Validate lab environment

Student lab manual

Instructions to create an Azure DevOps Organization (you only have to do this once)

Start here if you don’t have an Azure subscription

  1. Get a new Azure Pass promocode from the instructor or other source.
  2. Use a private browser session to get a new personal Microsoft Account (MSA) at
  3. Using the same browser session, go to to redeem your Azure Pass using your Microsoft Account (MSA). For details, see Redeem a Microsoft Azure Pass. Follow the instructions for redemption.

Start here if you have an Azure subscription

  1. Open a browser and navigate to, then search at the top of the Azure portal screen for Azure DevOps. In the resulting page, click Azure DevOps organizations.
  2. Next, click on the link labelled My Azure DevOps Organizations or navigate directly to
  3. On the We need a few more details page, select Continue.
  4. In the drop-down box on the left, choose Default Directory, instead of “Microsoft Account”.
  5. If prompted (“We need a few more details”), provide your name, e-mail address, and location and click Continue.
  6. Back at with Default Directory selected click the blue button Create new organization.
  7. Accept the Terms of Service by clicking Continue.
  8. If prompted (“Almost done”), leave the name for the Azure DevOps organization at default (it needs to be a globally unique name) and pick a hosting location close to you from the list.
  9. Once the newly created organization opens in Azure DevOps, click Organization settings in the bottom left corner.
  10. At the Organization settings screen click Billing (opening this screen takes a few seconds).
  11. Click Setup billing and on the right-hand side of the screen select the Azure Pass - Sponsorship subscription and click Save to link the subscription with the organization.
  12. Once the screen shows the linked Azure Subscription ID at the top, change the number of Paid parallel jobs for MS Hosted CI/CD from 0 to 1. Then click the SAVE button at the bottom.
  13. In Organization Settings, go to section Pipelines and click Settings.
  14. Toggle the switch to Off for Disable creation of classic build pipelines and Disable creation of classic release pipelines

    Note: The Disable creation of classic release pipelines switch sets to On hides classic release pipeline creation options such as the Release menu in the Pipeline section of DevOps projects.

  15. In Organization Settings, go to section Security and click Policies.
  16. Toggle the switch to On for Third-party application access via OAuth

    Note: The OAuth setting helps enable tools such as the DemoDevOpsGenerator to register extensions. Without this, several labs may fail due to a lack of the required extensions.

  17. Toggle the switch to On for Allow public projects

    Note: Extensions used in some labs might require a public project to allow using the free version.

  18. Wait at least 3 hours before using the CI/CD capabilities so that the new settings are reflected in the backend. Otherwise, you will still see the message “No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted”.

Instructions to create the sample Azure DevOps Project (you only have to do this once)

Exercise 0: Configure the lab prerequisites

Note: make sure you completed the steps to create your Azure DevOps Organization before continuing with these steps.

In this exercise, you will set up the prerequisites for the lab, which consist of a new Azure DevOps project with a repository based on the eShopOnWeb.

Task 1: Create and configure the team project

In this task, you will create an eShopOnWeb Azure DevOps project to be used by several labs.

  1. On your lab computer, in a browser window open your Azure DevOps organization. Click on New Project. Give your project the following settings:
    • name: eShopOnWeb
    • visibility: Private
    • Advanced: Version Control: Git
    • Advanced: Work Item Process: Scrum
  2. Click Create.

    Create Project

Task 2: Import eShopOnWeb Git Repository

In this task you will import the eShopOnWeb Git repository that will be used by several labs.

  1. On your lab computer, in a browser window open your Azure DevOps organization and the previously created eShopOnWeb project. Click on Repos>Files , Import a Repository. Select Import. On the Import a Git Repository window, paste the following URL and click Import:

    Import Repository

  2. The repository is organized the following way:

    • .ado folder contains Azure DevOps YAML pipelines.
    • .devcontainer folder container setup to develop using containers (either locally in VS Code or GitHub Codespaces).
    • infra folder contains Bicep&ARM infrastructure as code templates used in some lab scenarios.
    • .github folder container YAML GitHub workflow definitions.
    • src folder contains the .NET 8 website used on the lab scenarios.

You have now completed the necessary prerequisite steps to continue with the different individual labs for this AZ-400 course.