Practice Lab – Entitlements and templates


As a customer service manager at City Power & Light, you need to create entitlements and entitlement templates to manage complex service offerings and guide your team in processing cases from various channels. In this lab, you will create an entitlement with entitlement channels. You will also create an entitlement template and create an entitlement from the template.

Exercise 1 – Entitlements

In this exercise, you will create an entitlement for your user, this entitlement will allow you to create 50 case through Email channel, 30 Cases through Web channel, 10 Cases each for Twitter and Facebook channels.

Task 1 – Create Entitlement

In this task, you will create an entitlement with 100 total terms for the Relecloud customer.

  1. Open the Customer Service admin center app.

  2. Click on Home at the top of the left-hand side navigation.

  3. Click on Service terms under Operations section.

  4. Click on Entitlements in the Entitlements section.

  5. Click + New located on the command bar.

  6. Enter Entitlement 1 for Name, select the account you created for Relecloud in the earlier lab for Primary Customer, select today’s date for Start Date, and select a month from today for End Date.

  7. Select Yes for Restrict based on entitlement terms.

  8. Select Number of Cases for Allocation Type, select Case Creation for Decrease Remaining On, and enter 100 for Total Terms.

  9. Click Save. DO NOT navigate away from the Entitlement form.

Task 2 – Add Channels to the entitlement

In this task, you will add entitlement channels to the default entitlement and then activate the entitlement.

  1. In the Entitlement Channel section of the Entitlement form, click on the ellipsis (…) and select + New Entitlement Channel.

  2. Select Email for Name, enter 50 for Total Terms and click Save & Close.

  3. Click on the ellipsis button and select + New Entitlement Channel.

  4. Select Web for Name, enter 30 for Total Terms and click Save and Close.

  5. Click on the ellipsis button and select + New Entitlement Channel.

  6. Select Facebook for Name, enter 10 for Total Terms and click Save and Close.

  7. Click on the ellipsis button and select + New Entitlement Channel.

  8. Select Twitter for Name, enter 10 for Total Terms and click Save and Close.

  9. Click on the ellipsis button and select + New Entitlement Channel.

  10. Select Phone for Name, enter 0 for Total Terms and click Save and Close.

  11. Click on the ellipsis button and select + New Entitlement Channel.

  12. Select IoT for Name, enter 0 for Total Terms and click Save and Close.

  13. Click Activate.

  14. Click Activate.

  15. Click Set As Default.

  16. Click Confirm.

Task 3 – Test the Entitlement

In this task, you will test the default entitlement for Relecloud.

  1. Open Customer Service Hub.

  2. Click on Home at the top of the left-hand side navigation.

  3. Click on Cases in the Service section of the sitemap.

  4. Click + New Case.

  5. Enter Audio System Setup Issues for Case Title, select the Relecloud account you created in the earlier lab for Customer, select Email for Origin and click Save & Close. The entitlement should be applied automatically.

  6. Click + New Case.

  7. Enter Defective Speaker for Case Title, select the Relecloud account you created in the earlier lab for Customer, select Facebook for Origin, select the Entitlement 1 record you created for Entitlement and click Save & Close.

  8. Click + New Case.

  9. Enter Product Query for Case Title, select the Relecloud account you created in the earlier lab for Customer, select Phone for Origin, select the Entitlement 1 record you created for Entitlement and click Save.

  10. The following message will be displayed, You can’t create a case for this entitlement because there are no available terms.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Scroll to the Entitlement field and click on the Entitlement 1. Click Discard changes.

  13. Go to the Entitlement Terms section and make sure you have 98 Remaining Terms.

  14. Go to the Entitlement Channel sub-grid and make sure you have 49 Remaining Terms for Email, 9 Remaining Terms for Facebook, 10 Remaining Terms for Twitter, and 30 Remaining Terms for Web.

Exercise 2 – Entitlement Templates

In this exercise, you will create an entitlement template that will have 20 free terms and the customer will be able to select the channel they prefer during the entitlement creation.

Task 1 – Create Entitlement Templates

In this task, you will create an entitlement template with 20 terms.

