AZ 1006 Module: Design and implement an infrastructure to support SAP workloads on Azure

AZ-1006 1-day course lab: Overview of prerequisites for deployment of SAP workloads with Azure Center for SAP solutions (ACSS)

Estimated Time: 100 minutes

All tasks in this AZ-1006 1-day course lab are performed from the Azure portal


After completing this lab, you’ll be able to:

  • Implement prerequisites for deploying SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions


Exercise 1: Implement prerequisites for deploying SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions

Duration: 60 minutes

In this exercise, you review and implement prerequisites for deploying SAP workloads in Azure by using Azure Center for SAP solutions. This includes the following activities:

  • Creating a Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity to be used by Azure Center for SAP solutions for Azure Storage access during its deployment.
  • Creating the Azure virtual network that hosts all of the Azure Virtual Machines included in the deployment.
  • Creating an Azure Bastion resource to secure connectivity to Azure VMs from the internet.
  • Creating an Azure Storage General Purpose v2 account that is associated with the Azure Center for SAP solutions used for the deployment
  • Granting the Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity that is used to perform the deployment access to the Azure subscription and the Azure Storage General Purpose v2 account
  • Creating an Azure Premium file shares account that is used to implement SAP Transport Directory
  • Creating and configuring a network security group (NSG) used to restrict outbound access from subnets of the virtual network that hosts the deployment.
  • Creating an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) to be used for SAP software installation as part of an Azure Center for SAP solutions deployment.
  • Connecting to the Azure VM by using Azure Bastion and configuring it for the SAP software installation.
  • Deleting all Azure resources provisioned in this lab.

These activities correspond to the following tasks of this exercise:

  • Task 1: Create a Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity
  • Task 2: Create the Azure virtual network
  • Task 3: Create an Azure Bastion resource
  • Task 4: Create an Azure Storage General Purpose v2 account
  • Task 5: Configure authorization of the Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity
  • Task 6: Create an Azure Premium file shares account
  • Task 7: Create and configure a network security group
  • Task 8: Create an Azure Virtual Machine
  • Task 9: Configure the Azure Virtual Machine
  • Task 10: Remove Azure resources

Task 1: Create a Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity

In this task, you create a Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity to be used by Azure Center for SAP solutions for Azure Storage access during its deployment.

  1. From the lab computer, start a web browser, navigate to the Azure portal at, and authenticate by using a Microsoft Account or Microsoft Entra ID account with the Owner role in the Azure subscription you use in this lab.
  2. In the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Managed Identities.
  3. On the Managed Identities page, select + Create.
  4. On the Basics tab of the Create User Assigned Managed Identity page, specify the following settings and then select Review + Create:

    Setting Value  
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription you use in this lab  
    ` Resource group Choose, or create new acss-infra-RG
    Region the name of the Azure region, which you use for the ACSS deployment  
    Name acss-infra-MI  
  5. On the Review tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Do not wait for the provisioning process to complete but instead proceed to the next task. The provisioning should take just a few seconds.

    Note: In one of the upcoming tasks, you will authorize access of the managed identity to the storage account hosting the SAP installation media to accommodate installing SAP software through the Azure Center for SAP solutions.

Task 2: Create the virtual network

In this task, you create the Azure virtual network that hosts all of the Azure Virtual Machines included in the deployment. In addition, within the virtual network, you create the following subnets:

  • AzureFirewallSubnet - intended for deployment of Azure Firewall
  • AzureBastionSubnet - intended for deployment of Azure Bastion
  • dmz - intended for deployment of the Azure VM used to deploy SAP software
  • app - intended for hosting the SAP application and SAP Central Services instance servers
  • db - intended for hosting the SAP database tier
  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Virtual networks.
  2. On the Virtual networks page, select + Create.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create virtual network page, specify the following settings and select Next:

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription you use in this lab
    Resource group acss-infra-RG
    Virtual network name acss-infra-VNET
    Region the name of the same Azure region you used in the previous task of this exercise
  4. On the Security tab, accept the default settings and select Next.

