AZ 120 Module 1: Explore the foundations of IaaS for SAP on Azure

Lab 1b: Implement Windows clustering on Azure VMs

Estimated Time: 120 minutes

All tasks in this lab are performed from the Azure portal (including the PowerShell Cloud Shell session)

Note: When not using Cloud Shell, the lab virtual machine must have Az PowerShell module installed

Lab files: none


In preparation for deployment of SAP NetWeaver on Azure, with SQL Server as the database management system, Adatum Corporation wants to explore the process of implementing clustering on Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022.


After completing this lab, you will be able to:

  • Provision Azure compute resources necessary to support highly available SAP NetWeaver deployments.

  • Configure operating system of Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022 to support a highly available SAP NetWeaver deployment.

  • Provision Azure network resources necessary to support highly available SAP NetWeaver deployments.


  • A Microsoft Azure subscription with the sufficient number of available DSv2 and Dsv3 vCPUs (one Standard_DS1_v2 VM with 1 vCPU and four Standard_D4s_v3 VMs with 4 vCPUs each) in the Azure region you intend to use for this lab

  • A lab computer with an Azure Cloud Shell-compatible web browser and access to Azure

Note: Make sure that the Azure region you choose for deployment of your resources supports availability zones. For the list of such regions, refer to ( Consider using East US or East US2.

Exercise 1: Provision Azure compute resources necessary to support highly available SAP NetWeaver deployments

Duration: 50 minutes

In this exercise, you will deploy Azure infrastructure compute components necessary to configure Failover Clustering on Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022. This will involve deploying a pair of Active Directory domain controllers, followed by a pair of Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022. Each pair of the VMs will be placed in separate availability zones within the same virtual network. To automate the deployment of domain controllers, you will use an Azure Resource Manager QuickStart template available from

Task 1: Deploy a pair of Azure VMs running highly available Active Directory domain controllers by using a Bicep template

  1. From the lab computer, start a Web browser, and navigate to the Azure portal at

  2. If prompted, sign in with the work or school or personal Microsoft account with the owner or contributor role to the Azure subscription you will be using for this lab.

  3. In the Azure Portal, start a PowerShell session in Cloud Shell.

    Note: If this is the first time you are launching Cloud Shell in the current Azure subscription, you will be asked to create an Azure file share to persist Cloud Shell files. If so, accept the defaults, which will result in creation of a storage account in an automatically generated resource group.

  4. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following commands to create a shallow clone of the repository hosting the Bicep template you will use for deployment of a pair of Azure VMs running highly available Active Directory domain controllers and set the current directory to the location of that template and its parameter file:

     cd $HOME
     rm ./azure-quickstart-templates -rf
     git clone --depth 1
     cd ./azure-quickstart-templates/application-workloads/active-directory/active-directory-new-domain-ha-2-dc-zones/
  5. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to set the value of the variable $rgName to az12001b-ad-RG:

     $rgName = 'az12001b-ad-RG'
  6. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to set the value of the variable $location to the name of the Azure regions which supports availability zones and where you intend to deploy the lab VMs (replace the <Azure_region> placeholder with the name of that region):

     $location = '<Azure_region>'
  7. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to create a resource group named az12001b-ad-RG in the Azure region you chose:

     New-AzResourceGroup -Name $rgName -Location $location
  8. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to set the value of the variable $deploymentName:

     $deploymentName = 'az1201b-' + $(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm')
  9. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following commands to set the name of the administrative user account and its password (replace the <username> and <password> placeholders with the name of the administrative user account and the value of its password, respectively):

     $adminUsername = '<username>'
     $adminPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString '<password>' -AsPlainText -Force

    Note: Make sure that the password satisfies the complexity requirements applicable to deployment of Azure VMs running Windows (the lenght of at least 12 characters containing lower and upper case letters, digits, and special characters).

  10. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to run the deployment:

     New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name $deploymentName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -TemplateFile .\main.bicep -TemplateParameterFile .\azuredeploy.parameters.json -adminUsername $adminUsername -adminPassword $adminPassword -c
  11. Review the output of the command and verify that it does not include any errors and warnings. When prompted, press the Enter key to proceed with the deployment.

    Note: The deployment should take about 30 minutes. Wait for the deployment to complete before you proceed to the next task.

    Note: If the deployment fails with an error including the statement PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_xADDomainController failed to execute Set-TargetResource functionality with error message: Domain '' could not be found, use the following steps to remediate this issue:

    • In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade of the adBDC VM, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Settings section, select Extensions + applications, in the Extensions + applications pane, select PrepareBDC, and, in the Prepare BDC pane, select Uninstall.

    • Navigate back to the adBDC VM blade and restart the Azure VM.

    • Navigate to the az1201b-ad-RG blade, in the vertical navigation menu on the left side, in the Settings section, select Deployments.

