AZ 1006 Module: Design and implement an infrastructure to support SAP workloads on Azure

AZ-1006 1-day course lab: Overview of deployment and maintenance of Azure Center for SAP solutions (ACSS)

Important: This lab is currently unsupported (Feb ‘24). - For detailed manual prerequisite deployment see Lab 6a - For ACSS demo infrastructure deployment see [Lab 6c(].

Estimated Time: 100 minutes

All tasks in this AZ-1006 1-day course lab are performed from the Azure portal


After completing this lab, you’ll be able to:

  • Implement the minimum prerequisites for evaluating deployment of SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions
  • Deploy the infrastructure that hosts SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions
  • Maintain SAP workloads in Azure along with using Azure Center for SAP solutions


Exercise 1: Implement the minimum prerequisites for evaluating deployment of SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions

Duration: 30 minutes

In this exercise, you implement the minimum prerequisites for evaluating deploying SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions. This includes the following activities:

Important: The prerequisites implemented in this exercise are not meant to represent the best practices for deploying SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions. Their purpose is to minimize time, cost, and resources required to evaluate the mechanics of deploying SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions and performing post-deployment management and maintenance tasks. Implementing the prerequisites includes the following activities:

  • Creating a Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity to be used by Azure Center for SAP solutions for Azure Storage access during its deployment.
  • Granting the Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity that is used to perform the deployment access to the Azure subscription and the Azure Storage General Purpose v2 account
  • Creating the Azure virtual network that hosts all of the Azure virtual machines included in the deployment.
  • Creating and configuring a network security group (NSG) that is used to restrict outbound access from subnets of the virtual network that hosts the deployment.
  • Creating and configuring a NAT gateway that will allow for outbound connectivity from Azure VMs that are part of the deployment.

These activities correspond to the following tasks of this exercise:

  • Task 1: Create a Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity
  • Task 2: Configure Azure role-based access control (RBAC) role assignments for the Microsoft Entra ID user-assigned managed identity
  • Task 3: Create the Azure virtual network
  • Task 4: Create and configure a network security group
  • Task 5: Create and configure a NAT gateway

Task 1: Create a Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity

In this task, you create a Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity to be used by Azure Center for SAP solutions for Azure Storage access during its deployment.

  1. From the lab computer, start a web browser, navigate to the Azure portal at, and authenticate by using a Microsoft Account or Microsoft Entra ID account with the Owner role in the Azure subscription you use in this lab.
  2. In the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Managed Identities.
  3. On the Managed Identities page, select + Create.
  4. On the Basics tab of the Create User Assigned Managed Identity page, specify the following settings and then select Review + Create:

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group The name of a new resource group acss-infra-RG
    Region the name of the Azure region that you use for the ACSS deployment
    Name acss-infra-MI
  5. On the Review tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Do not wait for the provisioning process to complete but instead proceed to the next task. The provisioning should take just a few seconds.

    Note: In one of the upcoming tasks, you will authorize access of the managed identity to the storage account hosting the SAP installation media to accommodate installing SAP software through the Azure Center for SAP solutions.

Task 2: Configure Azure role-based access control (RBAC) role assignments for the Microsoft Entra ID user account that will be used to perform the deployment

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Subscriptions.
  2. On the Subscriptions page, select the entry representing the Azure subscription you will be using for this lab.
  3. On the page displaying the properties of the Azure subscription, select Access control (IAM).
  4. On the Access control (IAM) page, select + Add and then, in the drop-down menu select Add role assignment.
  5. On the Role tab of the Add role assignment page, in the listing of Job function roles, search for and select the Azure Center for SAP solutions service role entry, and the select Next.
  6. On the Members tab of the Add role assignment page, for Assign access to, select Managed Identity and then click + Select members.
  7. In the Select managed identities pane, specify the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Managed identity User-assigned managed identity
    Select acss-infra-MI
  8. In the list of managed identities, select the acss-infra-MI entry and then click Select.
  9. Back on the Members tab, select Review + assign.
  10. On the Review + assign tab, select Review + assign.

