically start the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect wizard.

  13. On the Welcome to Azure AD Connect page, check the I agree to the license terms and privacy notice box and select Continue.

  14. On the Express Settings page, select the Customize button.

  15. On the Install required components page, leave all optional configuration options deselected and select Install.

  16. On the User sign-in page, select the Pass-through authentication option and the Enable single sign-on checkboxes, and select Next.

  17. On the Connect to Azure AD page, sign in by using the credentials of the john.doe account and select Next.

  18. On the Connect your directories page, ensure that the entry appears in the FOREST drop-down list and select Add Directory. In the AD forest account, ensure that the Create new AD account option is selected, in the ENTERPRISE ADMIN USERNAME textbox, type CORP.CONTOSO.COM\demouser, in the PASSWORD textbox, type demo\@pass123, and select OK.

  19. Back on the Connect your directories page, select Next.

  20. On the Azure AD sign-in configuration page, ensure that your custom domain name is listed as the verified Active Directory UPN Suffix, and that the userPrincipalName entry appears in the USER PRINCIPAL NAME drop-down list. Note the warning stating Users will not be able to sign into Azure AD with on-premises credentials if the UPN suffix does not match a verified domain name. Check the Continue without matching all UPN suffixes to verified domain box and select Next.

    Note: This is expected, since some users are still configured with the contoso.local UPN suffix, which is not routable and cannot be configured as a verified custom domain name of an Azure AD tenant.

  21. On the Domain and OU filtering page; choose Sync selected domains and OUs then ensure that only the DemoAccounts OU and all its children OUs are selected and select Next.

  22. On the Uniquely identifying your users page, accept the default settings and select Next.

  23. On the Filter users and devices page, accept the default settings and select Next.

  24. On the Optional features page, accept the default settings and select Next.

  25. On the Enable single sign-on page, select Enter credentials, in the Forest credentials dialog box, sign in with the CORP\demouser username and demo\@pass123 password, and select Next.

  26. On the Ready to configure page, ensure that the Start the synchronization process when configuration completes checkbox is NOT selected and select Install.

Note: You will configure attribute-level filtering before enabling the synchronization process.

Note: Installation should take about 2 minutes.

  1. On the Configuration complete page, select Exit.

Task 7: Enable Active Directory Recycle Bin

In this task, you will enable Recycle Bin in the Contoso Active Directory domain.

  1. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, on the Tools menu in the Server Manager console, start Active Directory Administrative Center.

  2. In the Active Directory Administrative Center console, right-Select corp (local) on the left and select Enable Recycle Bin. When prompted to confirm, select OK.

  3. When prompted to refresh AD Administrative Center, select OK.

    Note: For information regarding benefits of the Recycle Bin in hybrid scenarios, refer to

Task 8: Configure Azure AD Connect attribute-level filtering

In this task, you will configure Azure AD Connect attribute level filtering that will limit synchronization of user accounts to those with the UPN suffix matching the custom domain name of the target Azure AD tenant.

Note: The positive filtering option requires at least two sync rules. One of them determines the correct scope of objects to synchronize. The second catch-all sync rule filters out all objects that have not yet been identified as an object that should be synchronized.

  1. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, start Synchronization Rules Editor under Azure AD Connect in the Start menu.

  2. In the Synchronization Rules Editor window, on the View and manage your synchronization rules page, ensure that Inbound appears in the Direction drop-down list and select Add new rule. This will launch the Create inbound synchronization rule wizard.

  3. On the Create inbound synchronization rule - Description page, specify the following settings and select Next:

    • Name: Custom In from AD - UPN Filter

    • Description: Custom Inbound Rule - includes users with UPN set to match the Azure AD custom domain

    • Connected System:

    • Connected System Object Type: user

    • Metaverse Object Type: person

    • Link Type: join

    • Precedence: 50

    • Tag: Leave empty

    • Enable Password Sync: Leave empty

    • Disabled: Leave empty

  4. On the Create inbound scoping filter page, select Add Group, select Add clause specify the following, and select Next:

    • Attribute: userPrincipalName

    • Operator: ENDSWITH

    • Value: \@<your custom domain name>

  5. On the Join Rules page, select Next.

  6. On the Transformations page, select Add transformation specify the following and select Add:

    • FlowType: Constant

    • Target Attribute: cloudFiltered

    • Source: False

  7. When presented with a Warning dialog box displaying that message stating that A full import and full synchronization will be run on ‘’ during your next synchronization cycle, select OK.

