Exercise 2: Create a Teams app using Teams Toolkit

Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code offers two methods for creating a new app. You can create a new app using the built-in templates provided by the toolkit. Additionally, Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code also provides a collection of samples that are ready for you to explore and create your base app from.

In this exercise, you’ll create your first Microsoft Teams app using the built-in templates.

Task 1: Create a new Teams app

  1. In the Visual Studio Code sidebar, select the Teams Toolkit button to open Teams Toolkit.
  2. In Teams Toolkit, select Create a New App.

    Screenshot of Create a New App

  3. On the New Project menu, select** Tab.

    Screenshot of select tab

  4. When prompted to select a capability, select Basic Tab.
  5. When prompted to select a programming language, select TypeScript.
  6. When prompted to select a folder, select Default folder or choose a different file location.
  7. Enter an application name of your choice for your basic tab app and select enter.
  8. Teams Toolkit will scaffold a new app and open the project folder in Visual Studio Code.
  9. You may receive a message from Visual Studio Code that asks if you trust the authors of the files in this folder. Select the Yes, I trust the authors button to continue.

    Screenshot of Trust the authors

  10. Now you can view the project code, which includes:
  • The Teams app code.
  • Deployment and manifest files inside the appPackage folder.
  • Environment variables inside the env folder.
  • A README file that provides required steps to run, debug, and deploy the app.

    Screenshot of tab project code