    Note: You could provision at this point both Azure Bastion and Azure Firewall, however you will provision them separately once the virtual network is created.

  5. On the IP addresses tab, specify the following subnet settings and then select Review + create:

    Setting Value
    IP address space (65,536 addresses)
  6. In the list of subnets, select the trash bin icon to delete the default subnet.
  7. Select + Add a subnet.
  8. In the Add a subnet pane, specify the following settings and then select Add (leave others with their default values):

    Setting Value
    Subnet purpose Azure Firewall
    Starting address

    Note: This will automatically assign to the subnet the name AzureFirewallSubnet and set its size to /26 (64 addresses).

  9. Select + Add a subnet.
  10. In the Add a subnet pane, specify the following settings and then select Add (leave others with their default values):

    Setting Value
    Name dmz
    Starting address
    Size /26 (64 addresses)

    Note: This subnet will be used to host the Azure VM you will use to install the SAP software through the Azure Center for SAP solutions.

  11. Select + Add a subnet.
  12. In the Add a subnet pane, specify the following settings and then select Add (leave others with their default values):

    Setting Value
    Subnet purpose Azure Bastion
    Starting address
    Size /24 (256 addresses)

    Note: This will automatically assign to the subnet the name AzureBastionSubnet.

  13. Select + Add a subnet.
  14. In the Add a subnet pane, specify the following settings and then select Add (leave others with their default values):

    Setting Value
    Name app
    Starting address
    Size /24 (256 addresses)
  15. Select + Add a subnet.
  16. In the Add a subnet pane, specify the following settings and then select Add (leave others with their default values):

    Setting Value
    Name db
    Starting address
    Size /24 (256 addresses)
  17. On the IP addresses tab, select Review + create:
  18. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete and then select Create.

    Note: Do not wait for the provisioning process to complete but instead proceed to the next task. The provisioning should take just a few seconds.

Task 3: Create an Azure Bastion resource

In this task, you create an Azure Bastion resource to secure connectivity to Azure VMs from the internet.

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Bastions.
  2. On the Bastions page, select + Create.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Bastions page, specify the following settings and select Next : Advanced >:

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription you use in this lab
    Resource group acss-infra-RG
    Name acss-infra-BASTION
    Region the name of the same Azure region you used earlier in this exercise
    Tier Basic
    Instance count 2
    Virtual network acss-infra-VNET
    Subnet AzureBastionSubnet (
    Public IP address Create new
    Public IP address name acss-bastion-PIP
  4. On the Advanced tab, review the available options without making any changes and then select Review + create.
  5. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete and then select Create.

    Note: Do not wait for the provisioning to complete, but instead, proceed to the next task. The provisioning might take about 5 minutes.

Task 4: Create an Azure Storage General Purpose v2 account

In this task, you create an Azure Storage General Purpose v2 account that is associated with the Azure Center for SAP solutions used for the deployment. This storage account is used to host the SAP installation media to accommodate installing SAP software through the Azure Center for SAP solutions.

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Storage accounts.
  2. On the Storage accounts page, select + Create.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create a storage account page, specify the following settings and select Next: Advanced >.

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription you use in this lab
    Resource group acss-infra-RG
    Storage account name any globally unique name between 3 and 24 in length consisting of letters and digits
    Region the name of the same Azure region you used earlier in this exercise
    Performance Standard
    Redundancy Geo-redundant storage (GRS)
    Make read access to data available in the event of regional availability Disabled
  4. On the Advanced tab, review the available options, accept the defaults, and select Next: Networking >.
  5. On the Networking tab, perform the following actions and then select Review.

    1. Select Enable public access from selected virtual networks and IP addresses.
    2. In the Virtual networks section, ensure that the Virtual network subscription drop-down list displays the name of the Azure subscription you use in this lab.
    3. In the Virtual networks section, in the Virtual network drop-down list, select acss-infra-VNET.
    4. In the Subnets drop-down list, select the app, db, and dmz subnets.
  6. On the Review tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Wait for the provisioning process to complete. The provisioning should take less than 1 minute.

