Lab 4.1: Work with activities

Module 4: Work with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data

Exercise 1 - Create activities

The Activities capability helps consolidate customer activities from various data sources. This creates a customer timeline view of all customer interactions against your unified customer profile. Business analysts can configure activities to be displayed on a customer dashboard with a timeline view, which can be embedded in business applications.

Interactions are any customer touch points - these could include purchases, customer service cases, emails, phone calls, branch visits, web, social activity. In other scenarios interactions could also be data gathered from connected devices, withdrawals or deposits in banking, entry/exist of a premises or area, etc.

Task 1 - Add an activity for eCommerce Purchases

  1. If you haven’t already, sign into Customer Insights - Data at

  2. In Customer Insights, expand Data > Activities on the left navigation menu and select + Configure activities.

  3. Select the Purchases : eCommerce table and select Add.

  4. Set the Activity type to SalesOrder.

  5. Set the Primary key to PurchaseId and select Next.

  6. Enter OnlinePurchase for Activity name.

  7. Select the following fields:

    • Timestamp: PurchasedOn

    • Event activity: ActivityTypeDisplay

    • Additional detail: Subject

    • Show this activity in the timeline on your customer profile? Yes.

    • Icon: Select the shopping bag.

    • Sales order ID: PurchaseID

    • Order date: PurchasedOn

    • Sales amount: TotalPrice

  8. Select Next. On the Configure activity relationships screen, select + Add relationship.

  9. In the Add relationship path pane, set the following values:

    • Foreign key: ContactId

    • To table name: Contacts : eCommerce

    • Relationship name: eCommPurchasesToContacts

  10. Select Apply.

  11. Select Next, review the entries, then select Create activities.

  12. Wait while the Activities refresh and unify. This may take 5-10 minutes.

Task 2 - Add an activity for PoSPurchases

  1. Select Configure activities.

  2. Select the Purchases : PoS table and select Add.

  3. For Activity type, select Create new from the bottom of the drop-down.

  4. Enter PoSPurchase for the Activity type then select Add.

  5. Set the Primary key to PurchaseId and select Next.

  6. Select the PoS Purchases row, enter PoSPurchase for Activity name.

  7. Select for the following fields:

    • Timestamp: PurchasedOn

    • Event activity: ActivityTypeDisplay

    • Additional detail: Subject

    • Show this activity in the timeline on your customer profile? Yes.

    • Icon: Select the shopping bag.

    • Sales order ID: PurchaseID

    • Order date: PurchasedOn

    • Sales amount: TotalPrice

  8. Select Next.

  9. Select + Add relationship and in the Add relationship path pane, set the following values:

    • Foreign key: LoyaltyId

    • To entity name: Customers : Loyalty

    • Relationshiop name: PoSPurchasesToLoyalty

  10. Select Apply.

  11. Select Next, review your entries, and select Create activities.

  12. Wait while the Activities refresh and unify. This may take 5-10 minutes.

Task 3 - Add an activity for Website Reviews

  1. Select Configure activities.

  2. Select the Reviews : Website table and select Add.

  3. For Activity type, select Create new from the bottom of the drop-down.

  4. Enter WebsiteReview for the Activity type then select Add.

  5. Set the Primary key to ReviewId and select Next.

  6. Select the Reviews row, enter WebsiteReview for Activity name.

  7. Select for the following fields:

    • Timestamp: ReviewDate

    • Event activity: ActivityTypeDisplay

    • Additional detail: ReviewText

    • Show this activity in the timeline on your customer profile? Yes.

    • Icon: Select the globe.

    • Sales order ID: PurchaseID

    • Order date: PurchasedOn

    • Sales amount: TotalPrice

  8. Select Next.

  9. Select + Add relationship and in the Add relationship path pane, set the following values:

    • Foreign key: UserId

    • To entity name: Contacts : eCommerce

    • Relationshiop name: WebReviewsToContacts

  10. Select Apply.

  11. Select Next, review your entries, and select Create activities.

  12. Wait while the Activities refresh and unify. This may take 5-10 minutes.

Task 4 - Confirm the Activities

  1. Select Customers from the left navigation.

  2. Search for Abbie Moss

  3. Select the record to open the detailed view.

  4. You should now see activities listed for Abbie on the Activity timeline. Select Filter to narrow down the Activity types further.

Exercise 2 - Define relationships

Relationships help you connect entities and generate a graph of your data. Relationships are used when entities share a common identifier (foreign key) that can be referenced from one entity to another. Connected entities enable you to define segments and measures based on multiple data sources.

For example, Customer has a One to Many relationship with PoS Purchases. (One loyalty scheme customer may make multiple purchases).

Task 1 - Define the Relationship Between Unified Profiles and Web Purchases

First, we need to define the relationship for CustomerPurchasesEcom.

  1. In Customer Insights, expand Data from the left navigation menu and select Tables.

  2. Select the Relationships tab.

  3. Select + New relationship.

  4. Enter CustomerPurchasesEcom for Name.

  5. For Description, enter Online Purchases to Unified Customer Profile

  6. Set the Source details > Table to Purchases: eCommerce. Set the Cardinality to Many.

  7. Set the Target details > Table to Customer : CustomerInsights. Set the Cardinality to One.

  8. Set Equivalent fields to ContactId for both the Source field and Target field.

  9. Select Save.

Task 2 - Define the Relationship between Unified Profiles and Store Purchases

Next, we will define the relationship for CustomerPurchasesPOS.

  1. From the left navigation menu, expand Data and select Tables.

  2. Select the Relationships tab.

  3. Select + New relationship. Name the relationship CustomerPurchasesPOS

  4. For Description, enter Point of Sale Purchases to Unified Customers

  5. Set the Source details > Table to Purchases : PoS. Set the Cardinality to Many.

  6. Set the Target details > Table to Customer : CustomerInsights. Set the Cardinality to One.

  7. Set Equivalent fields to LoyaltyId for both Source field and Target field.

  8. Select Save.