    • On the az1201b-ad-RG | Deployments blade, select the deployment which name starts with the az1201b prefix and, on the deployment blade, select Redeploy.

    • On the Custom deployment blade, in the Admin Password text box, enter the same password you used during the original deployment, select Review + create, and then select Create.

    • Do not wait for redeployment to complete but instead proceed to the next task. The redeployment should take about 3 minutes.

Task 2: Deploy a pair of Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022 into different availability zones

  1. From the lab computer, in the Azure portal, navigate to the Virtual machines blade, click + Create, and, from the drop-down menu, select Azure virtual machine.

  2. From the Create a virtual machine blade, initiate provisioning of a Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition - Gen2 Azure VM with the following settings (leave all others with their default values):

    Setting Value
    Subscription the name of your Azure subscription
    Resource group the name of a new resource group az12001b-cl-RG
    Virtual machine name az12001b-cl-vm0
    Region the same Azure region where you deployed the Azure VMs in the previous task
    Availability options Availability zone
    Availability zone Zone 1
    Security type Standard
    Image select Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition - Gen2
    Size Standard D4s v3
    Username the same username you specified when deploying the Bicep template earlier in this exercise
    Password the same password you specified when deploying the Bicep template earlier in this exercise
    Public inbound ports None
    Would you like to use an existing Windows Server license? No
    OS disk type Premium SSD
    Virtual network adVNET
    Subnet name a new subnet named clSubnet
    Subnet address range
    Public IP address None
    NIC network security group None
    Enable accelerated networking On
    Load balancing Options None
    Enable system assigned managed identity Off
    Login with Azure AD Off
    Enable auto-shutdown Off
    Patch orchestration option Manual Updates
    Boot diagnostics Disable
    Extensions None
    Tags None
  3. Do not wait for the provisioning to complete but continue to the next step.

  4. Provision another Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition - Gen2 Azure VM with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Subscription the name of your Azure subscription
    Resource group the name of the resource group you used when deploying the first Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition - Gen2 Azure VM in this task
    Virtual machine name az12001b-cl-vm1
    Region the same Azure region where you deployed the first Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition - Gen2 Azure VM in this task
    Availability options Availability zone
    Availability zone Zone 2
    Security type Standard
    Image select Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition - Gen2
    Size Standard D4s v3
    Username the same username you specified when deploying the Bicep template earlier in this exercise
    Password the same password you specified when deploying the Bicep template earlier in this exercise
    Public inbound ports None
    Would you like to use an existing Windows Server license? No
    OS disk type Premium SSD
    Virtual network adVNET
    Subnet name clSubnet
    Public IP address None
    NIC network security group None
    Enable accelerated networking On
    Load balancing Options None
    Login with Azure AD Off
    Enable auto-shutdown Off
    Patch orchestration option Manual Updates
    Boot diagnostics Disable
    Extensions None
    Tags None
  5. Wait for the provisioning to complete. This should take a few minutes.

Task 3: Create and configure Azure VMs disks

  1. In the Azure Portal, start a PowerShell session in Cloud Shell.

  2. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to set the value of the variable $resourceGroupName to the name of the resource group containing the resources you provisioned in the previous task:

     $resourceGroupName = 'az12001b-cl-RG'
  3. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to create the first set of 4 managed disks that you will attach to the first Azure VM you deployed in the previous task:

     $location = (Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName).Location
     $zone = (Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name 'az12001b-cl-vm0').Zones
     $diskConfig = New-AzDiskConfig -Location $location -DiskSizeGB 128 -AccountType Premium_LRS -OsType Windows -CreateOption Empty -Zone $zone
     for ($i=0;$i -lt 4;$i++) {New-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -DiskName az12001b-cl-vm0-DataDisk$i -Disk $diskConfig}
  4. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to create the second set of 4 managed disks that you will attach to the second Azure VM you deployed in the previous task:

     $zone = (Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name 'az12001b-cl-vm1').Zones
     $diskConfig = New-AzDiskConfig -Location $location -DiskSizeGB 128 -AccountType Premium_LRS -OsType Windows -CreateOption Empty -Zone $zone
     for ($i=0;$i -lt 4;$i++) {New-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -DiskName az12001b-cl-vm1-DataDisk$i -Disk $diskConfig}
  5. In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade of the first Azure VM you provisioned in the previous task (az12001b-cl-vm0).

