Exercise 16: Process Sales

Task 1: Process a sales from quote to invoice


Through the European web shop a new company has requested a quote for several monitors.

Since it is a company, and not a private person, first a Contoso account is created, which is entered in Business Central as a contact card. The company Francematic is located in France, at the following address: 19 Boulevard Commanderie, FR-78370 PLAISIR.

You need to prepare a customer template to be able to convert EU contacts into EU customers, using the correct posting group information, sales prices and line discount and needs to pay before delivery.

On February 16th, 2023, a quote is created by Benjamin Chiu for the following items:

  • 1 box of the 15” flat panels, at the current price of $ 4,800.00 a box with a 6% discount for all medium-sized companies.

  • 3 pieces of the 17” monitor, at the current price of $ 700.00 a piece with a 6% discount for all medium-sized companies.

The potential customer now has 10 days to either accept or turn down the proposal.

On February 22nd, 2023, Francematic accepts the sales quote and the quote is turned into an order.

The items are shipped to the customer on 2 different dates:

  • On February 27th, 2023, the 15” flat panels are delivered.

  • On February 28th, 2023, the 17” monitors are delivered.

On March 1st, 2023, the sales invoice is created and send to the customer.

You will perform

  1. Create a contact.

  2. Create a sales quote for a contact.

  3. Process the quote into an order.

  4. Partially ship items from the order.

  5. Create a posted sales invoice from the sales order.


  1. Create a contact.

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Contacts, and then choose the related link.

    2. In the Contacts list page, select + New.

    3. On the General FastTab, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Name field, enter Francematic.

      2. In the Type field, leave the default value Company.

    4. On the Communication FastTab, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Address field, enter 19 Boulevard Commanderie.

      2. In the Country/Region Code field, enter FR.

      3. In the ZIP Code field, enter FR-78370.

      4. The City field is automatically filled in with the value PLAISIR.

    5. On the Foreign Trade FastTab, leave the Currency Code field blank.

  2. Create a sales quote for a contact.

    1. On the Contacts list page, select the new contact Francematic.

    2. Select Home and then select Create Sales Quote.

    3. Click Yes for selecting a customer template.

    4. Select the CUSTOMER COMPANY template and click OK.

    5. A new sales quote is created.

    6. In the General FastTab, click Show more and then fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Order Date and Document Date field, enter 2/15/2023.

      2. In the Quote Valid To Date field, enter 2/25/2023.

      3. In the Salesperson Code field, enter BC.

    7. On the Lines section, enter a new line by filling in the following fields:

      1. In the Type field, enter Item.

      2. In the No. field, enter CHW1002 for the 15” flat panels.

      3. In the Location Code field, enter EUROP.

      4. In the Unit of Measure Code field, enter BOX.

      5. In the Quantity field, enter 1.

      6. In the Unit Price Excl. Tax field, enter 4,800.00.

      7. In the Line Discount % field, enter 6.

      8. In the Tax Group Code, enter NONTAXABLE.

    8. On the Lines section, enter a new line by filling in the following fields:

      1. In the Type field, enter Item.

      2. In the No. field, enter CHW1003 for the 17” flat panels.

      3. In the Location Code field, enter EUROP.

      4. In the Unit of Measure Code field, leave the default value PCS.

      5. In the Quantity field, enter 3.

      6. In the Unit Price Excl. Tax field, enter 700.00.

      7. In the Line Discount % field, enter 6.

      8. In the Tax Group Code, enter NONTAXABLE.

  3. Process the quote into an order.

    1. On the Sales Quote card page, change the Order Date field to 2/22/2023.

    2. Select Home and then select Make Order.

    3. Click Yes.

    4. Click Yes to create a customer card for contact Francematic.

    5. Click OK.

    6. Click Yes to open the sales order.

  4. Partially ship items from the order.

    1. On the Sales Order card page, on the General FastTab, in the Posting Date field, enter 2/27/2023.

    2. On the Lines FastTab, select the line for the 17” monitors.

    3. In the Qty. to Ship field, remove the value, and leave the field blank.

    4. Select Home and then select Post.

    5. Select the Ship option and click OK.

    6. Select OK.

    7. On the General FastTab, in the Posting Date field, enter 2/28/2023.

    8. Select Home and then select Post.

    9. Select the Ship option and click OK.

    10. Select OK.

  5. Create a posted sales invoice from the sales order.

    1. On the Sales Order card page, on the General FastTab, in the Posting Date field, enter 3/1/2023.

    2. Select Home and then select Post.

    3. Select the Invoice option and click OK.

    4. Select No.

  6. Review the posted sales invoice.

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Posted Sales Invoices, and then choose the related link.

    2. In the Posted Sales Invoices list page, select the invoice for customer Francematic.

    3. Select Actions and then select Find entries.

    4. Select the line for G/L entries and select Show Related Entries.

    5. Close the G/L entries page.

    6. Close the Find Entries page.

Task 2: Process a sales invoice for multiple orders


During the month January the web shop sales has been picking up and a lot of items were shipped to private customers.