    Add: “Azure Center for SAP solutions administrator Identity”
  11. Back on the Access control (IAM) page, select + Add and then, in the drop-down menu select Add role assignment.
  12. On the Role tab of the Add role assignment page, in the listing of Job function roles, search for and select the Azure Center for SAP solutions administrator entry, and the select Next.
  13. On the Members tab
    • for Assign access to, select User, Group, or Service principle
    • click + Select members.
  14. In the Select members pane, in the Select text box, enter the name of the Microsoft Entra ID user account you used to access the Azure subscription you are using for this lab, select it in the list of results matching your entry, and then click Select.
  15. Back on the Members tab, select Review + assign.
  16. On the Review + assign tab, select Review + assign.

    Add: “Managed Identity Operator”
  17. Back on the Access control (IAM) page, select + Add and then, in the drop-down menu select Add role assignment.
  18. On the Role tab of the Add role assignment page, in the listing of Job function roles, search for and select the Managed Identity Operator entry, and the select Next.
  19. On the Members tab
    • for Assign access to, select User, Group, or Service principle
    • click + Select members.
  20. In the Select members pane, in the Select text box, enter the name of the Microsoft Entra ID user account you used to access the Azure subscription you are using for this lab, select it in the list of results matching your entry, and then click Select.
  21. Back on the Members tab, select Review + assign.
  22. On the Review + assign tab, select Review + assign.

Task 3: Create the virtual network

In this task, you create the Azure virtual network that hosts all of the Azure virtual machines included in the deployment. In addition, within the virtual network, you create the following subnets:

  • app - intended for hosting the SAP application and SAP Central Services instance servers
  • db - intended for hosting the SAP database tier
  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Virtual networks.
  2. On the Virtual networks page, select + Create.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create virtual network page, specify the following settings and select Next:

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group acss-infra-RG
    Virtual network name acss-infra-VNET
    Region the name of the same Azure region you used in the previous task of this exercise
  4. On the Security tab, accept the default settings and select Next.

    Note: You could provision at this point both Azure Bastion and Azure Firewall, however you will provision them separately once the virtual network is created.

  5. On the IP addresses tab, specify the following settings and then select Review + create:

    Setting Value
    IP address space (65,536 addresses)
  6. In the list of subnets, select the trash bin icon to delete the default subnet.
  7. Select + Add a subnet.
  8. In the Add a subnet pane, specify the following settings and then select Add (leave others with their default values):

    Setting Value
    Name app
    Starting address
    Size /24 (256 addresses)
  9. Select + Add a subnet.
  10. In the Add a subnet pane, specify the following settings and then select Add (leave others with their default values):

    Setting Value
    Name db
    Starting address
    Size /24 (256 addresses)
  11. On the IP addresses tab, select Review + create:
  12. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete and then select Create.

    Note: Do not wait for the provisioning process to complete but instead proceed to the next task. The provisioning should take just a few seconds.

Task 4: Create and configure a network security group

In this task, you create and configure a network security group (NSG) that used to restrict outbound access from subnets of the virtual network that hosts the deployment. You can accomplish this by blocking connectivity the internet but explicitly allowing connections to the following services:

  • SUSE or Red Hat update infrastructure endpoints
  • Azure Storage
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Microsoft Entra ID
  • Azure Resource Manager

Note: In general, you should consider using Azure Firewall instead of NSGs to secure network connectivity for your SAP deployment.

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Network security groups.
  2. On the Network security groups page, select + Create.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create network security group page, specify the following settings and then select Review + create:

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group acss-infra-RG
    Name acss-infra-NSG
    Region the name of the same Azure region you used earlier in this exercise
  4. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Wait for the provisioning process to complete. The provisioning should take less than 1 minute.

  5. On the Your deployment is complete page, select Go to resource.

    Note: By default, the built-in rules of network security groups allow all outbound traffic, all traffic within the same virtual network, as well as all traffic between peered virtual networks. From the security standpoint, you should consider restricting this default behavior. The proposed configuration restricts outbound connectivity to the internet and Azure. You can also use NSG rules to restrict connectivity within a virtual network.

  6. On the acss-infra-NSG page, in the navigation menu, in the Settings section, select Outbound security rules.
  7. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  8. On the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Red Hat update infrastructure endpoints.