  7. On the Your deployment is complete page, select Go to resource.
  8. On the storage account page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Data storage section, select Containers.
  9. Select + Container.
  10. In the New container pane, in the Name text box, enter sapbits and select Create.

    Note: The sapbits container will host the SAP installation media.

Task 5: Configure authorization of the Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity

In this task, you use an Azure role-based access control (RBAC) role assignment to grant the Microsoft Entra user-assigned managed identity. The managed identity is used to perform the deployment access to the Azure subscription and the Azure Storage General Purpose v2 account created in the previous task.

  1. In the Azure portal, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Managed Identities.
  2. On the Managed Identities page and, select the acss-infra-MI entry.
  3. On the acss-infra-MI page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, select Azure role assignments.
  4. On the Azure role assignments page, select + Add role assignment (Preview).
  5. On the + Add role assignment (Preview) pane, specify the following settings and select Save:

    Setting Value
    Scope Subscription
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription you use in this lab
    Role Azure Center for SAP solutions service role
  6. Back on the Azure role assignments page, select + Add role assignment (Preview).
  7. On the + Add role assignment (Preview) pane, specify the following settings and select Save:

    Setting Value
    Scope Storage
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription you use in this lab
    Resource The name of the Azure Storage account you created in the previous task
    Role Reader and Data Access

Task 6: Create an Azure Premium file shares account

In this task, you create an Azure Premium file shares account used to implement SAP Transport Directory.

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Storage accounts.
  2. On the Storage accounts page, select + Create.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create a storage account page, specify the following settings and select Next: Advanced >.

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group acss-infra-RG
    Storage account name any globally unique name between 3 and 24 in length consisting of letters and digits
    Region the name of the same Azure region you used earlier in this exercise
    Performance Premium
    Premium account type File shares
    Redundancy Zone-redundant storage (ZRS)
  4. On the Advanced tab, disable the Require secure transfer for REST API operations setting and select Next: Networking >.

    Note: The NFS protocol does not support encryption and relies on network-level security instead. This setting must be disabled for NFS to work.

  5. On the Networking tab, perform the following actions and then select Review.

    1. Select Enable public access from selected virtual networks and IP addresses.
    2. In the Virtual networks section, ensure that the Virtual network subscription drop-down list displays the name of the Azure subscription used in this lab.
    3. In the Virtual networks section, in the Virtual network drop-down list, select acss-infra-VNET.
    4. In the Subnets drop-down list, select the app, db, and dmz subnets.

    Note: In general, avoid allowing access to your internal resources from perimeter subnets. In this case, the only reason to do so is to allow for validating this access later in this lab.

  6. On the Review tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Wait for the provisioning process to complete. The provisioning should take less than 1 minute.

  7. On the Your deployment is complete page, select Go to resource.
  8. On the storage account page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Data storage section, select File shares and then select + File share.
  9. On the Basics tab of the New file share page, specify the following settings and then select Review + create:

    Setting Value
    Name trans
    Provisioned capacity 128
    Protocol NFS
    Root Squash *No Root Squash**
  10. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete and then select Create.

    Note: Wait for the provisioning of the file share to complete. The provisioning should take just a few seconds.

  11. On the Connect to this NFS share from Linux page, in the Select your linux distribution drop-down list, select SUSE in the Linux distribution drop-down list, and review the sample commands to mount this NFS share.

Task 7: Create and configure a network security group

In this task, you create and configure a network security group (NSG) used to restrict outbound access from subnets of the virtual network that hosts the deployment. You can accomplish this by blocking connectivity the internet but explicitly allowing connections to the following services:

  • SUSE or Red Hat update infrastructure endpoints
  • Azure Storage
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Microsoft Entra ID
  • Azure Resource Manager

Note: In general, you should consider using Azure Firewall instead of NSGs to secure network connectivity for your SAP deployment. This lab covers both options.

