Lab 4.2: Define measures

Module 4: Work with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data

Measures enable you to define all the key performance indicators (KPIs) that best reflect your specific business performance and health. Measures can either be customer-related measures, such as Lifetime Value, or business-health measures, such as Monthly Active Users.

Customer Insights provides an intuitive experience to build different types of measures, with a query-builder wizard that doesn’t require the user to manually code or validate the query.

Measures are calculated on a series of interactions that a company has with a customer, gathered from multiple data sources. Interactions are any customer touch points - these could include purchases, customer service cases, emails, phone calls, branch visits. In other scenarios interactions could also be data gathered from connected devices, withdrawals, or deposits in banking, entry/exist of a premises or area, etc.

Contoso Coffee are looking to uncover six simple Measures based on the data ingested, that will help them to identify high-value customers and their preferred purchase method (Online or Instore).

Business Measures:

  • Average Store Purchase Value ($)

  • Average Web Purchase Value ($)

Customer Measures:

  • Total Online Spend

  • Total In-Store Spend

Customer attributes:

  • Lifetime Spend ($)

  • Total Club Points

  • Average Store Purchase ($)

  • Average Web Purchase ($)

Task 1 - Define Two Business Measures

Business Measures helps you track your business performance and health. The business has asked you to calculate the Average Store Purchase and Average Web Purchase values for the Contoso Coffee business.

Average Store Purchase Value (Business Measure)

In this first task, we will create a measure to define the average value of all in store purchases made at Contoso Coffee.

  1. If you haven’t already, sign into Customer Insights - Data at

  2. Expand Insights and select Measures from the left navigation menu.

  3. Select + New from the toolbar, then select Build your own.

  4. Next to the Untitled measure header text, select Edit details.

  5. Set the Name to Average Store Purchase Value ($) and select Done.

  6. Toggle Measure type from Customer to Business level.

  7. Next to Calculation 1, select Edit name.

  8. Set the Name to Average Store Purchase Value ($).

  9. Verify the Output attribute name is set to AverageStorePurchaseValue.

  10. Select Done.

  11. Under the Average Store Purchase Value ($) calculation, choose Average from the Select function drop-down.

  12. Select + Add attribute, expand Purchases : PoS, and select TotalPrice.

  13. Select Add.

  14. Select the Run button to complete your measure.

Average Web Purchase Value (Business Measure)

In this next task, we will create a measure to define the Average value of all web purchases made at Contoso Coffee.

  1. Select Insights > Measures from the left navigation menu.

  2. Select + New > Build your own from the toolbar.

  3. Next to the Untitled measure header text, select Edit name.

  4. Set the Name to Average Web Purchase Value ($) and select Done.

  5. Toggle Measure type from Customer to Business level.

  6. Next to Calculation 1, select Edit name.

  7. Set the Name to Average Web Purchase Value ($).

  8. Verify the Output attribute name is set to AverageWebPurchaseValue.

  9. Select Done.

  10. Under the Average Web Purchase Value ($) calculation, choose Average from the Select function drop-down.

  11. Select + Add attribute, expand Purchases : eCommerce, and select TotalPrice.

  12. Select Add.

  13. Select the Run button to complete your measure.

Task 2 - Define Customer Measures

We will need two customer measures that can be used to calculate a customer attribute. We will create one measure to determine the customers total spend on Online Purchases and one measure to determine their total spend on In-Store purchases. Once we create these, we can then create a customer attribute to add those two together.

Total In-Store Spend (Customer Measure)

In this task, we will create a measure to define Total of all purchases made in-store.

  1. Sign into Customer Insights - Data at

  2. Select Insights > Measures from the left navigation menu.

  3. Select + New > Build your own from the toolbar.

  4. Next to the Untitled measure header text, select Edit details.

  5. Set the Name to Total In-Store Spend and select Done.

  6. Under the Total In-Store Spend calculation, choose Sum from the Select function drop-down.

  7. Select + Add attribute, expand Purchases : POS, select TotalPrice, and select Add.

  8. To set up the measure calculation, select Dimensions (1).

  9. Select Edit Dimensions.

  10. Expand Purchases : PoS, select LoyaltyId, and select Done.

  11. Select Apply.

  12. Select the Run button to complete your measure.

  13. If you encounter an error and need to choose the Relationship path, select PoS_Purchases > Customer and select the Run button to complete.

Total Online Spend (Customer Measure)

Next, we will create a measure to define Total of all purchases made online.