    Note: To identify the IP addresses to use for RHEL, refer to Prepare network for infrastructure deployment

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination IP addresses
    Destination IP addresses/CIDR ranges,,,,,,,,,
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 300
    Name AllowAnyRHELOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to RHEL update infrastructure endpoints
  9. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  10. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to SUSE update infrastructure endpoints.

    Note: To identify the IP addresses to use for SUSE, refer to Prepare network for infrastructure deployment

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination IP addresses
    Destination IP addresses/CIDR ranges,,,
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 305
    Name AllowAnySUSEOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to SUSE update infrastructure endpoints

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Azure Storage.

  11. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  12. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag Storage
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 400
    Name AllowAnyCustomStorageOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to Azure Storage

    Note: You could replace the Storage service tag with one which is region-specific, such as Storage.EastUS.

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Azure Key Vault.

  13. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  14. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag AzureKeyVault
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 500
    Name AllowAnyCustomKeyVaultOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to Azure Key Vault

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Microsoft Entra ID.

  15. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  16. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag AzureActiveDirectory
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 600
    Name AllowAnyCustomEntraIDOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to Microsoft Entra ID

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Azure Resource Manager.

  17. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  18. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag AzureResourceManager
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 700
    Name AllowAnyCustomARMOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to Azure Resource Manager

    Note: The last rule should be added to explicitly block connectivity to the internet.

  19. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  20. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag Internet
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Deny
    Priority 1000
    Name DenyAnyCustomInternetOutbound
    Description Deny outbound connectivity to Internet

    Note: Finally, you need to assign the NSG to the relevant subnets of the virtual network that will host the SAP deployment.

  21. In the Add outbound security rule pane, in the navigation menu, in the Settings section, select Subnets.
  22. On the acss-infra-NSG | Subnets page, select + Associate.
  23. In the Associate subnet pane, in the Virtual network drop-down list, select acss-intra-VNET (acss-infra-RG), in the Subnet drop-down list, select app, and then select OK.
  24. In the Associate subnet pane, in the Virtual network drop-down list, select acss-intra-VNET (acss-infra-RG), in the Subnet drop-down list, select db, and then select OK.

Task 5: Create and configure a NAT gateway

In this task, you create and configure a network address translation (NAT) gateway that will allow Azure VMs included in the deployment to reach external services, such as SUSE and RHEL endpoints.

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select NAT Gateways.
  2. On the NAT gateways page, select + Create.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create network address translation (NAT) gateway page, specify the following settings and then select Next: Outbound IP >:

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group acss-infra-RG
    NAT gateway name acss-infra-NATGW
    Region the name of the same Azure region you used earlier in this exercise
    Availability zone No Zone
    TCP idle timeout (minutes) 4
  4. On the Outbound IP tab, below the Public IP addresses drop-down list, select the Create a new public IP address link, in the Add a public IP address pane, in the Name text box, enter acss-infra-NATWG-PIP, and select OK.
  5. Back on the Outbound IP tab, select Next: Subnet >.
  6. On the Subnet tab, in the Virtual network drop-down list, select acss-infra-VNET, in the list of subnets, select the checkbox next to the app and db entries, and then select Review + create:
  7. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Wait for the provisioning process to complete. The provisioning should take about 1 minute.

Exercise 2: Deploy the infrastructure that hosts SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions

Duration: 40 minutes

In this exercise, you perform deployment of Azure Center for SAP solutions. This includes the following activity:

  • Use Azure Center for SAP solutions to deploy the infrastructure capable of hosting SAP workloads into an Azure subscription.

This activity corresponds to the following task of this exercise:

  • Task 1: Create Virtual Instance for SAP (VIS) solutions

Note: Following the successful deployment, you could proceed with installing SAP software by using Azure Center for SAP solutions. However, installing of SAP software is not included in this lab.

Note: For information regarding installing SAP software by using Azure Center for SAP solutions, refer to the Microsoft Learn documentation that describes how to Get SAP installation media and Install SAP software.

