Exercise 3 : Set up dimensions

Task 1: Set up a dimension with dimension values


Contoso has expressed their requirements regarding reporting goals.

From the general ledger they would like to analyze their sales by sales person and customer group, using the following pivot-table:

They want to see both the income and the discounts granted for each sales person.

A dimension for the customer group already exists, but it is up to you to create a dimension for sales people as well.

You will perform -

  1. Set up a dimension with dimension values


  1. Set up a dimension with dimension values

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Dimensions, and then choose the related link.

    2. In the Dimensions page, select + New.

    3. In the Code field, enter SALESPERSON_NEWLIST.

    4. Select Dimension and then Dimension Values.

    5. For each sales person, enter the initials in the Code field and the full name in the Name field.

      • AH - Annette Hill

      • BD - Bart Duncan

      • DC - Debra L. Core

      • JR - John Roberts

      • MD - Mary A. Dempsey

      • PS - Peter Saddow

      • RL - Richard Lum

    6. For each sales person, set the Dimension Value Type field to the Standard value.

Exercise 2: Assign Account Type Default Dimensions


To keep their analytical information as consistent as possible they would like to make sure that Business Central obligates the user to enter dimension information when posting sales transactions.

Every time a sales transaction is registered the customer’s group should be added and the salesperson’s code should be entered.

When a new customer is created, they are categorized to a certain group, which will be evaluated on a yearly basis. The customer, however, can be serviced by different salespeople responsible for their customer group.

You will perform -

  1. Assign Account Type Default Dimensions for the customer group.

  2. Assign Account Type Default Dimensions for the sales people.


  1. Assign Account Type Default Dimensions for the customer group.

    1. In the Dimensions page, select the CUSTOMERGROUP dimension.

    2. Select Dimension, and then select Account Type Default Dim..

    3. Open the assist edit button to the right of the Table ID field.

    4. In the window that opens, select the Customer table and click OK.

    5. In the Value Posting field, enter Code Mandatory.

  2. Assign Account Type Default Dimensions for the sales people.

    1. In the Dimensions page, select the SALESPERSON_NEWLIST dimension.

    2. Select Dimension, and then select Account Type Default Dim..

    3. Open the assist edit button to the right of the Table ID field.

    4. In the window that opens, select the Salesperson/Purchaser table, and click OK.

    5. In the Value Posting field, enter Code Mandatory.

Exercise 3: Set up a dimension combination


Sales people are divided into sales teams, where each team is responsible for a specific customer group.

To further provide enhance the accuracy of their analytical information, you have to make sure only logical dimension combination can be made when posting sales transactions.

Make sure the following requirements are met:

  • The sales team for the small businesses consists of the following people:

    • Annette Hill

    • Bart Duncan

  • The sales team for the medium sized customers consists of the following people:

    • Debra L. Core

    • John Roberts

  • The sales team for large companies consists of the following people:

    • Mary A. Dempsey

    • Peter Saddow

    • Richard Lum

You will perform -

  1. Limit a dimension combination.

  2. Block dimension value combinations.


  1. Limit a dimension combination.

    1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Dimension Combinations, and then choose the related link.

    2. In the Dimension Combinations page, click on the combination of the CUSTOMERGROUP and SALESPERSON_NEWLIST dimension in the matrix.

    3. In the window that opens, select Limited.

    4. Select OK.

  2. Block dimension value combinations.

    1. In the Dimension Combinations page, click on the Limited value of the combination of the CUSTOMERGROUP and SALESPERSON_NEWLIST dimension in the matrix.

    2. Click Yes to view the list of values.

    3. Click on the combination of the AH and MEDIUM dimension values in the matrix.

    4. In the window that opens, select Blocked.

    5. Select OK.

    6. Repeat steps c. d. and e., for the following combinations:

      • AH – LARG

      • BD – MEDIUM

      • BD – LARGE

      • DC – SMALL

      • DC – LARGE

      • JR – SMALL

      • JR – LARGE

      • MD – SMALL

      • MD – MEDIUM

      • PS – SMALL

      • PS – MEDIUM

      • RL – SMALL

      • RL – MEDIUM