Demonstration – Create and configure Azure DNS
In this demonstration, you will explore Azure DNS.
Tutorial: Host your domain and subdomain - Azure DNS
Create a private DNS zone
Access the Azure Portal.
Search for the DNS zones service.
Create a DNS zone and explain the purpose of the zone. For a name you can use
Wait for the DNS zone to be created. You may need to Refresh the page.
Add a DNS record set
Tutorial: Create an alias record to refer to a zone resource record
Once your zone is created, select +Record Set.
Use the Type drop-down to view the different types of records. Review how the different record types are used. Notice how the record information changes as you select different record types.
Create an A record as an example.
Link VNet for auto registration
- Once the DNS Zone is deployed review the overview page with the students.
- link the private DNS zone to a virtual network, by creating a virtual network link.
- On the left pane, select Virtual network links.
- Select Add.
- Type myLink for the Link name.
- For Virtual network, select myAzureVNet.
- Select the Enable auto registration check box.
- Select OK.
Note: Students should now be able to complete LAB_05