    Note: This should bring you back to the View and manage your synchronization rules interface, with the new rule listed at the top of the rule list.

  8. Back in the Synchronization Rules Editor window, on the View and manage your synchronization rules page, ensure that Inbound appears in the Direction drop-down list and select Add new rule again. This will launch the Create inbound synchronization rule wizard.

  9. On the Description page, specify the following settings and select Next:

    • Name: Custom In from AD - Catch-all Filter

    • Description: Custom Inbound Rule - excludes all users with UPN not set to match the Azure AD custom domain

    • Connected System:

    • Connected System Object Type: user

    • Metaverse Object Type: person

    • Link Type: join

    • Precedence: 51

    • Tag: Leave empty

    • Enable Password Sync: Leave empty

    • Disabled: Leave empty

  10. On the Scoping filer page, select Next.

  11. On the Join Rules page, select Next.

  12. On the Transformations page, select Add transformation specify the following and select Add:

    • FlowType: Constant

    • Target Attribute: cloudFiltered

    • Source: True

  13. When presented with a Warning dialog box displaying a message stating that A full import and full synchronization will be run on ‘’ during your next synchronization cycle, select OK.

    Note: This should bring you back to the View and manage your synchronization rules interface, with the new rules listed at the top of the rule list.

Task 9: Initiate and verify directory synchronization

  1. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, double-Select the Azure AD Connect desktop shortcut.

  2. On the Welcome to Azure AD Connect page, select Configure.

  3. On the Additional tasks page, select Customize synchronization options and select Next.

  4. On the Connect to Azure AD page, sign in by using the credentials of the john.doe account and select Next.

  5. On the Connect your directories page, select Next.

  6. On the Domain and OU filtering page, select Next.

  7. On the Optional features page, accept the default settings and select Next.

  8. On the Enable single sign-on page, select Next.

  9. On the Ready to configure page, select the Start the synchronization process when configuration completes checkbox and select Configure.

  10. On the Configuration complete page, select Exit.

  11. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, in the Edge browser window displaying the Azure portal, navigate to the Users - All users page of the Contoso Azure AD tenant.

  12. On the Users - All users page, note that the list of user objects includes all user accounts with the UPN suffix matching the custom domain name of the Azure AD tenant. You may need to refresh the page or wait a few minutes to see the change.

  13. In the Azure portal, navigate to the Groups - All groups page of the Contoso Azure AD tenant and note that all the domain groups have been synchronized as well.

  14. In the Azure portal, navigate to the Contoso - Azure AD Connect page and select Azure AD Connect on the left. Verify that the following settings are set:

    • Azure AD Connect Sync Status: Enabled

    • Last Sync: This should be a timestamp of some sort.

    • Password Hash Sync: Disabled

    • Federation: Disabled

    • Seamless single sign-on: Enabled for 1 domain

    • Pass-through authentication: Enabled with 1 agent

Note: In a production environment, you would install additional agents for redundancy. For more information, refer to

Task 10: Configure Hybrid Azure AD join

In this task, you will configure Azure AD Connect device synchronization options.

  1. Within the Remote Desktop session to DC1, double-Select the Azure AD Connect desktop shortcut.

  2. On the Welcome to Azure AD Connect page, select Configure.

  3. On the Additional tasks page, select Configure device options and select Next.

  4. On the Overview page, review the information regarding Hybrid Azure AD join and Device writeback, and select Next.

  5. On the Connect to Azure AD page, sign in by using the credentials of the john.doe account and select Next.

  6. On the Device options page, ensure that the Configure Hybrid Azure AD join option is selected and select Next.

  7. On the Device operating system page, select the Windows 10 or later domain-joined devices and Supported Windows down-level domain-joined devices checkboxes, and select Next.

