Exercise 11: Set Up Accounts Receivable

Task 1: Configure the Sales & Receivables Setup


Concerning the processing of sales transactions, Contoso’s account manager has expressed the following requirements:

  • Web shop customers will be numbered separately from other customers. Regular customers are numbered C00010 and incremented by 10. Web shop customers are numbered CWEB00010 and incremented by 10.

    (Remark: The number series for regular customers is already created (CUST) and assigned in the Sales & Receivables Setup)

  • Posted sales invoices are numbered based on the year and month in which they are posted. The first sales invoice, as of January 1st, 2024, will be posted with the number S22/01/0001. The next month will be S22/02/0001 and so on.

  • A separate g/l account 40300 is setup to record invoice discounts only that were given to the customer. Line discounts are also given but considered as part of the net sales price and thus not posted separately from the normal sales account.

  • Contoso works with a credit insurer, who provides credit limits for each customer. When this limit is reached, salespeople have to communicate with the finance department before going ahead with the sale.

You will perform

  1. Set up and assign number series

  2. Complete discount posting setup

  3. Activate credit limit warning


  1. Set up and assign number series.

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.

    2. In the Sales & Receivables Setup page, go to the Number Series FastTab.

    3. In the Customer field, the value CUST is already filled in. Click on the Look Up Value button and select + New.

    4. In the opened No. Series List page, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Code field, enter CUST WEB

      2. In the Description field, enter Customers Web Shop.

      3. Select the Default Nos. check box.

    5. Click on the ellipses (…) in the top ribbon, select Navigate and then select Lines.

    6. In the opened No. Series Lines page, select + New.

      1. Leave the Starting Date field blank.

      2. In the Starting No. field, enter CWEB0001.

      3. In the Increment-by No. field, enter the value 10.

    7. Close the No. Series Lines page.

    8. In the opened No. Series List page, select the number series CUST.

    9. Click the ellipses (…), select Navigate and then select Relationships.

    10. In the No. Series Relationships page, select + New.

    11. In the Series Code field, enter CUST WEB.

    12. Close the No. Series Relationships page.

    13. Close the No. Series List page by clicking OK.

    14. You are now back in the Sales & Receivables Setup page, on the Number Series FastTab.

    15. In the Posted Invoice Nos. field, the value S-INV+ is already filled in. Click on the Look Up Value button and then click Select from full list.

    16. In the opened No. Series List page, the number series S-INV+ is automatically selected.

    17. Select Navigate and then select Lines.

    18. In the opened No. Series Lines page, select + New.

      1. In the Starting Date field, enter 1/1/2023.

      2. In the Starting No. field, enter S22/01/0001.

      3. In the Increment-by No. field, leave the value 1.

    19. In the opened No. Series Lines page, select + New.

      1. In the Starting Date field, enter 2/1/2023.

      2. In the Starting No. field, enter S22/02/0001.

      3. In the Increment-by No. field, leave the value 1.

    20. Close the No. Series Lines page.

    21. Close the No. Series List page by clicking OK.

    22. The number series S-INV+ remains filled in in the Posted Invoice Nos. field, in the Sales & Receivables Setup page.

  2. Complete discount posting setup.

    1. In the Sales & Receivables Setup page, go to the General FastTab.

    2. In the Discount Posting field, select the Invoice Discounts option.

    3. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter General Posting Setup, and then choose the related link.

    4. In the General Posting Setup page, for each possible combination of Gen. Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Prod. Posting Group, make sure the Sales Inv. Disc. Account field is filled in with the value 40301. If you are unable to see, please proceed with the creating a new.

  3. Activate credit limit warning

    1. In the Sales & Receivables Setup page, go to the General FastTab.

    2. In the Credit Warnings field, select the Credit Limit option.

Task 2: Create and configure customers


Based on the chart of accounts, you will set up the different customer posting groups. With their fast-growing business abroad, they want to keep track of their accounts receivables in the US (domestic) and in other EU countries (foreign) separately. A third group will be set up to register transactions with EU third-party alliances (intercompany) they have set up to expand their business even further.

The DOMESTIC customer posting group is already set up. The other customer posting groups will be based on this group, but with different balance accounts (10450 for foreign customers and 10475 for intercompany customers).