Task 1: Create Virtual Instance for SAP (VIS) solutions

  1. On the lab computer, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Azure Center for SAP Solutions.
  2. On the Azure Center for SAP Solutions | Overview page, select Create a new SAP system.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create Virtual Instance for SAP solutions page, specify the following settings and select Next : Virtual machines

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group The name of a new resource group acss-vi-RG
    Name (SID) VI1
    Region the name of the Azure region hosting the ACSS-registered SAP deployment or another region in the same geography
    Environment type Non-production
    SAP product S/4HANA
    Database HANA
    HANA scale method Scale up (recommended)
    Deployment type Distributed with High Availability (HA)
    Compute availability 99.95 (Availability Set)
    Virtual network acss-infra-VNET
    Application subnet app (
    Database subnet db (
    Application OS image options Use a marketplace image
    Application OS image Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 for SAP Applications - x64 Gen2 latest
    Database OS image options Use a marketplace image
    Database OS image Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 for SAP Applications - x64 Gen2 latest
    SAP transport option Don’t include SAP transport directory
    Authentication type SSH public
    Username contososapadmin
    SSH public key source Generate new key pair
    Key pair name contosovi1key
    Managed identity source Use existing user assigned managed identity
    Managed identity name acss-infra-MI
  4. On the Virtual machines tab, specify the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Generate Recommendation based on SAP Application Performance Standard (SAPS) - Select this option to provide SAPS for application tier and Database Memory size and click Generate Recommendations
    SAPS for application tier 1000
    Memory size for database (GiB) 128
  5. Select Generate Recommendation.
  6. Review the size and the number of VMs for the ASCS, application, and database virtual machines.

    Note: If needed, adjust the recommended sizes by selecting the See all Sizes link for each set of virtual machines and choosing an alternative size. By default, the distributed deployment type with high availability as well as the application tier SAPS and database memory size specified above results in the following minimum VM SKU recommendations:

    • 2 x Standard_D4ds_v5 for the ASCS VMs (4 vCPUs and 16 GiB of memory each)
    • 2 x Standard_D4ds_v5 for the application VMs (4 vCPUs and 16 GiB of memory each)
    • 2 x Standard_E16ds_v5 for the database VMs (16 vCPUs and 128 GiB of memory each)

    Note: If needed, you can request quota increase by selecting the Request Quota link for a specific SKU of virtual machines and submitting a quota increase request. The processing of a request typically takes a few minutes.

    Note: Azure Center for SAP solutions enforces the usage of the SAP supported VM SKUs during deployment.

  7. On the Virtual machines tab, in the Data disks section, select the View and customize configuration link.
  8. On the Database disk configuration page, review the recommended configuration without making any changes and select Close.
  9. Back on the Virtual machines tab, select Next : Visualize Architecture.
  10. On the Visualize Architecture tab, review the diagram illustrating the recommended architecture and select Review + create.
  11. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete, select the checkbox confirm that you have ample quota available in the deployment region to avoid running into “Insufficient Quota” error, and select Create.
  12. When prompted, in the Generate new key pair window, select Download private key and create resource.

    Note: The private key required to connect to the Azure VMs included in the deployment will be downloaded to the computer from which you are running this lab.

    Note: Wait for the deployment to complete. This might take about 25 minutes.

    Note: Following the deployment, you could proceed to installing SAP software by using Azure Center for SAP solutions. In this lab, you will explore the capabilities of the Azure Center for SAP solutions without installing SAP software.

Exercise 3: Maintain SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions

Duration: 60 minutes

In this exercise, you review post-deployment management and monitoring of SAP workloads by using Azure Center for SAP solutions. This includes the following activities:

  • Implementing prerequisites for backup of SAP workloads managed by Azure Center for SAP solutions
  • Implementing prerequisites for disaster recovery of SAP workloads managed by Azure Center for SAP solutions
  • Reviewing monitoring options available for SAP workloads managed by Azure Center for SAP solutions
  • Deleting all of the Azure resources provisioned in this lab.

