Exercise title

In this exercise you will

This exercise should take approximately XX minutes to complete.

Before you start

Before you can start this exercise, you will need to…

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. etc.


First, you need to …

  1. Step 1
  2. This step includes an example of inline code formatting, which is used when the learner needs to type something (anything, not just code) because it creates a [T] link in the hosted Skillable environment.
  3. If you need the learner to open a website, include both a link (so they can open by clicking in the HTML GitHub page) AND the URL formatted as code (so they can type it in a hosted VM browser). For example, “Open the Bing website at https://www.bing.com”.
  4. If you need the learner to download a file (or a bunch of files in a zip), store the file in Allfiles folder in this repo and use the raw URL - like this: “Download file name from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftLearning/INF99X-SampleCourse/master/Allfiles/Labs/01/Starter/azuredeploy.json.
  5. Alternatively, for a developer audience, you can have them clone this repo if that seems more appropriate.
  6. If you need to include a multiline code block, indent it to match the bulleted list indent:

     # This is an example of an
     # indented code block.
  7. If you need to include a acreenshot, resize it to an appropriate size (so any “normal” formatted text in a partial screenshot is roughly the same size as this text - generally try to make screenshots of full application windows 800x600px (approx)). Store images in a Media subfolder and use markdown to add it to the page (remembering that file and folder names are case-sensitive). If the image is in a list, indent it, like this:

    A screenshot of an application.

  8. If you need to explain why something is done the way it is, or provide additional context or links to info, use a note like this:

    Note: This is a note.

  9. Be flexible when providing instructions that might vary between self-paced and hosted lab environments. For example:
    • “Sign in using your Azure credentials” (assuming there were Learn-specific instructions to use a personal subscription or create a trial in the Learn exercise page, and ILT-specific instructions to use provided cloudslice credentials in the Skillable lab profile)
    • “Select an existing resource group or create a new one” (assuming that if a Skillable CS-R cloudslice is used, you included a note in the lab profile telling the learner which resource group they should use)
  10. etc.

Next task

Now let’s, …

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. etc.

Task with subtasks

Sometimes you might want to break a taak down into smaller chunks.

Subtask 1

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Etc.

Subtask 2

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. etc.

Clean up

Now that you’ve finished the exercise, you should delete the cloud resources you’ve created to avoid unnecessary resource usage.

  1. Step 1
  2. etc.