Module 3 Implement production methods

Case study 1C Lean manufacturing

Exercise #1: Create value streams

After defining and mapping the lean manufacturing value stream for USMF, you are told to act as the value stream manager. You must create the value stream within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Can you do that?

You will have to do the following:

  • Create a value stream


  1. In USMF company go to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Value streams.

  2. Select New to create a new value stream.

  3. Enter the following details for the new value stream:

  4. Name: SeaLeanVS

  5. Search Name: SeaLean

  6. Manager: Jodi Christiansen

  7. Select Save.

Exercise #2 create a new production flow model

As the production (shop) floor supervisor at USMF, you have a logical grouping of work cell capacity with similar behavior in capacity load for the work cells used to model the car speaker production flow.

You must create a new production flow (SeaPFModel) to model the process of painting the covers for the car speakers. The capacity and load of the production flow will be measured in quantities of product that are produced (Throughput).

The Cycle for this production flow will define 1 day as the number of days used in automatic planning (i.e., EPE cycle is 1 day). The Add method of Kanban scheduling will be used if there is no capacity available during the required periods; the planning period type is Day and the planning time fence is 10. To the right are more details you will need for this task.

  • Name: eBookProdFlow

  • Description: eBook Production Flow

  • Legal entity: USMF

  • Value stream: SeaLeanVS

  • Production group: 10

  • Per cycle unit of measure: pcs

  • Quantity per cycle: 1

  • Average takt time: 1

  • Minimum takt time: 1

  • Maximum takt time: 2

  • Period for actual cycle time (days): 1

You will have to do the following:

  • Create a production flow model for SeaPFModel

  • Create a production flow version for the USMF eBook production flow

  • Set up the Takt and cycle times


Create a production flow model

  1. Go to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Production flow models.

  2. Select New.

  3. In the Production flow model field enter SeaPFModel.

  4. In the Model type field enter Throughput.

  5. In the EPE Cycle in days field enter 1.

  6. In the Capacity shortage reaction field enter Add.

  7. In the Planning period type field enter Day.

  8. In the Planning time fence field enter 10.

  9. In the Capacity shortage reaction drop down select Postpone.

  10. Select Save.

Create a production flow version

  1. Navigate to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Production flows.

  2. Select New on the action pane. A new production flow record is created.

  3. In the Name field, enter eBookProdFlow.

  4. In the Description field, enter eBook Production Flow.

  5. In the Legal entity field, select USMF.

  6. In the Value stream field, select LeanProduction.

  7. In the Production group field, select 10.

  8. Select Save.

  9. On the Versions FastTab, select Add.

  10. Select OK.

Set up the takt and cycle times

  1. Expand the Versions and Version details FastTabs.

  2. In the Per cycle unit of measure field, select pcs.

  3. In the Quantity per cycle field, enter 1.

  4. In the Average takt time field, enter 1.

  5. In the Minimum takt time field, enter 1.

  6. In the Maximum takt time field, enter 2.

  7. In the Period for actual cycle time (days) field, enter 1.

  8. Select Save in the action pane.

  9. Ensure that the Plan status field for the version is set to Draft.

  10. Close all forms.

Exercise #3: Create a process activity

A new eBook stylus is being developed to compliment the eBook kits that are sold at USMF.

The stylus is purchased from an outside vendor and configured at USMF.

A process activity is needed to configure the stylus and place it in stock for use elsewhere.

Here are the details for the process activity:

  • Name: Transfer Activity

  • Process quantity: 10 pcs

  • Operating unit: Lean Production

  • Work cell: 1260

The company is not sure how to configure this and you were called as the MFG functional consultant to help.

Can you help?