These activities correspond to the following tasks of this exercise:

  • Task 1: Implement prerequisites for backup of SAP workloads managed by Azure Center for SAP solutions
  • Task 2: Implement prerequisites for disaster recovery of SAP workloads managed by Azure Center for SAP solutions
  • Task 3: Review monitoring options for SAP workloads managed by Azure Center for SAP solutions
  • Task 4: Delete the Azure resources provisioned in this lab

Task 1: Implement prerequisites for backup of SAP workloads managed by Azure Center for SAP solutions

Note: When you configure Azure Backup at the VIS resource level in the Azure Center for SAP solutions, you can, in one step, enable backup for Azure VMs hosting the database, application servers, and SAP Central Services instance, and for the HANA DB. For the HANA DB backup, Azure Center for SAP solutions automatically runs the backup pre-registration script.

  1. On the lab computer, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Azure Center for SAP Solutions.
  2. On the Azure Center for SAP Solutions | Overview page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, select Virtual instances for SAP solutions and, in the list of virtual instances, select the instance you deployed in the previous exercise.
  3. On the virtual instance page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Operations section, select Backup (preview).
  4. Note the message indicating that backup can’t be set up since SAP software installation/registration for this SAP system isn’t complete.

    Note: This is expected. You will not able to set up backup this way until the installation of SAP software is completed. However, completing the setup also involves additional prerequisites, including creation of vaults and backup policies, which we’ll review here.

  5. On the lab computer, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Backup center.
  6. On the Backup center page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Manage section, select Vaults.
  7. On the Backup center | Vaults page, select + Vault.
  8. On the Start: Create Vault page, review available vault types, ensure that Recovery services vault (which supports Azure virtual machines and SAP HANA in Azure VM datasource types) is selected, and then select Continue.
  9. On the Basics tab of the Create Recovery Services vault page, specify the following settings and select Next : Redundancy

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group The name of a new resource group acss-mgmt-RG
    Vault name acss-backup-RSV
    Region the name of the Azure region hosting the ACSS-registered SAP deployment
  10. On the Redundancy tab, specify the following settings and select Next : Vault properties

    Setting Value
    Backup Storage Redundancy Geo-redundant
    Cross Region Restore Enable
  11. On the Vault properties tab, review the Enable immutability setting without enabling it and select Next : Networking
  12. On the Networking tab, accept the default option to Allow public access from all networks and select Review + create
  13. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Wait for the provisioning process to complete. The provisioning might take about 2 minutes.

  14. On the Your deployment is complete page, select Go to resource.
  15. On the acss-backup-RSV page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Manage section, select Backup policies.
  16. On the acss-backup-RSV | Backup policies page, select + Add.
  17. On the Select policy type page, review the available policy types.

    Note: You will start by configuring the backup policy for Azure VMs hosting the database, application servers, and SAP Central Services instance.

  18. On the Select policy type page, select Azure Virtual Machine.
  19. On the Create policy page, review the differences between the Standard and Enhanced policy sub types and select Enhanced.

    Note: You should base your choice on your resiliency needs. Similarly, you should adjust the following values listed according to your needs.

  20. In the Policy name text box, enter acss-vm-enhanced-backup-policy.
  21. Set the backup schedule frequency to Hourly, start time to 6:00PM, schedule to Every 6 hours, duration to 12 hours, and timezone to your local time zone.
  22. Set the Retain instance recovery snapshot(s) for value to 5 days.
  23. Set Retention of daily backup points to 60 days.
  24. Set the retention period of weekly, monthly, and yearly backup points based on your preferences.

    Note: To enable tiering, you have to enable monthly or yearly backup points.

    Note: You also have the option of designating the naming convention of the resource group auto-generated by Azure Backup.

  25. Select Create.
  26. On the Your deployment is complete page, select Go to resource.
  27. On the acss-backup-RSV page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Manage section, select Backup policies.
  28. On the acss-backup-RSV | Backup policies page, select + Add.

    Note: Next, you will configure the backup policies for HANA DB. The configuration presented here follows the guidance described in the MS Learn article Back up SAP HANA database instance snapshots on Azure VMs.

  29. On the Select policy type page, select SAP HANA in Azure VM (Database via Backint)
  30. On the Create policy page, in the Policy name text box, enter acss-hanadb-backint-backup-policy.
  31. Accept the default settings for the full and log backups. Keep the differential and incremental backups disabled.

    Note: You have the option of enabling HANA backup compression and moving eligible recovery points to vault archive.

