Practice Lab - Configure Customer Service Scheduling


You are the scheduling manager at City Power & Light who has been tasked with setting up the new Service Scheduling functionality to perform services for customers at three of your locations.

Exercise 1: Configure Customer Service Scheduling

In this exercise, you will create organizational units, define a business closure, and create facility/equipment records for organization units.

Task 1: Define Organization Units

In this task, you will define three organizational units to act as service locations for scheduling.

  1. Open the Customer Service Hub app.

  2. Click Settings and select Personalization Settings.

  3. Select your Time Zone and click OK.

  4. Click on Home at the top of the left-hand side navigation.

  5. Click on Service at the bottom of the Site Map in the left-hand navigation and select Scheduling.

  6. Click on (hierarchy icon) Organization Units in the Settings section.

  7. Click + New.

  8. Enter Main Ave Location for Name. Click on the Scheduling tab and enter a valid number for both Latitude and Longitude.

  9. Click Save and Close.

  10. Create two more Sites with the values listed in the table below.

-19th Ave Location

-35th St Location

  1. You should now have three Sites.

  2. Do not navigate away from this application.

Task 2: Define Business Closure

In this task, you will define a new business closure.

  1. Click on Business Closures in the Settings section.

  2. Click + New.

  3. Enter Worldwide Rest Day for Name, select a date one week from now for Start Date, and click OK.

  4. Do not navigate away from this application.

Task 3: Create Facilities/Equipment Records

In this task, you will create facilities/equipment records for the organizational units you created and set their working hours.

  1. Click on Facilities/Equipment in the Scheduling section.

  2. Click + New.

  3. Enter Main Ave - Service Bay 1 for Name, select Main Ave Location for Organizational Unit, select a *Time Zone, select the root **Business Unit, and click Save.

  4. Select the Work Hours tab, click on one of the events listed on the calendar, click Edit, and select All events in the series.

  5. Select 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM, remove Saturday and Sunday, and click Remove end date, if there is an end date selected.

  6. Toggle Observe Business Closure to On

  7. Click Save to save the working hours.

  8. Click Save and Close.

  9. Click + New.

  10. Enter Main Ave - Service Bay 2 for Name, select Main Ave Location for Organizational Unit, select your Time Zone, select the root Business Unit, and click Save.

  11. Select the Work Hours tab, click on one of the events listed on the calendar, click Edit, and select All events in the series.

  12. Select 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM, remove Saturday and Sunday, click Remove end date if one is selected, and click Save.

  13. Toggle Observe Business Closure to On

  14. Click Save to save the working hours, and then click Save and Close.

  15. Repeat the previous 5 steps and create the Facilities/Equipment listed in the table below.

Name Organizational Unit Time Zone Business Unit Working Hours
Main Ave - Tire Jack Main Ave Location Your time zone Root business unit Mon-Fri 8:00AM to 8:00PM
19th Ave - Service Bay 1 19th Ave Location Your time zone Root business unit Mon-Fri 8:00AM to 8:00PM
19th Ave - Service Bay 2 19th Ave Location Your time zone Root business unit Mon-Fri 8:00AM to 8:00PM
19th Ave - Tire Jack 19th Ave Location Your time zone Root business unit Mon-Fri 8:00AM to 8:00PM
35th St - Service Bay 1 35th St Location Your time zone Root business unit Mon-Fri 8:00AM to 8:00PM
35th St - Service Bay 2 35th St Location Your time zone Root business unit Mon-Fri 8:00AM to 8:00PM
35th St - Tire Jack 35th St Location Your time zone Root business unit Mon-Fri 8:00AM to 8:00PM
  1. You should now have total of 9 Facilities/Equipment records.

Exercise 2: Resource Configuration

In this exercise, you will create contact records, create resource categories, and create resources.

Task 1: Create Contacts

In this task you will create new contact records.