You will have to do the following:

  • Create a process activity


  1. Navigate to Production Control > Setup > Lean Production Flows > Production flows.

  2. Open the Mid Range Speaker 2PF production flow.

  3. On the Versions FastTab, select the Activities button.

  4. Select Create new plan activity button.

  5. Select Next.

  6. Enter Transfer Activity in the Name field.

  7. Enter 10 in the Process quantity field.

  8. In the Unit drop-down list, select pcs.

  9. In the Operating unit drop-down list, select LeanProduction.

  10. Select Next.

  11. In the Work cell replenished drop-down list, select 1260.

  12. Set the Update on hand on receipt option to Yes.

  13. Select 1260 in the Replenishing field.

  14. Select Finished product in the Product type field.

  15. Select Next.

  16. Select Warehouse 13 in the Transfer from location – warehouse field.

  17. Select location 13 in the Transfer from location – location field.

  18. For the transfer to location:

  19. Select 22 in the Warehouse field.

  20. Select location 01-01-2-1 in the Location field.

  21. Select Shipper in the Freighted by field.

  22. Select Next.

  23. Select Queue time after record.

  24. Enter 4 in time field.

  25. Select hr in the time unit field.

  26. Enter 10 in per quantity field.

  27. Select the Runtime record.

  28. Enter 2 in time field.

  29. Select hr in time unit field.

  30. Enter 10 in per quantity field.

  31. Select Next.

  32. Select Finish.

Exercise #4 Create a new transfer activity

A new car speaker remote is being developed to complement the car speaker kits sold at Contoso. The Standard speaker assembly production flow needs to be amended to include a transfer activity to move the configured remote to the Electrical Component warehouse

Details for production flow transfer activity are to the right

  • Name: RemoteTransfer

  • Process quantity: 10

  • Operating unit: SeaLeanVS

  • Replenishing resource group: 1250

  • Update on hand on receipt: Yes

  • Update on hand on pick: No

Transfer to warehouse ElComp, location Output

Freighted by shipper

  • Runtime: 1 min per 25 pcs

You will have to do the following:

  • Deactivate the current production flow version

  • Create a new transfer activity

  • Create the predecessor/successor relationship between the process and transfer activity with no constraints


Deactivate the current production flow version

  1. Navigate to Production Control > Setup > Lean production flow > Production flows.

  2. Open the Standard speaker assembly production flow.

  3. On the Versions FastTab, select Version 1.

  4. Select Deactivate.

  5. Select OK.

Create a new transfer activity

  1. On the Versions FastTab, select Activities. The Production flow activities form opens.

  2. Select Create new plan activity in the action pane.

  3. Select Next.

  4. Enter RemoteTransfer in the Name field.

  5. In the Activity type drop-down list, select Transfer.

  6. Enter 10 in the Process quantity field.

  7. In the Unit drop-down list, select pcs.

  8. In the Operating unit drop-down list, select SeaLeanVS.

  9. Select Next. The Create process activity and Create Transfer Activity page opens.

  10. In the Replenishing drop-down list, select 1250.

  11. Set the Update on hand on receipt check box to Yes.

  12. Set the Update on hand on pick check box to No.

  13. In the Product type field, select Finished product.

  14. Select Next. The Assign picking activities and Assign transfer locations page opens.

  15. In the Transfer to location group, in the Warehouse drop-down list, select 11.

  16. In the Location drop-down list, select 11.

  17. In the Freighted by drop-down list, select Shipper.

  18. Select Next. The Assign activity time page opens.

  19. In the Time field for the Runtime row, enter 1.

  20. In the adjacent Time unit drop-down list, select min.

  21. In the Per quantity field, enter 25.

  22. Select Next. The Confirm selection page opens.

  23. Select Finish. The wizard closes, and a new production flow activity appears in the list.

  24. Select Save in the action pane.

Create the predecessor/successor relationship between the process and transfer activity with no constraints

  1. Highlight the Wiring Process activity and, on the Successor tab, select the Add successor button.

  2. Select the Successor Activity of RemoteTransfer.

  3. For Cycle time ration, enter or select 1.

  4. Select the OK button.

  5. Close the Production flow activities form.

  6. On the Versions tab, select the Activate menu button.

  7. Select OK.

Exercise #5: Add a successor to the production flow activity and perform validation and activation

The production Manager wants to revise Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF production flow so that the Transfer_W12_to_W11 activity is succeeded by the Process_Activity_1 activity.