  32. Select Create.

  33. On the Your deployment is complete page, select Go to resource.
  34. On the acss-backup-RSV page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Manage section, select Backup policies.
  35. On the acss-backup-RSV | Backup policies page, select + Add.
  36. On the Select policy type page, select SAP HANA in Azure VM (DB Instance via snapshot)
  37. On the Create policy page, in the Policy name text box, enter acss-hanadb-snapshot-backup-policy.
  38. Set the frequency of snapshot backup to 1:30 PM of your current time zone.
  39. Configure to retain instant recovery snapshot for 5 days.
  40. Keep the default selection of the snapshot resource group, which should be set to acss-mgmt-RG.
  41. In the Managed Identity section, select Create Managed Identity. This automatically opens another tab in the web browser window, displaying the Managed Identity page in the Azure portal.
  42. On the Managed Identity page, select + Create.
  43. On the Basics tab of the Create User Assigned Managed Identity page, specify the following settings and then select Review + Create:

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group acss-mgmt-RG
    Region the name of the Azure region hosting the ACSS deployment
    Name acss-mgmt-MI
  44. On the Review tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Wait for the provisioning process to complete. The provisioning should take just a few seconds.

  45. Close the current browser tab and switch back to the one displaying the Create policy page.
  46. In the Managed Identity section, in the Resource group drop-down list, select acss-mgmt-RG and, in the Managed identity drop-down list, select acss-mgmt-MI.
  47. Select Create.

    Note: When configuring backup at the VIS level in the Azure Center for SAP solutions interface, you will be able to leverage the existing vault and its policies.

    Note: Once backup is configured at the VIS level, you can monitor the status of backup jobs of Azure VMs and HANA DB from the VIS interface in the Azure portal.

Task 2: Implement prerequisites for disaster recovery of SAP workloads managed by Azure Center for SAP solutions

Note: While Azure Center for SAP solutions service is a zone redundant service, there is no Microsoft initiated failover in the event of a region outage. To remediate such scenario, you should configure disaster recovery for SAP systems deployed using Azure Center for SAP solutions by following guidance described in Disaster recovery overview and infrastructure guidelines for SAP workload, which involves the use of Azure Site Recovery (ASR). In this task, you’ll step through the process of implementing an ASR-based disaster recovery solution which relies on that guidance.

Note: ASR is the recommended solution for application servers and SAP Central Services instances. For database servers, you should consider using native their replication functionality.

  1. On the lab computer, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Recovery Services vaults.
  2. On the Recovery Services vaults page, select + Create.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create Recovery Services vault page, specify the following settings (leave others with their default values) and select Next: Redundancy.

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group The name of a new resource group acss-dr-RG
    Vault name acss-dr-RSV
    Region the name of the Azure region that is paired up with the ACSS-registered SAP deployment

    Note: To identify the region which is a paired up with the one hosting your production workloads, refer to MS Learn documentation describing Azure paired regions.

  4. On the Redundancy tab, specify the following settings and select Next : Vault properties

    Setting Value
    Backup Storage Redundancy Locally-redundant
  5. On the Vault properties tab, review the Enable immutability setting without enabling it and select Next : Networking
  6. On the Networking tab, accept the default option to Allow public access from all networks and select Review + create
  7. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Do not wait for the provisioning process to complete but instead proceed to the next step. The provisioning might take about 2 minutes.

    Note: Now you will set up the disaster recovery environment in the paired up region in which you created the Recovery Services vault. This environment will include a virtual network that will host replicas of the Azure VMs currently hosted in the primary region where you provisioned Virtual Instance for SAP.

  8. On the lab computer, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Recovery Services vaults.
  9. On the Recovery Services vaults page, select acss-dr-RSV.
  10. On the acss-dr-RSV page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Getting started section, select Site Recovery.
  11. On the acss-dr-RSV | Site Recovery page, in the Azure virtual machines section, select 1. Enable replication.
  12. On the Source tab of the Enable replication page, specify the following settings and then select Next:

    Setting Value
    Region the name of the Azure region hosting your Virtual Instance for SAP (VIS)
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group acss-vi-RG
    Virtual machine deployment model Resource Manager
    Disaster recovery between availability zones No

    Note: The Disaster recovery between availability zones might be not configurable, depending on whether the source region supports availability zones.

