Learning Path 9 - Lab 1 - Exercise 4 - Explore Entity Behavior Analytics

Lab scenario

You are a Security Operations Analyst working at a company that implemented Microsoft Sentinel. You already created Scheduled and Microsoft Security Analytics rules.

You need to configure Microsoft Sentinel to perform Entity Behavior Analytics to discover anomalies and provide entity analytic pages.

Important: The lab exercises for Learning Path #9 are in a standalone environment. If you exit the lab before completing it, you will be required to re-run the configurations again.

Estimated time to complete this lab: 15 minutes

Task 1: Explore Entity Behavior

In this task, you will explore Entity behavior analytics in Microsoft Sentinel.

Note: Microsoft Sentinel has been predeployed in your Azure subscription with the name defenderWorkspace, and the required Content Hub solutions have been installed.

  1. Log in to WIN1 virtual machine as Admin with the password: Pa55w.rd.

  2. In the Edge browser, navigate to the Azure portal at https://portal.azure.com.

  3. In the Sign in dialog box, copy and paste in the Tenant Email account provided by your lab hosting provider and then select Next.

  4. In the Enter password dialog box, copy and paste in the Tenant Password provided by your lab hosting provider and then select Sign in.

  5. In the Search bar of the Azure portal, type Sentinel, then select Microsoft Sentinel.

  6. Select the Microsoft Sentinel defenderWorkspace.

  7. Select the Entity behavior page.

  8. On the popup from Entity behavior settings, select Set UEBA.

  9. On the Settings tab under Entity behaviour analytics, scroll down the Anomalies section and verify read through the paragraph, and verify that the switch is On.

  10. Select the Go to analytics in oder to configure the anomalies link.

Task 2: Confirm and review Anomalies rules

In this task, you will confirm Anomalies analytics rules are enabled.

  1. You should be now at the Analytics page, Anomalies tab.

  2. Confirm status column of the rules is Enabled.

  3. Select any rule and then select Edit on the rule blade.

  4. Review the General tab information. Notice the Mode is Production and then select Next: Configuration.

  5. Review the Configuration tab information. Notice that you cannot change the Anomaly score threshold.

  6. Then select X in the top right corner to exit the Analytics rule wizard.

  7. Scroll right to the analytics rule you selected until see and select the ellipsis (…) icon.

  8. Select Duplicate and scroll left to review the new rule with the FLGT tab at the beginning of the name.

  9. Select FLGT rule and then select Edit on the rule blade.

  10. Review the General tab information. Notice the Mode is Flighting and then select Next: Configuration.

  11. Review the Configuration tab information. Notice that you can now change the Anomaly score threshold.

  12. Set the value to 1 and then select Next: Submit Feedback.

  13. Select Next: Review and Create and then Save to update the rule.

    Note: You can upgrade the Flighting rule to Production by changing the setting on this rule and save the changes. The Production rule will become the Flighting rule afterwards.

Proceed to Exercise 5