Here are the details for production flow transfer activity relations:

  • Constraint: 1 hour

  • Cycle time ratio: 2

He is not quite sure how to do this revision and wants your help.

Can you help?

You will have to do the following:

  • Add a successor to the production flow activity

  • Perform validation and activation


Add a successor to the production flow activity

  1. Navigate to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Production flows.

  2. Select the name of the Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF production flow.

  3. On the Versions FastTab, select Activities.

  4. In the list on the left, select the 00074 – Transfer from Warehouse 13 to 51 activity.

  5. On the Successors FastTab, select Add successor. The Create activity relation dialog opens.

  6. In the Successor group, in the Activity drop-down list, select Activity 000086.

  7. Select the Constraint check box.

  8. In the Constraint value field, enter 1.

  9. In the Units drop-down list, select hr.

  10. In the Cycle time ratio field, enter 2.

  11. Select OK.

  12. Select Save in the action pane.

  13. Close the forms.

Perform validation and activation

The Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF production flow, Version 2 must be validated to confirm that the changes have been correctly implemented.

  1. Navigate to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Production flows. The Production flows form opens.

  2. Select the name of the Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF production flow. The Production Flows form for the selected production flow opens.

  3. On the Versions FastTab, select Version 1.

  4. Select Validate. The Validate production flow dialog opens.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Select Save in the action pane.

  7. Close the forms.

Exercise #6: Create Kanban rules and schedule the Kanban job

A new car speaker remote has been developed to complement the car speaker kits that are sold at USMF. The production flow is already configured with multiple activities, and now the products and Kanbans required to process the flow must be created

Products have been set up for the purchased un-programmed remote and for the remote that will be programmed through the activities of the production flow.

The bill of materials (BOM) has also been created, adding the purchased unprogrammed remote as a BOM line.

Once the BOM is created, Kanban rules must be set up for the process activity to program the remote and for the transfer activity to transfer the programmed remote (now a finished good) to the warehouse and location where it will be stored until it is sold

When the Kanban jobs are not automatically planned, they must be dragged and dropped onto the desired period on the Kanban schedule board. You can do that by using the Kanban board

The company called you to configure the above. Can you help?

You will have to do the following:

  • Create the Kanban rule for the process activity

  • Create the Kanban rule for the transfer activity

  • Plan a Kanban on the Kanban board


Create the Kanban rule for the process activity

  1. Navigate to Product information management > Lean manufacturing > Kanban rules.

  2. Select New.

  3. Select the First plan activity called SpeakerTestAndPackaging.

  4. Expand the Details FastTab.

  5. In the Product, select L0001.

  6. Expand the Quantities FastTab

  7. Enter a Default quantity of 100.

  8. Enter a Fixed Kanban quantity of 4.

  9. Expand the Kanban and cards FastTab.

  10. Select the Circulating cards check box.

  11. Change the Card assignment to Automatic.

  12. Select Save.

  13. Select the Create cards button.

  14. Deselect the Print new cards box.

  15. Select Create.

  16. Switch to the Kanbans FastTab.

  17. Select Add.

  18. Verify that the default number of new Kanbans is 4.

  19. Select Create.

  20. Close all forms.

Creating the Kanban rule for the transfer activity

  1. Navigate to Product information management > Lean manufacturing > Kanban rules.

  2. Select New.

  3. Change the Type to Withdrawal.

  4. Update the First plan activity to ReplenishSpeakerComponents.

  5. Expand the Details FastTab.

  6. Enter the Product L0001.

  7. Switch to the Quantities FastTab.

  8. Enter the Default quantity of 10.

  9. Enter the Fixed Kanban quantity of 4.

  10. Select Save.

  11. Switch to the Kanbans FastTab.

  12. Select Add.

  13. Verify that the number of new Kanbans defaults to 4.

  14. Select Create.

  15. Close all forms.

Planning a Kanban on the Kanban Board

  1. Navigate to Production control > Kanban > Kanban job scheduling.

  2. Change Work cell to 1250.

  3. In the Display job status field select Not scheduled.

  4. Select a Kanban job from the unplanned Kanban jobs, and then select the Schedule button. Repeat for the remaining Kanban jobs of your choice.

