Practice Lab – Agent experience profiles


You are a customer service manager at City Power & Light who has been tasked with configuring the agent experience profiles for Customer Service workspace. In this lab, you will configure a new profile.

Exercise 1 – Create an agent experience profile

In this exercise you will learn how to create an agent experience profile in the Customer Service admin center.

Task 1 – Manage agent experience profiles

  1. Open the Customer Service admin center app. If you are in the Customer Service Workspace or Customer Service hub applications, click on the name of the app in the top left of the application next to Dynamics 365 and from the list of published apps, select the Customer Service admin center app.

  2. In the Agent Experience section, click on Workspaces.

  3. On the Workspaces page, navigate to the Agent experience profiles area.

  4. Click Manage in the Agent experience profiles area.

  5. Click on + New

  6. Enter CS Temp for Name, [your prefix ex. mollyc] + _ CS (without the space) for Unique Name.
    • Please be aware that your unique name must follow the specificatons outlined under the text box. If your Unique Name is longer than 8 characters or contains anything other than alphanumeric characters, change it to comply with the requirements. Otherwise you will recieve an error.
  7. Select Create.

  8. Click +Add entity session template and click +Create entity session template.
    • For Name, enter Entity Temp.
    • For Unique Name, enter [your prefix ex. mollyc] _ ET (without the space).
    • Select Entity for Type.
    • Select Case for Entity.
    • Enter {casetitle} for Title.
    • Select Docked for Communication panel mode.
  9. Click Save.

  10. In Additional Tabs, click Add Existing Application Tab Template.

  11. Select the Search button to expand the dropdown list and select Customer Summary. Select Add.

  12. Select the Agent scripts tab and click Add Existing Agent script.

  13. Click + New Record, select Agent scripts and click OK.

  14. Enter Script 1 for Name and [your prefix ex. mollyc] _ script1 (without the spaces) for Unique Name.

  15. Click Save.

  16. In Agent script steps, click +New Agent script step.

  17. Enter Step 1 for Name, [your prefix ex. mollyc] _ step1 for Unique Name (without the spaces), enter 1 for Order, select Text for Action Type, and enter Hi, how can I help you today?

  18. Click Save & Close.

  19. You should return to the session template titled Entity Temp.

  20. Select the Agent scripts tab (if it is not already open) and click Add Existing Agent script.

  21. Select the agent script you just created and click Add.

  22. Select Save and close.

  23. You should return to the Entity session templates screen on your Agent experience profile. Select +Add.

  24. Select Case for Entity and select your Entity Temp template for Session template.

  25. Select Add. Select Save and close.

Task 2 – Configure the productivity pane

  1. On your agent experience profile, select Turn on in the Productivity pane section.

  2. Toggle Productivity pane to On.

  3. Toggle Default mode to Expanded.

  4. Toggle Smart assist to On.

  5. Toggle Agent scripts to On.

  6. Select Save and close.

Task 3 – Assign users to the agent experience profile

  1. On your agent experience profile, select +Add user in the Users section.

  2. Search for your user (by name, not prefix).

  3. Select your user by clicking to the left of their name.

  4. Select Add.

Exercise 2 – Test the agent experience profile

In this exercise you will test the agent experience profile you created.

Task 1 – Open the Customer Service workspace

  1. Open the Customer Service workspace app. If you are in the Customer Service admin center, click on the name of the app in the top left of the application next to Dynamics 365 and from the list of published apps, select the Customer Service workspace.

  2. In the Customer Service Agent Dashboard, find the Defective Screen case, and click on the case to open it.

  3. A new session starts in the left-hand pane for the case and Smart assist opens in the Productivity pane and a Customer Summary tab is available. Explore the Smart assist.

  4. Click on the Agent script icon. You should see the script to created earlier in this lab.