  6. From the az12001b-cl-vm0 blade, navigate to the az12001b-cl-vm0 - Disks blade.

  7. From the az12001b-cl-vm0 - Disks blade, attach data disks with the following settings to az12001b-cl-vm0:

    Setting Value
    LUN 0
    Disk name az12001b-cl-vm0-DataDisk0
    Resource group the name of the resource group you used when deploying the pair of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Azure VMs in the previous task
    HOST CACHING Read-only
  8. Repeat the previous step to attach the remaining 3 disks with the prefix az12001b-cl-vm0-DataDisk (for the total of 4). Assign the LUN number matching the last character of the disk name. For the last disk (LUN 3), set HOST CACHING to None.

  9. Save your changes.

  10. In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade of the second Azure VM you provisioned in the previous task (az12001b-cl-vm1).

  11. From the az12001b-cl-vm1 blade, navigate to the az12001b-cl-vm1 - Disks blade.

  12. From the az12001b-cl-vm1 - Disks blade, attach data disks with the following settings to az12001b-cl-vm1:

    Setting Value
    LUN 0
    Disk name az12001b-cl-vm1-DataDisk0
    Resource group the name of the resource group you used when deploying the pair of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Azure VMs in the previous task
    HOST CACHING Read-only
  13. Repeat the previous step to attach the remaining 3 disks with the prefix az12001b-cl-vm1-DataDisk (for the total of 4). Assign the LUN number matching the last character of the disk name. For the last disk (LUN 3), set HOST CACHING to None.

  14. Save your changes.

Task 4: Provision Azure Bastion

Note: Azure Bastion allows for connection to the Azure VMs (which you deployed in the previous task of this exercise) without using public endpoints, while providing protection against brute force exploits that target operating system level credentials.

Note: To use Azure Bastion, ensure that your browser has the pop-up functionality enabled.

  1. In the browser window displaying the Azure portal, open another tab and, in the browser tab, navigate to the Azure portal.
  2. In the Azure portal, open Cloud Shell pane by selecting on the toolbar icon directly to the right of the search textbox.
  3. From the PowerShell session in the Cloud Shell pane, run the following to add a subnet named AzureBastionSubnet to the virtual network named az12001a-RG-vnet you created earlier in this exercise:

    $resourceGroupName = 'az12001b-cl-RG'
    $vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name 'adVNET'
    $subnetConfig = Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig `
      -Name 'AzureBastionSubnet' `
      -AddressPrefix `
      -VirtualNetwork $vnet
    $vnet | Set-AzVirtualNetwork
  4. Close the Cloud Shell pane.
  5. In the Azure portal, search for and select Bastions and, from the Bastions blade, select + Create.
  6. On the Basic tab of the Create a Bastion blade, specify the following settings and select Review + create:

    Setting Value
    Subscription the name of the Azure subscription you are using in this lab
    Resource group az12001b-cl-RG
    Name az12001b-bastion
    Region the same Azure region to which you deployed the resources in the previous tasks of this exercise
    Tier Basic
    Virtual network adVNET
    Subnet AzureBastionSubnet (
    Public IP address Create new
    Public IP name adVNET-ip
  7. On the Review + create tab of the Create a Bastion blade, select Create:

    Note: Do not wait for the deployment to complete but instead you proceed to the next task of this exercise. The deployment might take about 5 minutes.

Result: After you completed this exercise, you have provisioned Azure compute resources necessary to support highly available SAP NetWeaver deployments.

Exercise 2: Configure operating system of Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022 Datacenter to support a highly available SAP NetWeaver installation

Duration: 40 minutes

Task 1: Join Windows Server 2022 Datacenter VMs to the Active Directory domain.

Note: Before you start this task, ensure that the template deployment you initiated in the last task of the previous exercise has successfully completed.

  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to the blade of the virtual network adVNET, which was provisioned automatically in the first exercise of this lab.

  2. Display the adVNET - DNS servers blade and notice that the virtual network is configured with the private IP addresses assigned to the domain controllers deployed in the first exercise of this lab as its DNS servers.

  3. In the Azure Portal, start a PowerShell session in Cloud Shell.

  4. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to set the value of the variable $resourceGroupName to the name of the resource group containing the pair of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition - Gen2 Azure VMs you provisioned in the previous exercise:

     $resourceGroupName = 'az12001b-cl-RG'
  5. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to join the Windows Server 2022 Azure VMs you deployed in the second task of the previous exercise to the Active Directory domain (replace the <username> and <password> placeholders with the name and password of the administrative user account you specified when deploying the Bicep template in the first exercise of this lab):

     $location = (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName).Location
     $settingString = '{"Name": "", "User": "\\<username>", "Restart": "true", "Options": "3"}'
     $protectedSettingString = '{"Password": "<password>"}'
     $vmNames = @('az12001b-cl-vm0','az12001b-cl-vm1')
     foreach ($vmName in $vmNames) { Set-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ExtensionType 'JsonADDomainExtension' -Name 'joindomain' -Publisher "Microsoft.Compute" -TypeHandlerVersion "1.0" -Vmname $vmName -Location $location -SettingString $settingString -ProtectedSettingString $protectedSettingString }
  6. Wait for the script to complete before proceeding to the next task.