  1. Select Insights > Measures from the left navigation menu.

  2. Select + New > Build your own from the toolbar.

  3. Next to the Untitled measure header text, select Edit details.

  4. Set the Name to Total Online Spend, select Done.

  5. Under the Total Online Spend calculation, choose Sum from the Select function drop-down.

  6. Select + Add attribute, expand Purchases : eCommerce, select TotalPrice and click Add.

  7. Under Set up your measure calculations, select Dimensions (1).

  8. Select Edit dimensions.

  9. Expand Purchases : eCommerce, select ContactId, and select Done.

  10. Select Apply.

  11. Select the Run button to complete your measure.

  12. If you encounter an error and need to choose the Relationship path, select eCommerce_Purchases > Customer.

Task 3 - Define Customer Attributes

Customer Attributes are a single field per customer that reflects a score, value, or state for each customer. Examples are Lifetime Value and Total Sales.

In this task you will create measures to calculate the Lifetime Spend ($), Total Club Points, Average Web Purchase Value ($) and Average Store Purchase Value ($) of each customer. By calculating value for the business and customers, Contoso Coffee can identify customers with a higher than average spend on each channel.

Total Club Points (Customer Attribute)

First, we will define Total Loyalty Points earned by each customer.

  1. If necessary, elect Insights > Measures from the left navigation menu.

  2. Select + New > Build your own from the toolbar.

  3. Next to the Untitled measure header text, select Edit details.

  4. Set the Name to Total Club Points and select Done.

  5. Under the Total Club Points calculation, choose Sum from the Select function drop-down.

  6. Select + Add attribute, expand Purchases : POS, select RewardPointsAdded and select Add.

  7. Select the Run button to complete your measure.

  8. If you encounter an error and need to choose the Relationship path, select PoS_Purchases > Customer.

Lifetime Spend (Customer Attribute)

Next, we will define Total value of all purchases made for each customer.

  1. Select Insights > Measures from the left navigation menu.

  2. Select + New > Build your own from the toolbar.

  3. Next to the Untitled measure header text, select Edit details.

  4. Set the Name to Lifetime Spend ($) and select Done.

  5. Under the Lifetime Spend ($) calculation, choose Sum from the Select function drop-down.

  6. Select + Add attribute.

  7. Select the Measures tab, expand TotalInStoreSpend : CustomerInsights, select Calculation 1, and select Add.

  8. Select the + (Plus sign) to add a plus sign after the attribute you just added. The plus sign should appear in the calculation formula.

  9. Select + Add attribute.

  10. Select the Measures tab, expand TotalOnlineSpend : CustomerInsights, select Calculation 1, and select Add.

  11. Select the Run button to complete your measure.

Average Store Purchase (Customer Attribute)

Next, we will define the average value of all store purchases made for each customer.

  1. Select Insights > Measures from the left navigation menu.

  2. Select + New > Build your own from the toolbar.

  3. Next to the Untitled measure header text, select Edit details.

  4. Set the name to Average Store Purchase ($) and select Done.

  5. Under the Average Store Purchase ($) calculation, choose Average from the Select function drop-down.

  6. Select + Add attribute, expand Purchases : PoS, select Total Price, and select Add.

  7. Select Relationship path, and select PoS_Purchases > Customer. Select Done.

  8. Select the Run button to complete the measure.

Average Web Purchase (Customer Attribute)

Next, we will define Average value of all web purchases made for each customer.

  1. If necessary, select Measures from the left navigation menu.

  2. Select + New > Build your own from the toolbar.

  3. Next to the Untitled measure header text, select Edit details.

  4. Set the name to Average Web Purchase ($) and select Done.

  5. Under the Average Web Purchase ($) calculation, choose Average from the Select function drop-down.

  6. Select + Add attribute, expand Purchases : eCommerce, select Total Price and select Add.

  7. Select Relationship path, and select eCommerce_Purchases > Customer. Select Done.

  8. Select the Run button to complete your measure.

Task 4 - Review the Measures

  1. Wait for all the measures to successfully refresh, then navigate to the Customer Insights - Data home page. You should notice that the new Business Measures are shown under Recent business measures.

  2. Navigate to Data > Tables and open the Customer_Measure table. You should be presented with a preview of the Customer Measures you have calculated against the Unified Profile Customer ID. Select the Data tab to see the results.

  3. One interesting view to explore is the Summary view for each measure. From the screen above select the Attributes tab, then select the Overview chart icon for Total Club Points shown in the Summary column. You should get an Overview pop-up showing some useful statistics about the measure.

You are now able to consume these measures to drive actions such as Marketing Segments.