Optional Task 1: Generate Marketing Ideas
Use Microsoft 365 Copilot to quickly generate a range of creative outputs. This task showcases the practical application of Copilot’s features, emphasizing how you can extend your work in innovative ways..
Note: While we provide sample prompts, feel free to personalize them in your own style. Be creative and experiment. If Copilot doesn't give the desired output, refine your prompt and try again. Enjoy the process!
Create a Logo:
- Navigate to Business Chat within the Microsoft 365 App by typing in the following URL in your Edge browser: m365.cloud.microsoft/chat.
In Business Chat, ensure that the Web tab is selected, then copy and paste the sample prompt into the prompt field:
Sample Prompt
Create a simple and modern logo for our new Giving Campaign named [campaign name], targeting [target audience/community]. The logo should convey qualities such as [desired qualities, e.g., impact, compassion, inclusivity]. It should be versatile for use on digital platforms and print materials.
Note: Replace the text within brackets with your specific choice - Optionally, you can save one of the four image outputs by selecting the image of your choice, then selecting the ellipses (three dots) > Download.
Generate a Marketing Slogan:
With the mission of your new Giving Campaign in mind, use the following prompt to generate a marketing slogan that captures its purpose and resonates with the target audience:
Sample Prompt
Generate a catchy marketing slogan for our new Giving Campaign [campaign name] that highlights its unique value proposition and appeals to the [target audience/community].
Note: Replace the text within brackets with your specific choice
Next: Optional task 2