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Network security groups.
  2. On the Network security groups page, select + Create.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create network security group page, specify the following settings and then select Review + create:

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group acss-infra-RG
    Name acss-infra-NSG
    Region the name of the same Azure region you used earlier in this exercise
  4. On the Review + create tab, wait for the validation process to complete and select Create.

    Note: Wait for the provisioning process to complete. The provisioning should take less than 1 minute.

  5. On the Your deployment is complete page, select Go to resource.

    Note: By default, the built-in rules of network security groups allow all outbound traffic, all traffic within the same virtual network, as well as all traffic between peered virtual networks. From the security standpoint, you should consider restricting this default behavior. The proposed configuration restricts outbound connectivity to the internet and Azure. You can also use NSG rules to restrict connectivity within a virtual network.

  6. On the acss-infra-NSG page, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Settings section, select Outbound security rules.
  7. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  8. On the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Red Hat update infrastructure endpoints.

    Note: To identify the IP addresses to use for RHEL, refer to Prepare network for infrastructure deployment

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination IP addresses
    Destination IP addresses/CIDR ranges,,,,
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 300
    Name AllowAnyRHELOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to RHEL update infrastructure endpoints
  9. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  10. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to SUSE update infrastructure endpoints.

    Note: To identify the IP addresses to use for SUSE, refer to Prepare network for infrastructure deployment

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination IP addresses
    Destination IP addresses/CIDR ranges,,,
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 305
    Name AllowAnySUSEOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to SUSE update infrastructure endpoints

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Azure Storage.

  11. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  12. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag Storage
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 400
    Name AllowAnyCustomStorageOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to Azure Storage

    Note: You could replace the Storage service tag with one which is region-specific, such as Storage.EastUS.

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Azure Key Vault.

  13. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  14. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag AzureKeyVault
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 500
    Name AllowAnyCustomKeyVaultOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to Azure Key Vault

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Microsoft Entra ID.

  15. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  16. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag AzureActiveDirectory
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 600
    Name AllowAnyCustomEntraIDOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to Microsoft Entra ID

    Note: The following rule should be added to explicitly allow connectivity to Azure Resource Manager.

  17. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  18. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag AzureResourceManager
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Allow
    Priority 700
    Name AllowAnyCustomARMOutbound
    Description Allow outbound connectivity to Azure Resource Manager

    Note: The last rule should be added to explicitly block connectivity to the internet.

  19. On the acss-infra-NSG | Outbound security rules page, select + Add.
  20. In the Add outbound security rule pane, specify the following settings and select Add:

    Setting Value
    Source Any
    Source port ranges *
    Destination Service Tag
    Destination service tag Internet
    Service Custom
    Destination port ranges *
    Protocol Any
    Action Deny
    Priority 1000
    Name DenyAnyCustomInternetOutbound
    Description Deny outbound connectivity to Internet

    Note: Finally, you need to assign the NSG to the relevant subnets of the virtual network that will host the SAP deployment.

  21. In the Add outbound security rule pane, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Settings section, select Subnets.
  22. On the acss-infra-NSG | Subnets page, select + Associate.
  23. In the Associate subnet pane, in the Virtual network drop-down list, select acss-intra-VNET (acss-infra-RG), in the Subnet drop-down list, select app, and then select OK.
  24. In the Associate subnet pane, in the Virtual network drop-down list, select acss-intra-VNET (acss-infra-RG), in the Subnet drop-down list, select db, and then select OK.

Task 8: Create an Azure Virtual Machine

In this task, you create an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) used for SAP software installation as part of an Azure Center for SAP solutions deployment.

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Virtual machines.
  2. On the Virtual machines page, select + Create and, in the drop-down menu, select Azure Virtual Machine.
  3. On the Basics tab of the Create a virtual machine page, specify the following settings and select Next: Disks > (leave all other settings with their default value):

    Setting Value
    Subscription The name of the Azure subscription used in this lab
    Resource group acss-infra-RG
    Virtual machine name acss-infra-vm0
    Region the name of the same Azure region you used earlier in this exercise
    Availability options No infrastructure redundancy required
    Security type Trusted launch virtual machine
    Image Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS - x64 Gen2
    VM architecture x64
    Run with Azure Spot Discount disabled
    Size Standard_B2ms
    Authentication type Password
    Username any valid user name
    Password any complex password of your choice
    Public inbound ports None

    Note: Make sure you remember the username and password you specified. You will need it later in this lab.