Exercise #7: Process scheduled Kanbans for process and transfer jobs

After setting up the fixed Kanban rule from the previous exercise, the company wonders if you can use the Kanban board to start processing scheduled Kanban jobs.

Can you?

You will have to do the following:

  • Process Kanbans on the Kanban board for process jobs

  • Process Kanbans on the Kanban board for transfer jobs


Process Kanbans on the Kanban board for process jobs

The scheduled Kanbans are now ready to be processed. The Production control>Kanban>Kanban board for process jobs will be used to prepare, start, and complete the Kanbans.

  1. Go to Production control > Kanban > Kanban board for process jobs.

  2. When you open this form for the first time, all jobs from all work cells are shown. You can select the Work cell to filter the jobs.

  3. Change the Work cell to 1250.

  4. Select the 000329 Kanban to prepare.

  5. Select Prepare.

  6. To start the Kanbans, select Start button.

  7. To complete the Kanbans, select Complete.

Process Kanban on the Kanban board for transfer jobs

The manufactured Kanban is now ready to be transferred to its final location. The Kanban board for transfer jobs will be used to start and complete the Kanban.

  1. Go to Production control > Kanban > Kanban board for transfer jobs.

  2. When entering the board for the first time you see all jobs from all production flows. Alternately, you can expand Filters FastTab and change Production flow to only show jobs for a specific production flow, such as Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF.

  3. Select the Kanban with a card number M203.

  4. To start the transfer, select Start.

  5. To complete the transfer, select Complete.

Exercise #8: Fulfill a sales order by planning a Kanban and produce an item (Bonus)

A sales order has been received for a green speaker set, which triggers event Kanbans for the speaker set on the packaging work cell and the speaker kits on the speaker assembly work cell.

The company want to record the production of the speaker kits and speaker set to fulfil the customer sales order

How would you do that?

You will have to do the following:

  • Create a sales order for the Kanban line event

  • Plan the Kanbans

  • Transfer the speaker set


Create a sales order

  1. Navigate to Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders.

  2. Select New.

  3. Select the Customer account as US-016.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Enter Item number of “L0026”.

  6. Enter Quantity of “12.00”.

  7. Select a Site of 1 (scroll or tab right).

  8. Select a Warehouse of 13.

  9. Select a Location of 13.

    Note If Location is not set on the sales order, go to Sales order line > Display and select the Dimensions button. Choose the location and configuration.

  10. Select Configuration 01.

  11. Select on Save.

  12. Select the Product and supply > View pegging tree menu button to view the event Kanbans created for the sales order.

Plan the Kanbans

  1. Navigate to Production control > Kanban > Kanban schedule board.

  2. Change Work cell to the value present under Kanban jobs Fast tab under View Pegging tree..

  3. Plan the Kanban for that workcell by selecting the Kanban job in the board.

  4. Close all forms.

  5. Navigate to Production control > Kanban > Kanban board for process jobs.

  6. Change Work cell to the one that you have seen in the view pegging tree.

  7. Highlight the desired Kanbans and select Start.

  8. Select Complete.

  9. Change Work cell to the one which you have seen in the view pegging tree

  10. Highlight a Kanban and switch to the Pegging FastTab on the Kanban board for process jobs work cell form. View the complete lower level speaker set Kanbans on the pegging tree.

  11. Select Start.

  12. Select Complete.

Transfer the speaker set

  1. Navigate to Production control > Kanban > Kanban board for transfer jobs.

  2. Expand Filters FastTab.

  3. Select a Production Flow.

  4. Select Update picking list on the Transfer tab in the action pane.

  5. Select Add picking line.

  6. Select Confirm pick all.

  7. Close the form.

  8. Select Start.

  9. Select Complete.