A generic EU web shop customer will be created for all end-user customers that prefer not to create a Contoso customer account. Make sure to fill in the correct posting groups and that the following requirements are met:

  • All sales documents will be mailed as a pdf-file to the customer’s default Email-address and the document will also be stored as a pdf-file.

  • End user customers need to pay sales invoices before delivery using a credit card service. Credit card payments will be posted to the g/l account 20500 when processing the sales invoice.

  • This fictitious customer is considered to always be part of the small business customer group.

You need to create this customer manually.

Remark: before starting this exercise, first disable the existing configuration templates for customers: CUST000001 & CUST000002

You will perform

  1. Set up a Customer Posting Group.

  2. Create and configure a new customer


  1. Set up a Customer Posting Group

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Customer Posting Groups, and then choose the related link.

    2. In the Customer Posting Groups page, select + New.

    3. In the Customer Posting Group Card page, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Code field, fill in FOREIGN.

      2. In the Description field, fill in Foreign customers.

      3. In the Receivables Account field, fill in 10450.

      4. Close the page.

    4. In the Customer Posting Groups page, select + New.

    5. In the Customer Posting Group Card page, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Code field, fill in INTERCOMPANY.

      2. In the Description field, fill in Intercompany customers.

      3. In the Payables Account field fill in 10475.

      4. Close the page.

    6. From the Customer Posting Groups page, copy the other g/l accounts from the DOMESTIC customer posting group to the FOREIGN and INTERCOMPANY customer posting groups using F8. Copy the following fields:

      1. Payment Disc. Debit Acc.

      2. Payment Disc. Credit Acc.

      3. Interest Account

      4. Additional Fee Account

      5. Invoice Rouding Account

      6. Debit Curr. Appln. Rndg. Acc.

      7. Credit Curr. Appln. Rndg. Acc.

      8. Debit Rounding Account

      9. Credit Rounding Account

      10. Payment Tolerance Debit Acc.

      11. Payment Tolerance Credit Acc.

  2. Create and configure a new customer.

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.

    2. In the Customers page, select + New.

    3. Select the CUSTOMER COMPANY template and then click OK.

    4. Go to the General FastTab.

    5. Open the assist edit button to the right of the No. field.

    6. In the window that opens, select the number series for web shop customers CUST WEB and click OK.

    7. Click Yes.

    8. In the Name field, enter Generic EU web shop.

    9. Click Show more.

    10. In the Document Sending Profile field, click on the Look Up Value button and click + New.

    11. In the opened Document Sending Profile card page, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Code field, enter MAIL&PDF.

      2. In the Description field, enter Mail & PDF.

      3. In the Email field, select the Yes (Use Default Settings) option.

      4. The Email Attachment field is automatically set to the PDF option.

      5. In the Disk field, select the PDF option.

      6. Click OK.

    12. The new code is now automatically filled in in the Document Sending Profile field on the customer card.

    13. Go to the Invoicing FastTab.

    14. In the Gen. Bus. Posting Group field, enter EU.

    15. In the Customer Posting Group, enter FOREIGN.

    16. Go to the Payments FastTab.

    17. In the Payment Terms Code field, click on the Look Up Value button and click + New.

    18. In the opened Payment Terms page, select + New and fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Code field, enter 0 DAYS.

      2. In the Due Date Calculation field, enter 0D.

      3. In the Description field, enter Pay before delivery.

      4. Click OK.

    19. The new code is now automatically filled in in the Payment Terms Code field on the customer card.

    20. On the Payments FastTab, click Show more.

    21. In the Payment Method Code field, click on the Look Up Value button and click + New.

    22. In the opened Payment Methods page, select + New and fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Code field, enter CREDITCARD.

      2. In the Description field, enter Payment Credit card.

      3. In the Bal. Account Type field, select the G/L Account option.

      4. Click the Bal. Account No. field, and then click Select from full list.

      5. On the G/L Account list page, select account number 20500/Credit Cards and click Edit. Create a new account if you do not find it from the list.