  1. Open the Customer Service Hub app.

  2. Click on Home at the top of the left-hand side navigation.

  3. Click on Contacts in the Customers section.

  4. Click + New.

  5. Enter Mike for First Name, Smith for Last Name, and click Save and Close.

  6. Repeat the previous two steps and create the Contact records listed in the table below.

First Name Last Name
Jennifer Leary
Judy Anderson
Allan Jackson
Sven Locarte
Alex Nelson
  1. You should now have six contact records.

  2. Do NOT navigate away from this application.

Task 2: Create Resource Categories

In this task you will create new resource categories.

  1. Click on Service at the bottom of the Site Map in the left-hand navigation and select Scheduling.

  2. Click on Resource Categories in the Scheduling section.

  3. Click + New.

  4. Enter Senior Technician for Name and click Save and Close.

  5. Click + New.

  6. Enter Technician for Name and click Save and Close.

  7. Create two more Resource Categories and name them Service Bay Facility and Tire Jack Equipment.

  8. You should now have 4 Resource Categories.

  9. Do NOT navigate away from this application.

Task 3: Create Resources

In this task you will create resources using the contacts you created.

  1. Click on Resources in the Scheduling section.

  2. Click + New.

  3. Select Contact for Resource Type, select Mike Smith for Contact, and select the Scheduling tab.

  4. Select Organizational Unit Address for Start and End Locations, select Main Avenue Location for Organizational Unit, and click Save.

  5. Select the Work Hours tab, click on one of the events on the calendar, click Edit, and select All events in the series.

  6. Select 08:00 AM to 04:30 PM and click Add Break.

  7. Remove Saturday and Sunday, select Observe Business Closure, then click Save.

  8. Select the General tab.

  9. Select the Related tab and select Resource Category Assns and click + New Bookable Resource Category Assn.

  10. Select Senior Technician and click Save and Close.

  11. Repeat the previous 9 steps and create the resources listed in the table below.

Resource Type Contact Start and End Locations Organizational unit Work Hours Resource Category Assn
Contact Judy Anderson Organizational Unit Address 19th Ave Location Mo – Fr 08:00AM to 04:30 PM + Break Observe Business Closure Senior Technician
Contact Sven Locarte Organizational Unit Address 35th St Location Mo – Fr 08:00AM to 04:30 PM + Break Observe Business Closure Senior Technician
Contact Jennifer Leary Organizational Unit Address Main Avenue Location Mo – Fr 08:00AM to 04:30 PM + Break Observe Business Closure Technician
Contact Allan Jackson Organizational Unit Address 19th Ave Location Mo – Fr 08:00AM to 04:30 PM + Break Observe Business Closure Technician
Contact Alex Nelson Organizational Unit Address 35th St Location Mo – Fr 08:00AM to 04:30 PM + Break Observe Business Closure Technician
  1. You should now have 6 resources. Click + New.

  2. Select Facility for Resource Type, select 19th Ave – Service Bay 1 for Facility Equipment, and select the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select Organizational Unit Address for Start and End Locations, and then click Save.

  4. Select the General tab.

  5. Select the Related tab and select Resource Category Assns and click + New Bookable Resource Category Assn.

  6. Select Service Bay Facility and click Save and Close.

  7. Repeat the previous 3 steps and create the resources listed in the table below.

Resource Type Facility Equipment Start and End Locations Resource Category Assn
Facility 19th Ave – Service Bay 2 Organizational Unit Address Service Bay Facility
Facility 35th St – Service Bay 1 Organizational Unit Address Service Bay Facility
Facility 35th St – Service Bay 2 Organizational Unit Address Service Bay Facility
Facility Main Ave – Service Bay 1 Organizational Unit Address Service Bay Facility
Facility Main Ave – Service Bay 2 Organizational Unit Address Service Bay Facility
Equipment 19th Ave – Tire Jack Organizational Unit Address Tire Jack Equipment
Equipment 35th St – Tire Jack Organizational Unit Address Tire Jack Equipment
Equipment Main Ave – Tire Jack Organizational Unit Address Tire Jack Equipment
  1. You should now have 15 Resources.