  4. On the Disks tab, accept the default values and select Next: Networking >.
  5. On the Networking tab, specify the following settings and select Next: Management > (leave all other settings with their default value):

    Setting Value
    Virtual network acss-infra-VNET
    Subnet dmz
    Public IP address None
    NIC network security group None
    Delete NIC when VM is deleted enabled
    Load balancing Options None
  6. On the Management tab, leave all settings with their default value and select Next: Monitoring >
  7. On the Monitoring tab, set Boot diagnostics to Disable and select Next: Advanced > (leave all other settings with their default value)
  8. On the Advanced tab, select Review + create (leave all settings with their default value).
  9. On the Review + create tab of the Create a virtual machine menu, select Create.

    Note: Wait for the provisioning to complete. The provisioning might take about 3 minutes.

Task 9: Configure the Azure VM

In this task, you connect to the Azure VM by using Azure Bastion and configure it for the SAP software installation.

Note: Before you start this task, ensure that the Azure Bastion provisioning has completed.

Note: Ensure that your web browser does not block pop-up windows and, if so, disable the pop-up blocker functionality.

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search text box, search for and select Virtual machines.
  2. On the Virtual machines page, select the acss-infra-vm0 entry.
  3. On the acss-infra-vm0 page, in the toolbar, select Connect and, in the drop-down menu, select Connect via Bastion.
  4. On the acss-infra-vm0 | Bastion page, ensure that the Authentication Type is set to VM Password, in the Username and Password text boxes, enter the username and password you set when provisioning the Azure VM, ensure that the Open in new browser tab checkbox is enabled, and then select Connect.

    Note: This should open another web browser window tab displaying the shell session running in the Azure VM.

    Note: To prepare the Ubuntu server for the upload of SAP installation media, you will install Azure CLI.

  5. In the newly opened browser tab, within the shell session, run the following command to install Azure CLI:

    curl -sL | sudo bash
  6. Within the shell session, run the following command to install PIP3:

    sudo apt install python3-pip
  7. Within the shell session, run the following command to install Ansible 2.13.19:

    sudo pip3 install ansible-core==2.13.9
  8. Within the shell session, run the following command to install Ansible galaxy collection modules:

    sudo ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.netcommon:==5.0.0 -p /opt/ansible/collections
    sudo ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix:==1.5.1 -p /opt/ansible/collections
    sudo ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.utils:==2.9.0 -p /opt/ansible/collections
    sudo ansible-galaxy collection install -p /opt/ansible/collections
    sudo ansible-galaxy collection install community.general:==6.4.0 -p /opt/ansible/collections
  9. Within the shell session, run the following command to clone the SAP automation samples repository from GitHub:

    git clone
  10. Within the shell session, run the following command to clone the SAP automation repository from GitHub:

    git clone
  11. Within the shell session, run the following command to terminate the session:

  12. When prompted, select Close.

Task 10: Remove Azure resources

In this task, you remove all Azure resources provisioned in this lab.

  1. On the lab computer, in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, select the Cloud Shell icon to open the Cloud Shell pane. If needed, select Bash to start a Bash shell session.

    Note: If this is the first time you are launching Cloud Shell in the Azure subscription you were using in this lab, you will be asked to create an Azure file share to persist Cloud Shell files. If so, accept the defaults, which will result in creation of a storage account in an automatically generated resource group.

  2. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to delete the resource group acss-infra-RG and all of its resources.

    az group delete --name 'acss-infra-RG' --no-wait --yes

    Note: The command executes asynchronously (as determined by the --nowait parameter), so while the shell prompt will appear immediately after invoking it, a few minutes will pass before the resource group and its resources are actually removed.

  3. Close the Cloud Shell pane.