Lab 09: Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Student lab manual

Lab scenario

You have been asked to create a proof of concept of Microsoft Defender for Cloud-based environment. Specifically, you want to:

  • Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud enhanced security features for servers to monitor a virtual machine.
  • Review Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendations for the virtual machine.
  • Implement recommendations for guest configuration and Just-in-time VM access.
  • Review how the Secure Score can be used to determine progress toward creating a more secure infrastructure.

For all the resources in this lab, we are using the East US region. Verify with your instructor this is the region to use for class.

Lab objectives

In this lab, you will complete the following exercise:

  • Exercise 1: Implement Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Microsoft Defender for Cloud diagram



Exercise 1: Implement Microsoft Defender for Cloud

In this exercise, you will complete the following tasks:

  • Task 1: Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Task 2: Review the Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendations
  • Task 3: Implement the Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendation to enable Just-in-time VM Access

Task 1: Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud Enhanced Security Features for Servers

In this task, you will on-board and configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud Enhanced Security Features for Servers.

  1. Start a browser session and sign-in to the Azure subscription. in which you have administrative access.

  2. In the Azure portal, in the Search resources, services, and docs text box at the top of the Azure portal page, type Microsoft Defender for Cloud and press the Enter key.

  3. On the Microsoft Defender for Cloud, Management blade, go to the Environment settings. Expand the environment settings folders until the subscription section is displayed, then click the subscription to view details.

  4. In the Settings blade, under Defender plans, expand Cloud Workload Protection (CWP).

  5. From the Cloud Workload Protection (CWP) Plan list, select Servers. On the right side of the page, change the Status from Off to On, then click Save.

  6. To review the details of Microsoft Defender for Servers Plan 2, select Change plan >.

Note: Enabling the Cloud Workload Protection (CWP) Servers plan from Off to On enables Microsoft Defender for Servers Plan 2.

Task 2: Review the Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendation

In this task, you will review the Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendations.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate back to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Overview blade.

  2. On the Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Overview blade, review the Secure Score tile.

    Note: Record the current score if it is available.

  3. Navigate back to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Overview blade, click Assessed resources.

  4. On the Inventory blade, click the myVM entry.

    Note: You might have to wait a few minutes and refresh the browser page for the entry to appear.

  5. On the Resource health blade, on the Recommendations tab, review the list of recommendations for myVM.

Task 3: Implement the Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendation to enable Just-in-time VM Access

In this task, you will implement the Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendation to enable Just-in-time VM Access on the virtual machine.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate back to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Overview blade and click Workload protections under Cloud Security in the left navigation panel.

  2. On the Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Workload protections blade, scroll down to the Advanced protection section and click the Just-in-time VM access tile.

  3. On the Just-in-time VM access blade, under the Virtual machines section, select Not Configured and then select the checkbox for the myVM entry.

    Note: You might have to wait a few minutes, refresh the browser page and select Not Configured again for the entry to appear.

  4. Click the Enable JIT on 1 VM option on the far right of the Virtual machines section.

  5. On the JIT VM access configuration blade, on the far right of the row referencing the port 22, click the ellipsis button and then click Delete.

  6. On the JIT VM access configuration blade, click Save.

    Note: Monitor the progress of configuration by clicking on the Notifications icon in the toolbar and viewing the Notifications blade.

    Note: It can take some time for the implementation of recommendations in this lab to be reflected by Secure Score. Periodically check the Secure Score to determine the impact of implementing these features.

Results: You have on-boarded Microsoft Defender for Cloud and implemented virtual machine recommendations.

>**Note**: Do not remove the resources from this lab as they are needed for the Microsoft Sentinel lab.