Lab 5.3: Subscription Churn Model

Module 5: Enrich data and predictions with Customer Insights - Data

Exercise 1 - Ingest and unify the subsription data

Task 1 - Ingest the Subscription Data

  1. If you haven’t already, sign into Customer Insights - Data at

  2. First, we need to import the subscription data as a new data source. Navigate to Data in the left navigation, select Data sources, and select + Add Data Source.

  3. Choose Microsoft Power Query and name the source SubscriptionData

  4. Select Next then select the Text/CSV Connector.

  5. Enter the URL for the Subscribers data set,

  6. Select Next. You should now see the data from the source tabulated. Click Transform data to configure the data types and formats for the data you ingest.

  7. You will notice that the column heading has appeared in the first row of the data. To correct this, select Transform and Use first row as headers.

  8. In the Name field on the right pane, rename your data source to Subscribers

  9. In the top left corner, select Home and select Get Data to add a new data set for this data source. Choose Text/CSV.

  10. Enter the URL for the Subscriber History data set,

  11. Select Next. You should now see the data from the source tabulated. Click Create to configure the data types and formats for the data you ingest.

  12. You will notice that the column heading has appeared in the first row of the data. To correct this, select Transform and Use first row as headers.

  13. Because we have ingested data from a Text/CSV source, all columns have been defaulted to a ‘Text’ Data Type. To successfully ingest and model the data, we can set the datatype for non-text columns.

    To change the datatype, select the ABC icon within the column heading. Update the datatype for the columns listed below:

    Column Heading New Data Type
    SubscriptionAmount Whole Number
    SubscriptionEndDate DateTime
    SubscriptionStartDate DateTime
    TransactionDate DateTime
    IsRecurring True/False
    Is_auto_renew True/False
    RecurringFrequencyInMonths Whole Number
  14. In the Name field on the right-hand pane, rename your data source to SubscriberHistory

  15. Select Home and select Get Data, then choose Text/CSV.

  16. Enter the URL for the Userlog data set,

  17. Select Next. You should now see the data from the source tabulated. Select Create to configure the data types and formats for the data you ingest.

  18. You will notice that the column heading has appeared in the first row of the data. To correct this, select Transform and Use first row as headers.

  19. Update the datatype for the columns listed below.

    Column Heading New Data Type
    TransactionDate DateTime
    TransactionValue Whole Number
  20. In the Name field on the right pane, rename your data source to UserLogs if needed. Select Next.

  21. Leave the refresh schedule set to Refresh manually and select Save.

Task 2 - Unify the Subscription Data with Existing Data

When the data source is finished loading we need to go through the Unify process. This can take a while as there is a lot of data in the SubscriptonData tables you are importing. The import can also fail if there are network issues because of the large data set.

  1. Select Data > Unify in the left navigation menu.

  2. Select Edit Fields, check Subscribers (SubscriptionData), and then press Apply.

  3. Select SubscriptionData Subscribers in the tables list and select ContactId for the Primary Key.

  4. Select Save. Select the Match tab.

  5. Select the Edit button on the Matched records details heading.

  6. Select + Add and add the Subscribers : SubscriptionData entity. Check Include all, then click Done

  7. Create a new rule by selecting +Add rule underneath the SubscriptionData rule. Select Contacts : eCommerce for table and ContactId for both fields.

  8. Name the rule ContactId, select Done. Then Save and Run the match.

  9. When the match finishes running you can select the Merge tab. Everything here is set up as we need it, so just select Run > Run Merge and downstream processes to complete the process. Once the merge is done running, which can take some time, you can proceed to the next task.

Exercise 2 - Create the subscription churn model

Task 1 - Create subscription activities for use in the Subscription Churn Model

  1. In the left menu, navigate to Data > Activities.

  2. Select + Add Activity.

  3. On the Set up your activity data screen, name the activity SubscriptionHistory

  4. Select SubscriberHistory : SubscriptionData for Activity entity and select SubscriptionID as the Primary key.

  5. On the Set up your relationships screen, select + Add relationship. Configure your relationship as the following:

    • Foreign key from SusbcriberHistory : SubscriptionData: CustomerID
    • To entity name: Subscribers : Subscription Data
    • Relationship name: SubHistory
  6. Select Apply and then select Next.

  7. On the Unify your customer activity data screen, configure the following:

    • Event activity: CustomerID
    • Timestamp: TransactionDate
  8. You can leave the remaining fields blank. Select Next.

  9. On the Set activity type screen, select Subscription for Activity type and select the Yes radio button for “Provide semantic mapping…?”

