Module 1: Configure Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys

Lab 1.3: Create a compliance profile

Lab Overview


The marketing team wants to create a new compliance profile to manage customer consent for their campaigns.

Lab Overview

This lab compromises of one exercise:

  1. Create a new compliance profile to manage customer consent.

What you’ll need:

  • A computer with a Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys environment

Exercise 1: Create a compliance profile

  1. Log into Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys. Change the area to the Settings area.

  2. Navigate to Compliance profiles under Customer engagement.

  3. Select + New Profile and select + With preference center.

    • Name the profile Contoso Americas.

    • Under Address, enter 123 Main St, Seattle, WA 98101.

    • Select Save and close.

  4. Open your new Contoso Americas complicance profile.

  5. Select the Consent purposes tab. Two communication purposes have been automatically added: Commercial and Transactional.

  6. Navigate back to the General tab. You will see that a default preference center was created called Contoso Americas Preference Center. Open the preference center record.

  7. You will navigate to a form that allows customers to update their communication preferences. This form will be available for any customers that access materials using this compliance profile.

  8. Press the back button to navigate back to the Contoso Americas compliance profile. Click Save and close.