Create and manage workspaces
Share a dashboard
Open another Microsoft Edge window, in a new InPrivate window.
Sign in to the Power BI service, and accept the Power BI Pro trial license if not already done.
Open the shared dashboard
Switch to the instructor Power BI service window.
Open the Sales Monitoring dashboard.
On the menu, select Share.
Share the dashboard to the recipient account.
Switch to the recipient Power BI service window.
Open Shared with Me and open the Sales Monitoring dashboard.
Point out that the dashboard is read-only.
Create an app
Switch to the instructor Power BI service window.
In the Navigation pane, select the workspace name.
At the top-right, select Create App.
In the Setup section, enter description text and optionally choose a theme color.
In the Navigation section, optionally sequence the report before the dashboard.
In the Permissions section, grant access to the recipient account.
Publish the app.
Get and open the app
Switch to the recipient Power BI service window.
Open Apps, and then get the app you just published.
Once added, open the app.
Navigate between the report pages and the dashboard.
Leave the app open. It will be used in the row-level security demo later.