Demo 23 - Azure Service Bus

Objective: In this demo, you will show how to create an Azure Service Bus Queue and then post messages to the queue from Dataverse.

Task 23.1 - Create an Azure Service Bus queue

  1. Open the Azure portal.

  2. Create a Resource Group named Demo.

  3. Create a Service Bus namespace and select the Standard tier.

  4. Create a Queue in the Service Bus named trickqueue.

  5. Select the queue and create a Shared access policy, named All with all checkboxes ticked.

  6. Select the All policy and copy the Primary Connection String.

Task 23.2 - Register a Service Endpoint

  1. Start the Plug-in Registration Tool and connect to the Demo environment.

  2. Register a new Service Endpoint and paste the Primary Connection String.

  3. Select XML for Message Format.

  4. Register a step on the service endpoint.

    • Enter Create for Message.

    • Enter dem_trick for Primary Table.

    • Select PostOperation from dropdown for Event Pipeline Stage of Execution.

    • Select Asynchronous for Execution mode.

    • Uncheck Delete AsyncOperation.

Task 23.3 - Test integration with Azure

  1. Open a new Trick form.

  2. Enter a name and points and select Save.

  3. In the Azure Portal navigate to the Overview page for the queue.

  4. Show that there is 1 message in the queue.

  5. Use the Service Bus Explorer to Peek the message and show the XML in the message body.

Task 23.4 - Add service endpoint to solution

  1. In the demo solution, add existing Service Endpoint and select trickqueue.

  2. In the demo solution, add existing Plug-in step and select Create of dem_trick.