
You can comment on pull requests and proposed changes (commits) that other users make. When you comment on a commit, you view a source diff of the file, and you then you can comment on specific changes on a line-by-line basis or on the entire commit. You also can make suggestions about an overall project, by submitting an Issue or commenting on an existing Issue.

Review and comment on a pull request:

  1. In your browser, navigate to the applicable repo on GitHub.

  2. Click Pull requests n, where n is the number of active pull requests.

  3. Select the pull request that you want to review, and then on the Write tab, in the Leave a comment text box, input your comment.

  4. Click Comment.

Review and comment on a commit:

  1. In your browser, navigate to the applicable repo on GitHub.

  2. Click n commits**, where **n* is the number of commits that have been submitted. If you want to review the latest commit, you can select the title/short description of the commit from file list.

  3. In the source diff section, select the change on which you want to comment by clicking the plus sign (+) that appears when the mouse hovers over the applicable change.

  4. On the Write tab, in the Comment text box, provide your comment.

  5. Click Comment.

    Note: If you wish to provide an overall comment on the commit, under n comments on commit, where n is the number of comments submitted, and then under the Write tab, in the Leave a comment text box, type your comment, and Click Comment on this commit.