  1. Open the Customer Service admin center app.

  2. Click on Home at the top of the left-hand side navigation.

  3. Click on Service terms under Operations section.

  4. Click on Entitlements Templates in the Entitlements section.

  5. Click + New.

  6. Enter 20 Free Terms for Entitlement Template Name, select Yes for Restrict based on entitlement terms, select Number of Cases for Allocation Type, select Case Creation for Decrease Remaining On, enter 20 for Total Terms.

  7. Click Save. DO NOT navigate away from this page.

  8. Go to the Entitlement Channel sub-grid, click on the ellipsis and select + New Entitlement Template Channel.

  9. Select Phone for Name, enter 20 for Total Terms and click Save & Close.

  10. Click on the ellipsis and select + New Entitlement Template Channel.

  11. Select Email for Name, enter 0 for Total Terms and click Save & Close.

  12. Click on the ellipsis and select + New Entitlement Template Channel.

  13. Select Web for Name, enter 0 for Total Terms and click Save & Close.

  14. Click on the ellipsis and select + New Entitlement Template Channel.

  15. Select Facebook for Name, enter 0 for Total Terms and click Save & Close.

  16. Click on the ellipsis and select + New Entitlement Template Channel.

  17. Select Twitter for Name, enter 0 for Total Terms and click Save & Close.

  18. Click on the ellipsis and select + New Entitlement Template Channel.

  19. Select IoT for Name, enter 0 for Total Terms and click Save and Close.

Task 2 – Create Entitlement from Template

In this task, you will create 20 phone call only entitlement from the entitlement template you created.

  1. Click on Entitlements in the Service Terms section.

  2. Click on the V chevron button next to the + New button and select From Template.

  3. Select 20 Free Terms template you created for Entitlement Template and click Select.

  4. Some of the fields will be auto-filled from the template.

  5. Enter Phone Call Only Terms for Name, select the Relecloud account for Primary Customer, select today’s date for Start Date, select a year from today for End Date, and click Save.

  6. Click Activate.

  7. Confirm activation. DO NOT navigate away from this page.

Task 3 – Test the Entitlement

In this task, you will test the entitlement you created from the entitlement template.

  1. Open Customer Service Hub.

  2. Click on Home at the top of the left-hand side navigation.

  3. Click on Cases in the Service section of the sitemap.

  4. Click + New Case.

  5. Enter Missing Parts for Case Title and select the Relecloud account for Customer.

  6. Select Phone for Origin, select Phone Call Only Terms for Entitlement and click Save.

  7. Click Go back, click + New Case.

  8. Enter Wrong cables for Case Title and select the Relecloud account for Customer.

  9. Select Web for Origin.

  10. Scroll down to the Entitlement field and select Phone Call Only Terms.

  11. Click Save. You will get an error telling you that there are no available terms.

  12. Click OK.

  13. You should get the same error if you select Email, Facebook or Twitter for Origin.

  14. Select Web for Origin and clear the Entitlement field.

  15. Click Save.

  16. Since you didn’t select the Phone Call Only Terms entitlement, the case will now be created.

  17. Open Customer Service admin center.

  18. Click on Service terms under Operations section.

  19. Click on Entitlements in the Entitlements section.

  20. Click to open the Phone Call Only Terms entitlement.

  21. Make sure you have 19 Remaining Terms .

Exercise 3 – Service Level Agreements

In this exercise, you will create a Service Level Agreement and make it the default agreement.

Task 1 – Holiday Schedule

In this task, you will create a holiday schedule to be used with Customer Service calendars.

  1. Open the Customer Service admin center app.

  2. Click on Home at the top of the left-hand side navigation.

  3. Click on Calendar under Operations section

  4. Click on Manage in the Holiday calender area.

  5. Click + New.

  6. Enter Holidays for Name.

  7. Click Create. If a pop-up appears stating “service-level agreements (SLAs) are deprecated in the web client” Click I acknowledge.

  8. In the Holidays section, click + New.

  9. Enter Local festival for Name and set the Start Date and End Date to be in two days time.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click Save & Close.