    Note: Windows down-level devices are supported only if you are using Seamless SSO for managed domains or a federation service such as AD FS for federated domains.

  8. On the SCP configuration page, check the Active Directory forest box, select the Azure Active Directory entry in the Authentication Service dropdown list, and select Add.

  9. When prompted for Enterprise Admin Credentials for, in the Windows Security dialog box, sign in with the CORP\demouser user name and demo\@pass123 password.

  10. Back on the SCP configuration page, select Next.

  11. On the Ready to configure page, select Configure.

  12. On the Configuration complete page verify that the task completed successfully and select Exit.

Task 11: Perform Hybrid Azure AD join

  1. On the lab computer, in the Azure portal, verify that you are signed into the Azure AD tenant associated with the Azure subscription into which you deployed resources in the Before Hands-On Lab exercises (the Default directory). If not, select the Directory + Subscription icon in the toolbar of the Azure portal (to the right of the Cloud Shell icon) to switch to that Azure AD tenant.

  2. In the Azure portal, navigate to the page of the APP1 virtual machine.

  3. On the APP1 virtual machine page, connect to APP1 via Remote Desktop. When prompted to sign in, use the **AGAyers\@** user name with the **demo@pass123** password (where **** placeholder represents the custom DNS domain name you assigned to the Contoso Azure AD tenant earlier in this exercise.

  4. Within the Remote Desktop session to APP1, on the Server Manager window, start Task Scheduler under Tools.

  5. In the Task Scheduler console, navigate to Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > Workplace Join. From there, enable then run the Automatic-Device-Join task.

  6. Switch to the Remote Desktop session to DC1 and, from the console pane of the Windows PowerShell ISE window, start Azure AD Connect delta synchronization by running the following:

    Import-Module -Name 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin\ADSync\ADSync.psd1'
    Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta
  7. Switch back to the Remote Desktop session to APP1 and start a Command Prompt.

  8. From the Command Prompt window, check the Azure AD registration status of APP1 by running the following:

    dsregcmd /status
  9. Verify that the output of the command resembles the following:

    | Device State                                                         |
         AzureAdJoined : YES
      EnterpriseJoined : NO
              DeviceId : 61eea2b8-efbe-43d9-b267-126433c8ee34
            Thumbprint : BBAAA0FB4A55E880388851BED955A2669A961A96
        KeyContainerId : 2eb75eb8-0a1d-437b-99d9-9dd161ca0d90
           KeyProvider : Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider
          TpmProtected : NO
          KeySignTest: : PASSED
                   Idp :
              TenantId : xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
            TenantName : xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
           AuthCodeUrl :
        AccessTokenUrl :
                MdmUrl :
             MdmTouUrl :
      MdmComplianceUrl :
           SettingsUrl :
        JoinSrvVersion : 1.0
            JoinSrvUrl :
             JoinSrvId :
         KeySrvVersion : 1.0
             KeySrvUrl :
              KeySrvId :
          DomainJoined : YES
            DomainName : CORP
    | User State                                                           |
                NgcSet : NO
       WorkplaceJoined : NO
         WamDefaultSet : NO
            AzureAdPrt : NO
    | Ngc Prerequisite Check                                               |
         IsUserAzureAD : NO
         PolicyEnabled : NO
        DeviceEligible : YES
    SessionIsNotRemote : NO
      X509CertRequired : NO
          PreReqResult : WillNotProvision
  10. Switch back to the Remote Desktop session to DC1, in the Edge browser window displaying the Azure portal, navigate to the Devices - All devices page of the Contoso Azure AD tenant and verify that there is an entry representing the APP1 server, with the Join Type set to Hybrid Azure AD joined.

Note: You might need to wait until the Azure AD registration status is correctly reported and its Azure AD object appears in the Azure portal.