  10. Configure the activity type mapping as the following:

    • Transaction ID: CustomerID
    • Transaction date: TransactionDate
    • Subscription ID: SubscriptionID
    • Subscription start date: SubscriptionStartDate
    • Subscription end date: SubscriptionEndDate
    • Subscription type: SubscriptionType
    • Subscription amount: None
    • Is recurring?: IsRecurring
    • Recurring frequency in months: RecurringFrequencyInMonths
  11. Leave the remaining field mappings blank and select Next.

  12. Review your selections and select Save activity. Then select Done.

  13. Next, we will create the UserLogs activity. Back on the main Activities page, select + Add Activity.

  14. On the Set up your activity data screen, type UserLogs for Activity name and select UserLogs : SubscriptionData as the Activity entity. Select CustomerID as the Primary key and select Next.

  15. On the Set up your relationships **screen, select **+ Add relationship. Configure your relationship as the following:

    • Foreign key from UserLogs : SubscriptionData: CustomerID
    • To entity name: Subscribers : SubscriptionData
    • Relationship name: Logs
  16. Select Apply and then select Next.

  17. On the Unify your customer activity data screen, configure the following:

    • Event activity: TransactionName
    • Timestamp: Transactiondate
  18. You can leave the remaining fields blank. Select Next.

  19. On the Set activity type screen, select Usage for activity type. Select Next.

  20. Review your selections and select Save activity. Then select Done.

Task 2 - Build the Subscription Churn Model

  1. Go to Insights > Predictions.

  2. From the Create tab, select Use model on the Customer churn model card.

  3. Select Subscription and select Get started.

  4. Enter OOB Subscription Churn Model for Model name and verify that Output table name is set to OOBSubscriptionChurnModel, then select Next.

  5. Set the Days since subscription ended to 15 days and select Next.

  6. Under Subscription history, select Add data and select Subscription for the table. Under Activities, select SubscriberHistory : SubscriptionData and select Next.

  7. Review the mapped attributes that we mapped earlier and select Save.

  8. Within Customer activities, select Add data and choose Usage for the table. Under Activities, select UserLogs : SubscriptionData. and select Next.

  9. Map the following attributes:

    • Primary key: CustomerId
    • Timestamp: ActivityTime
    • Event activity: ActivityName
  10. Select Save and then select Next.

  11. Set the data update schedule as Monthly and select Next.

  12. Review the details, select Save and Run, and then Done.

The model will initiate the Activity table to run for the first time and adds SubscriptionHistory and Userlogs to the customer timeline. After that, the model run begins. This can take a long time as we have ingested a large amount of data inside the logs and subscription history.

You can check the status of queued and refreshing tasks on the Admin > System page. Once the task status is Successful, you can go back to Insights and select the created prediction Churn Model to see the results and you can find the list of customers and their churn score in Data > Entities > ChurnModel.

Training Model Performance

The model is graded A, B or C depending on the following conditions:

  • A when the model accurately predicted at least 50% of the total predictions, and when the percentage of accurate predictions for customers who churned is greater than the historical average churn rate by at least 10% of the historical average churn rate.

  • B when the model accurately predicted at least 50% of the total predictions, and when the percentage of accurate predictions for customers who churned is up to 10% greater than the historical average churn rate of the historical average churn rate.

  • C when the model accurately predicted less 50% of the total predictions, or when the percentage of accurate predictions for customers who churned is less than the historical average churn rate.

Likelihood to churn (number of customers)

Likelihood of churn shows Groups of customers based on their predicted risk of churn. This data can help you later if you want to create a segment of customers with high churn risk. Such segments help to understand where your cutoff should be for segment membership.

Most Influential Factors

There are many factors that are taken into account when creating your prediction. Each of the factors has their importance calculated for the aggregated predictions a model creates. You can use these factors to help validate your prediction results. Or you can use this information later to create segments that could help influence churn risk for customers.

Task 3 - Set up a Segment of High Churn-risk Users

Observe that the Workflow, upon setup, created an Entity. You can see this within Data -> Entities from the left-hand menu. You will see a new Intelligence section with the entity in it.

  1. Open the Segments section from the left navigation. We will manually create a new dynamic segment.

  2. Select New > Create from Intelligence option.

  3. Set up your quick segment with these settings:

    • Table: OOBSubscriptionChurnModel

    • Field: ChurnScore

    • Operator: greater than

    • Value: 0.6

  4. Select Review.

  5. Name the segment High Risk For Subscription Churn and output table name HighRiskForSubscriptionChurn

  6. Select Save.

Now you have a segment that is dynamically updated which identifies high churn-risk customers for this subscription business.