  13. On the Virtual machines tab, select the first four virtual machines in the list (vi1appvm0, vi1appvm1, vi1ascsvm0, and vi1ascsvm0) and then select Next.

    Note: As mentioned earlier, the ASR-based replication will be applied to the application servers and SAP Central Services instances. Database servers will be maintained in sync by relying on the native database replication functionality.

  14. On the Replication settings tab, perform the following actions:

    1. If needed, in the Target location drop-down list, select the Azure region in which you created the acss-dr-RSV Recovery Services vault.
    2. Ensure that the name of the Azure subscription used in this lab appears in the Target subscription drop-down list.
    3. In the Target resource group drop-down list, select acss-dr-RG.
    4. Below the Failover virtual network drop-down list, select Create new.
    5. In the Create virtual network pane, in the Name text box, enter CONTOSO-VNET-asr
    6. In the Address space section, in the Address range text box, replace the default entry with
    7. In the Subnets section, in the Subnet name text box, enter app and, in the Address range text box, enter
    8. Below the newly added subnet entry, in the Subnets section, in the Subnet name text box, enter db and, in the Address range text box, enter
    9. In the Create virtual network pane, select OK.
    10. Back on the Enable replication page, ensure that the (new) app ( entry appears in the Failover subnet drop-down list.
    11. In the Storage section, select the View/edit storage configuration link.
    12. On the Customize target settings page, review the resulting configuration but don’t make any changes and select Cancel.
    13. In the Availability options section, select the View/edit availability options link.
    14. On the Availability options page you have the option of implementing proximity placement groups for target resources but don’t make any changes and select Cancel.

    Note: You also have the option of configuring capacity reservation.

    Important: Note that the IP address spaces differ between the virtual network in the primary and secondary regions. This is intentional, since it will allow connecting the two virtual network together, which is necessary in order to configure replication between database servers hosted in the two regions. Such connection can be established by using virtual network peering.

  15. Back on the Replication settings tab of the Enable replication page, select Next.
  16. On the Manage tab of the Enable replication page, perform the following actions:

    1. Below the Replication policy drop-down list, select Create new.
    2. In the Create replication policy pane, in the Name text box, enter 2-day-retention-policy, in the Retention period (in days) text box, enter 2, and then select OK.
    3. You have the option of creating replication groups. This option isn’t applicable to our use case.
    4. Leave Update settings option of Extension settings configured to Allow ASR to manage.
    5. Accept the default, automatically assigned name of the Automation account.
  17. On the Manage tab of the Enable replication page, select Next.
  18. On the Review tab of the Enable replication page, select Enable replication.

    Note: Now you will step through enabling replication for the remaining two Azure VMs hosting the database servers.

  19. Back on the acss-dr-RSV | Site Recovery page, in the Azure virtual machines section, select 1. Enable replication.
  20. On the Source tab of the Enable replication page, specify the following settings and then select Next:

    Setting Value
    Region the name of the Azure region hosting your Virtual Instance for SAP (VIS)
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group acss-vi-RG
    Virtual machine deployment model Resource Manager
    Disaster recovery between availability zones No

    Note: The Disaster recovery between availability zones might be not configurable, depending on whether the source region supports availability zones.

  21. On the Virtual machines tab, select the first four virtual machines in the list (vi1appvm0, vi1appvm1, vi1ascsvm0, and vi1ascsvm0) and then select Next.

    Note: You need to configure replication for the remaining two Azure VMs separately, since they are connected to a different subnet.

  22. On the Replication settings tab, perform the following actions:

    1. If needed, in the Target location drop-down list, select the Azure region in which you created the acss-dr-RSV Recovery Services vault.
    2. Ensure that the name of the Azure subscription used in this lab appears in the Target subscription drop-down list.
    3. In the Target resource group drop-down list, select acss-dr-RG.
    4. In the Failover virtual network drop-down list, select CONTOSO-VNET.
    5. In the Failover subnet drop-down list, select app (
    6. In the Storage section, select the View/edit storage configuration link.
    7. On the Customize target settings page, review the resulting configuration but don’t make any changes and select Cancel.
    8. In the Availability options section, select the View/edit availability options link.
    9. On the Availability options page, you have the option of implementing proximity placement groups for target resources but don’t make any changes and select Cancel.

