Exercise 6: Set Up General Journals
Task 1: Set up General Journals
Part of the implementation process is the conversion of opening balances. For these specific transactions, a separate general journal OPENING will be created.
Separate batches are set up for the entry of the opening g/l balance accounts, the open customer ledger entries, the open vendor ledger entries, and the opening bank balance.
For customers and vendors, the detailed open ledger entries will be entered using the existing document no. given by the previous system. The total amount will be balanced by the regular g/l accounts for accounts receivables (10400) and accounts payable (20100).
You also want to avoid any tax postings while entering the opening g/l balances.
You will perform
Set up a journal for opening entries
Set up different batches for customer, vendor, balance
Set up a journal for opening entries
Select the Search icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter
General Journal Templates
and then choose the related link. -
In the General Journal Templates page, select + New.
Fill in the following fields:
In the Name field, enter
In the Description field, enter
conversion opening balances
. -
In the Type field, select the General option.
In the Bal. Account Type field, select the G/L Account option.
Deselect the Force Doc. Balance check box.
Deselect the Copy Tax Setup to Jnl. check box.
Set up different batches for customer, vendor, balance, and bank.
In the General Journal Templates page, make sure the OPENING journal is selected.
Select Batches.
In the opened General Journal Batches page, select + New.
Fill in the following fields:
In the Name field, enter
. -
In the Description field, enter
opening g/l balance account
In the opened General Journal Batches page, select + New.
Fill in the following fields:
In the Name field, enter
. -
In the Description field, enter
Opening bank balance
In the opened General Journal Batches page, select + New.
Fill in the following fields:
In the Name field, enter
. -
In the Description field, enter
opening customer ledger entries
. -
In the Bal. Account No. field, enter 10400
In the opened General Journal Batches page, select + New.
Fill in the following fields:
In the Name field, enter
. -
In the Description field, enter
opening vendor ledger entries
. -
In the Bal. Account No. field, enter 20100
Note – If you do not find the Balance Account number from the list. Please proceed with creating new. ————————-