Learning Path 7 - Lab 1 - Exercise 1 - Configure your Microsoft Sentinel environment

Lab scenario

You are a Security Operations Analyst working at a company that is implementing Microsoft Sentinel. You are responsible for setting up the Microsoft Sentinel environment to meet the company requirement to minimize cost, meet compliance regulations, and provide the most manageable environment for your security team to perform their daily job responsibilities.

Important: The lab exercises for Learning Path #7 are in a standalone environment. If you exit the lab before completing it, you will be required to re-run the configurations again.

Estimated time to complete this lab: 30 minutes

Task 1 - Create a Log Analytics workspace

Create a Log Analytics workspace, including region option. Learn more about onboarding Microsoft Sentinel.

  1. Log in to WIN1 virtual machine as Admin with the password: Pa55w.rd.

  2. In the Microsoft Edge browser, navigate to the Azure portal at https://portal.azure.com.

  3. In the Sign in dialog box, copy, and paste in the tenant Email account for the admin username provided by your lab hosting provider and then select Next.

  4. In the Enter password dialog box, copy, and paste in the admin’s tenant password provided by your lab hosting provider and then select Sign in.

  5. In the Search bar of the Azure portal, type “Microsoft Sentinel”, then select

  6. Select + Create.

  7. Select Create a new workspace.

  8. Select Create new for the Resource group.

  9. Enter Defender-RG and select Ok.

  10. For the Name, enter defenderWorkspace.

  11. You can leave the default region for the workspace.

  12. Select Review + create to validate the new workspace.

  13. Select Create to deploy the workspace.

Task 2 - Deploy Microsoft Sentinel to a workspace

Deploy Microsoft Sentinel to the workspace.

  1. When the workspace deployment completes, select Home from the Microsoft Azure “breadcrumb” menu.

  2. You should see Microsoft Sentinel in the Azure services section of the portal. Select it.

  3. Select + Create from the menu items.

  4. Select the workspace you want to add Sentinel to (created in Task 1).

  5. Select Add.

Task 3 - Configure data retention

  1. In the Microsoft Azure “breadcrumb” menu, select Home.

  2. In the Search bar of the Azure portal, type “Log Analytics” and select the workspace created in Task 1.

  3. Expand the Settings section in the navigation menu and select Usage and estimated costs.

  4. Select Data retention from the menu items.

  5. Change data retention period to 180 days.

  6. Select OK.

Task 4: Create a Watchlist

In this task, you will create a watchlist in Microsoft Sentinel.

  1. In the search box at the bottom of the Windows 10 screen, enter Notepad. Select Notepad from the results.

  2. Type Hostname then enter for a new line.

  3. From row 2 of the notepad, copy the following hostnames, each one in a different line:

  4. From the menu select, File - Save As, Name the file HighValue.csv, change the file type to All files(.) and select Save. Hint: The file can be saved in the Documents folder.

  5. Close Notepad.

  6. Select Home from the Microsoft Azure “breadcrumb” menu.

  7. You should see Microsoft Sentinel in the Azure services section of the portal. Select it.

  8. In Microsoft Sentinel, select the Watchlist option under the Configuration area.

  9. Select + New from the command bar.

  10. In the Watchlist wizard, enter the following:

    General setting Value
    Name HighValueHosts
    Description High Value Hosts
    Watchlist alias HighValueHosts
  11. Select, Next: Source >.

  12. Select Browse for files under Upload file and browse for the HighValue.csv file you just created.

  13. In the SearchKey field select Hostname.

  14. Select Next: Review and Create >.

  15. Review the settings you entered and select Create.

  16. The screen returns to the Watchlist page.

  17. Select Refresh from the menu to see the new watchlist.

  18. Select the HighValueHosts watchlist and on the right pane, select View in logs.

    Important: It could take up to ten minutes for the watchlist to appear. Please continue to with the following task and run this command on the next lab.

    Note: You can now use the _GetWatchlist(‘HighValueHosts’) in your own KQL statements to access the list. The column to reference would be Hostname.

  19. Close the Logs window by selecting the ‘x’ in the top-right and select OK to discard the unsaved edits.

Task 5: Create a Threat Indicator

In this task, you will create an indicator in Microsoft Sentinel.

  1. In Microsoft Sentinel, select the Threat intelligence option in the Threat management area.

  2. Select + Add New from the command bar.

  3. Select the TI Object.

  4. From the Object type dropdown, select Indicator.

  5. Select the + New observable dropdown and select Domain name.

  6. For Domain, enter a domain name, for example type contoso.com.

  7. In the Name field enter the same value used for the Domain.

  8. In the Indicator types, select malicious-activity.

  9. Set the Valid from field to today’s date.

  10. Scroll down to the Description and enter This domain is known to be malicious.

  11. Select Add.

  12. Select the Logs option under the General area of the Sentinel navigation menu. You might want to disable the “Always show queries” option and close the Queries window to run the KQL statements.

    Note: In the default New Query 1 tab, the _GetWatchList(‘HighValueHosts’) query should still be there, and will now produce results if run.

  13. Select the + sign to create a new query tab.

  14. Run the following KQL statement.


    Note: It could take up to five minutes for the indicator to appear.

  15. Scroll the results to the right to see the DomainName column. You can also run the following KQL statement to just see the DomainName column.

     | project DomainName

Task 6: Configure log retention

In this task, you will change the retention period for the SecurityEvent table.

  1. In Microsoft Sentinel, select the Settings option under the Configuration area.

  2. Select Workspace settings.

  3. In Log Analytics workspace, select the Tables option under the Settings area.

  4. Search and select the table SecurityEvent, and then select the ellipsis link (…).

    Note: You may need to scroll to the right to see the ellipsis link.

  5. Select Manage Table.

  6. Change the Interactive retention period to 90 days.

  7. Reset the Total retention period to 180 days (if needed). Notice that Archive period is set now set to 90 days, because Azure Monitor automatically treats the remaining 90 days of total retention as low-cost, long-term retention.

  8. Select Save to apply the changes.

You have completed the lab