    Note: You also have the option of configuring capacity reservation.

  23. Back on the Replication settings tab of the Enable replication page, select Next.
  24. On the Manage tab of the Enable replication page, perform the following actions:

    1. Below the Replication policy drop-down list, select Create new.
    2. In the Create replication policy pane, in the Name text box, enter 2-day-retention-policy, in the Retention period (in days) text box, enter 2, and then select OK.
    3. You have the option of creating replication groups. This option isn’t applicable to our use case.
    4. Leave Update settings option of Extension settings configured to Allow ASR to manage.
    5. Accept the default, automatically assigned name of the Automation account.
  25. On the Manage tab of the Enable replication page, select Next.
  26. On the Review tab of the Enable replication page, select Enable replication.

    Note: Initial replication might take a considerable time to complete. Considering the limited time allocated to this lab, refer to the instructor regarding any extra steps to be performed as part of this task. In absence of any specific guidance, proceed directly to the next task.

    Note: You could provision at this point both Azure Bastion and Azure Firewall, however you should instead automate their provisioning as part of your disaster recovery failover procedure. This will minimize charges associated with maintaining the disaster recovery environment. The same should apply to other components of that environment that mirror the configuration of the primary Virtual Instance for SAP, such as Azure Premium file shares and custom routing.

Task 3: Review monitoring options for SAP workloads managed by Azure Center for SAP solutions

Note: As with backup, you will not be able to fully experience the monitoring capabilities of Azure Center for SAP solutions. This requires installation of SAP software or registering an existing Azure Monitor for SAP solutions instance. Instead, in this task, you will step through the interface available in the Virtual Instance for SAP solutions to identify and review these capabilities.

  1. On the lab computer, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Virtual Instances for SAP solutions.
  2. On the Virtual Instances for SAP solutions page, review the summarized status information for the VI1 instance, including the overall health and status visual indicators.
  3. On the Virtual Instances for SAP solutions page, select VI1.
  4. On the VI1 page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, select Overview and then, in the pane on the right side, select Monitoring.
  5. Review the monitoring telemetry displayed in the monitoring pane.

    Note: The monitoring pane includes vCPU utilization graphs and metrics for application servers, database servers, and SAP Central Services instances. It also includes database disk IOPS statistic database servers.

  6. On the VI1 page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Monitoring section, select Quality insights.
  7. On the VI1 | Quality insights | Workbook 1 page, review the Advisor Recommendation tab, which is intended to provide recommendations for optimizing Virtual Instance for SAP solutions (VIS), Central server instance, App service instances, and databases.

    Note: These recommendations require completing installation of SAP software.

  8. On the VI1 | Quality insights | Workbook 1 page, select the Virtual Machine tab and review the content of Azure Compute, Compute List, Compute Extensions, Compute + OS Disk, and Compute + Data Disks tabs.

    Note: Each of these tabs should include actual data collected from the Azure VMs that are part of the Virtual Instance for SAP solutions.

  9. On the VI1 | Quality insights | Workbook 1 page, select the Configuration Checks tab and review the content of the Accelerated Networking, Public IP, Backup, and Load Balancer tabs. This content provides a quick overview of the performance and security related settings of compute and network components of the Virtual Instance for SAP solutions. The Load Balancer tab includes Load Balancer Monitor information that displays key load balancer metrics.
  10. On the VI1 page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Monitoring section, select Azure Monitor for SAP solutions.
  11. On the VI1 | Azure Monitor for SAP solutions page, note the message stating that AMS can’t be set up since SAP software installation\registration for VIS isn’t complete.

    Note: Once you install SAP software, you will be able to integrate it with a new or existing Azure Monitor for SAP solutions resource. Azure Monitor for SAP solutions relies on the Azure Monitor capabilities of Log Analytics and workbooks to provide a comprehensive monitoring of SAP workloads hosted on Azure VMs, including support for custom visualizations, queries, and alerts.