First record a couple of these sales orders and shipments for the Generic EU web shop customer as follows:

Order & Delivery Date Reference Shipment Address Qty. Item
1/5/2023 Private sale DK PICK-UP-DK 2 PCS CHW1002
1/6/2023 Private sale BE PICK-UP-BE 1 BOX CHW1002
1/9/2023 Private sale FR PICK-UP-FR 5 PCS CHW1003

At the end of March 2023, 1 combined invoice is created for all private sales. You must now create this sales invoice for the Generic EU web shop customers, containing all shipments of January, including the 5% web shop discount for the month January.

You will perform

  1. Create several sales orders and shipments.

  2. Use the Combine Shipments function to create sales invoices.


  1. Create several sales orders and shipments.

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.

    2. On the Customers list page, select the Generic EU web shop customer.

    3. Select New Document and then select Sales Order.

    4. On the opened Sales Order card page, on the General FastTab, click Show more and then fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Order Date field, enter 1/5/2023.

      2. In the Posting Date field, enter 3/6/2023.

      3. In the Your Reference field, enter Private sale DK.

    5. On the Shipping and Billing FastTab, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Ship-to field, select the Alternate Shipping Address option.

      2. On the opened Ship-to Address List page, select PICK-UP-DK and click OK.

      3. Select the Combine Shipments checkbox.

    6. On the Lines section, enter a new line by filling in the following fields:

      1. In the Type field, enter Item.

      2. In the No. field, enter CHW1002.

      3. In the Location Code field, the value EUROP is automatically filled in.

      4. In the Unit of Measure Code field, the value PCS is automatically filled in.

      5. In the Quantity field, enter 2.

      6. In the Tax Group Code field, enter NONTAXABLE.

    7. Select Home and then select Post.

    8. Select the Ship option and click OK.

    9. Click OK for the sales order to be placed in a job queue.

    10. Close the Sales Order page.

    11. On the Customers list page, select the Generic EU web shop customer.

    12. Select New Document and then select Sales Order.

    13. On the opened Sales Order card page, on the General FastTab, click Show more and then fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Order Date field, enter 1/6/2023.

      2. In the Posting Date field, enter 3/7/2023.

      3. In the Your Reference field, enter Private sale BE.

    14. On the Shipping and Billing FastTab, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Ship-to field, select the Alternate Shipping Address option.

      2. On the opened Ship-to Address List page, select PICK-UP-BE and click OK.

      3. Select the Combine Shipments checkbox.

    15. On the Lines section, enter a new line by filling in the following fields:

      1. In the Type field, enter Item.

      2. In the No. field, enter CHW1002.

      3. In the Location Code field, the value EUROP is automatically filled in.

      4. In the Unit of Measure Code field, enter BOX.

      5. In the Quantity field, enter 1.

      6. In the Tax Group Code, enter NONTAXABLE.

    16. Select Home and then select Post.

    17. Select the Ship option and click OK.

    18. Click OK for the sales order to be placed in a job queue.

    19. Close the Sales Order page.

    20. On the Customers list page, select the Generic EU web shop customer.

    21. Select New Document and then select Sales Order.

    22. On the opened Sales Order card page, on the General FastTab, click Show more and then fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Order Date field, enter 1/9/2023.

      2. In the Posting Date field, enter 3/8/2023.

      3. In the Your Reference field, enter Private sale FR.

    23. On the Shipping and Billing FastTab, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Ship-to field, select the Alternate Shipping Address option.

      2. On the opened Ship-to Address List page, select PICK-UP-FR and click OK.

      3. Select the Combine Shipments checkbox.

    24. On the Lines section, enter a new line by filling in the following fields:

      1. In the Type field, enter Item.

      2. In the No. field, enter CHW1003.

      3. In the Location Code field, the value EUROP is automatically filled in.

      4. In the Unit of Measure Code field , the value PCS is automatically filled in.

      5. In the Quantity field, enter 5.

      6. In the Tax Group Code field, enter NONTAXABLE.

    25. Select Home and then select Post.

    26. Select the Ship option and click OK.

    27. Click OK for the sales order to be placed in a job queue.

    28. Close the Sales Order page.

  2. Use the Combine Shipments function to create sales invoices.

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Combine Shipments, and then choose the related link.

    2. Open the Combine Shipments task.

    3. In the Posting Date and Document Date field, enter 3/8/2023.

    4. Select the Calc. Inv. Discount checkbox.

    5. Select the Post Invoices checkbox.

    6. In the Sell-to Customer No. filter, enter CWEB0001.

    7. Click OK.

    8. Click OK.

Task 3: Correct a posted sales invoice


The new customer Francematic complaint that only 2 of the 3 17” monitors were delivered.

You need to make a sales credit memo on March 6th, 2023, to refund 1 piece of this item.

You will perform

  1. Correct a posted sales invoice


  1. Correct a posted sales invoice

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Posted Sales Invoices, and then choose the related link.

    2. On the Posted Sales Invoices list page, select the invoice for customer Francematic.

    3. Select Correct and then select Create Corrective Credit Memo.

    4. On the opened sales credit memo, on the General FastTab, click Show more and then enter 3/6/2023 in the Posting Date field.

    5. On the Lines section, delete the line for the 15” flat panels.

    6. On the Lines section, select the line for the 17” monitors.

    7. Change the Quantity field from 3 to 1.

    8. Select Home and then select Post.

    9. Click Yes.

    10. Click No.