Task 2 – Customer Service Schedule

In this task, you will create a Customer Service Schedule to use with SLAs.

  1. Click on Calendar under Operations section

  2. Click on Manage in the Customer Service calender area.

  3. Click + New.

  4. Enter Customer Service Schedule for Name and Click Create.

  5. Uncheck Saturday and Sunday.

  6. Click Set Work Hours.

  7. Set Start to 9:00AM and End to 5:00PM.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Set Holiday Schedule to Observe and select the Holiday Schedule you created.

  10. Select your local Time Zone.

  11. Click Save & Close.

Task 3 – Create Service Level Agreement

In this task, you will create a SLA that sets a 1 hour response time on a problem case.

  1. In the Customer Service admin center app, click on SLA KPIs in the Service Terms section.

  2. Click + New.

  3. Enter Case Response By for Name.

  4. Select Case for Entity Name.

  5. Select First Response By KPI for KPI FIeld.

  6. Select Created On for Applicable From.

  7. Click Save. DO NOT navigate away from this form.

  8. Click Activate in the command bar.

  9. Click Activate.

  10. Click on Service Level Agreements in the Service Terms section.

  11. Click + New.

  12. Enter SLA for Name.

  13. Select Case for Primary Entity.

  14. Click Save.

  15. Click + New SLA Item.

  16. Enter Problems for Name.

  17. Select the SLA KPI you created for KPI.

  18. Select the Customer Service Schedule you created for Business Hours.

  19. Under Applicable When, click on Add and Add row.

  20. In the left-hand side of the condition, select Case Type (Case).

  21. Select Equals for the operator.

  22. In the right-hand side of the condition, select Problem.

  23. Under Success Conditions, click on Add and Add row.

  24. In the left-hand side of the condition, select First Response Sent (Case).

  25. Select Equals for the operator.

  26. In the right-hand side of the condition, select Yes.

  27. Set Warn After to 45 minutes.

  28. Set Failure After to 1 hour.

  29. Click Save.

  30. Click Configure Actions.

  31. If prompted to connect to Dataverse, click Continue.

  32. Expand the Switch step.

  33. In the Non-compliant path, click on Add an action.

  34. Search for an select Microsoft Dataverse.

  35. Select the Update a row action.

  36. Select Cases for Table name.

  37. Select Regarding ID for Row ID.

  38. Click Show Advanced options.

  39. Set Is Escalated to Yes.

  40. Click Save and close the Power Automate browser tab.

  41. Click Close in the SLA Item dialog.

  42. Click Save.

  43. Click Activate.

  44. Click Activate.

  45. Click Set As Default. Click OK in the Change default SLA pop-up.

Task 4 – Service Level Agreement settings

In this task, you will configure the settings for service level agreements.

  1. In the Customer Service admin center app, click on Service Terms in Operations section.

  2. Click Manage on other settings area.

  3. Verify that the Disable SLAs option is set to No.

  4. Set the Apply SLA after manual override to Yes.

  5. In Select SLA Pause Status, move On Hold and Waiting for Details from Available to Selected.

  6. Click Save.

Task 5 – Test Service Level Agreements

In this task, you will test that the SLA is applied to cases. Make sure you are in Customer Service Hub app.

  1. Click on Home at the top of the left-hand side navigation.

  2. Click on Cases in the Service section of the sitemap.

  3. Click + New Case.

  4. Enter SLA Test #1 for Case Title and select the Relecloud account for Customer.

  5. Select Web for Origin. In the Details tab, select Problem for Case Type. Click Save.

  6. Select the SLA tab. You should see the Case Response By SLA KPI in progress with failure time set to 1 hour’s time.

  7. Select the Details tab and set First Response Sent to Yes and click Save.

  8. Select the SLA tab. You should see the Case Response By SLA KPI.

  9. Click Go back, click + New Case.

  10. Enter SLA Test #2 for Case Title and select the Relecloud account for Customer.

  11. Select Email for Origin and click Save.

  12. Select the SLA tab. There should be no SLA KPI items.