      6. On the G/L Account Card of 20500, enable Direct Posting toggle.

      7. Close the G/L Account Card.

      8. The account number 20500 is automatically filled in the Bal. Account No. field.

      9. Click OK.

    23. The new code is now automatically filled in in the Payment Method Code field on the customer card.

    24. In the customer card, select Customer and then select Dimensions.

    25. In the opened Default Dimensions page, select + New.

    26. Fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Dimension Code field, enter CUSTOMERGROUP

      2. In the Dimension Value Code field, enter SMALL

      3. In the Value Posting field, select the Same Code option.

    27. Close the Default Dimensions page.

Task 3: Import customers using data templates


The rest of the domestic customers will be imported using a configuration package and a configuration template. Make sure the appropriate posting groups are filled in and that the following requirements are met:

  • All sales documents will be mailed as a pdf-file to the customer’s default Email-address and the document will also be stored as a pdf-file.

  • Domestic customers need to pay sales invoices within 30 days of the invoice.

  • The CUSTOMERGROUP dimension needs to be set up as a fixed default on the customer card.

The following list of domestic customers is returned to you by Contoso’s super user.

You will perform

  1. Create and export a configuration package.

  2. Create and assign data template to the configuration package.

  3. Prepare data in excel.

  4. Import and apply the configuration package.


  1. Create and export a configuration package.

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Configuration Packages, and then choose the related link.

    2. In the Configuration Packages page, click + New to create a new configuration package.

    3. In the Code field, enter CUST.

    4. In the Package Name field, enter Customer List.

    5. On the Tables section of the Config. Package Card, enter a new line as follows.

    6. Open the assist edit button to the right of the Table ID field.

    7. In the window that opens, select the Customer table, and click OK.

    8. Then press ENTER or TAB.

    9. Select the Dimensions as Columns check box.

    10. Click Yes to add the related dimension tables.

    11. Make sure the customer table line is selected, select Table and then Fields.

    12. Click on No.

    13. Click on Fields again. On the field list page, first select Clear Included, to deselect the Include Field checkbox for all the fields.

    14. Then select the Include Field checkbox for the following fields:

      1. Name

      2. Address

      3. City

      4. Country/Region Code

      5. Post Code

    15. The Validate Field checkbox is automatically selected.

    16. Click Close.

    17. In the Config. Package Card page, select Export to Excel.

    18. Click Yes to export the configuration package.

  2. Create and assign data template to the configuration package.

    1. In the Tables section of the Config. Package Card, make sure the Customer table line is selected.

    2. Open the assist edit button to the right of the Data Template field.

    3. In the opened Configuration Templates page, select + New.

    4. In the Config. Template Header page, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Code field, enter CUST DOM

      2. In the Description field, enter Domestic customers

      3. Open the assist edit button to the right of the Table ID field.

      4. Select the table for Customers (ID = 18) and click OK.

      5. Select the Enabled check box.

      6. In the Lines section on the page, create the following line:

        1. In the Type field, enter Field.

        2. In the Field Name field, enter Gen. Bus. Posting Group.(ID=88)

        3. In the Default Value field, enter DOMESTIC

      7. In the Lines section on the page, create the following line:

        1. In the Type field, enter Field.

        2. In the Field Name field, enter Customer Posting Group.(ID=21)

        3. In the Default Value field, enter DOMESTIC

      8. In the Lines section on the page, create the following line:

        1. In the Type field, enter Field.

        2. In the Field Name field, enter Document Sending Profile.(ID=11)

        3. In the Default Value field, enter MAIL&PDF

      9. In the Lines section on the page, create the following line:

        1. In the Type field, enter Field.

        2. In the Field Name field, enter Payment Terms Code.(ID=27)

        3. In the Default Value field, enter 30 DAYS

      10. Close the configuration template.

    5. In the Configuration Templates page, make sure the new template for domestic customers is selected, and click OK.

    6. The new code is now automatically filled in in the Data Template field on the configuration package card.

  3. Prepare data in excel.

    1. Open the exported excel file from the download folder.

    2. Enter the information as provided by Contoso.

    3. Save the excel file.

  4. Import and apply the configuration package.

    1. In the Configuration Packages page, select the new configuration package for customers and select Manage and then Edit.

    2. In the Config. Package Card page, select Import from Excel.

    3. Select Click here to browse and select the excel file.

    4. Click Open.

    5. In the preview page, select Import.

    6. In the Config. Package Card page, select Apply Package.

    7. Click Yes.

    8. Click OK.