Task 2: Configure storage on Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022 to support a highly available SAP NetWeaver installation.

  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to the blade of the virtual virtual machine az12001b-cl-vm0, which you provisioned in the first exercise of this lab.

  2. On the az12001b-cl-vm0 blade, select Connect, in the drop-down menu, select Connect via Bastion, on the Bastion tab of the az12001b-cl-vm0, leave the Authentication type set to VM Password, provide the credentials you set when deploying the az12001b-cl-vm0 virtual machine, leave the checkbox Open in new browser tab enabled, and select Connect.

    Note: Make sure to sign in using the ADATUM domain account, rather than the operating system level account (i.e. ensure that the user name is preceded by the ADATUM\ prefix.

  3. Within the Bastion session to az12001b-cl-vm0, in Server Manager, navigate to the File and Storage Services -> Servers node.

  4. Navigate to the Storage Pools view and verify that you see all the disks you attached to the Azure VM in the previous exercise.

  5. Use the New Storage Pools Wizard to create a new storage pool with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Name Data Storage Pool
    Physical Disks select the 3 disks with disk numbers corresponding to the first three LUN numbers (0-2) and set their allocation to Automatic

    Note: Use the entry in the Chassis column to identify the LUN number.

  6. Use the New Virtual Disk Wizard to create a new virtual disk with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Virtual Disk Name Data Virtual Disk
    Storage Layout Simple
    Provisioning Fixed
    Size Maximum size
  7. Use the New Volume Wizard to create a new volume with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Server and Disk accept the default values
    Size accept the default values
    Drive letter M
    File system ReFS
    Allocation unit size Default
    Volume label Data
  8. Back in the Storage Pools view, use the New Storage Pools Wizard to create a new storage pool with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Name Log Storage Pool
    Physical Disks select the last of 4 disks and set its allocation to Automatic
  9. Use the New Virtual Disk Wizard to create a new virtual disk with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Virtual Disk Name Log Virtual Disk
    Storage Layout Simple
    Provisioning Fixed
    Size Maximum size
  10. Use the New Volume Wizard to create a new volume with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Server and Disk accept the default values
    Size accept the default values
    Drive letter L
    File system ReFS
    Allocation unit size Default
    Volume label Log
  11. Repeat the previous step in this task to configure storage on az12001b-cl-vm1.

Task 3: Prepare for configuration of Failover Clustering on Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022 to support a highly available SAP NetWeaver installation.

  1. Within the Bastion session to az12001b-cl-vm0, start a Windows PowerShell ISE session and install Failover Clustering and Remote Administrative tools features on both az12001b-cl-vm0 and az12001b-cl-vm1 by running the following:

     $nodes = @('az12001b-cl-vm1', 'az12001b-cl-vm0')
     Invoke-Command $nodes {Install-WindowsFeature Failover-Clustering -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools} 
     Invoke-Command $nodes {Install-WindowsFeature RSAT -IncludeAllSubFeature -Restart} 

    Note: This will result in restart of the guest operating system of both Azure VMs.

  2. On the lab computer, in the Azure Portal, click + Create a resource.

  3. From the New blade, initiate creation of a new Storage account with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Subscription the name of your Azure subscription
    Resource group the name of the resource group containing the pair of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Azure VMs you provisioned in the previous exercise
    Storage account name any unique name consisting of between 3 and 24 letters and digits
    Location the same Azure region where you deployed the Azure VMs in the previous exercise
    Performance Standard
    Redundancy Locally-redundant storage (LRS)
    Connectivity method Public endpoint (all networks)
    Require secure transfer for REST API operations Enabled
    Large file shares Disabled
    Soft delete for blobs, containers, and files Disabled
    Hierarchical namespace Disabled

Task 4: Configure Failover Clustering on Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022 to support a highly available SAP NetWeaver installation.

  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to the blade of the virtual virtual machine az12001b-cl-vm0, which you provisioned in the first exercise of this lab.

  2. From the az12001b-cl-vm0 blade, connect to the virtual machine guest operating system by using Azure Bastion. When prompted to authenticate, provide the credentials of the administrative user account you specified when deploying the Bicep template in the first exercise of this lab.

  3. Within the Bastion session to az12001b-cl-vm0, from the Tools menu in Server Manager, start Active Directory Administrative Center.

  4. In Active Directory Administrative Center, create a new organizational unit named Clusters in the root of the domain.

  5. In Active Directory Administrative Center, move the computer accounts of az12001b-cl-vm0 and az12001b-cl-vm1 from the Computers container to the Clusters organizational unit.

  6. Within the Bastion session to az12001b-cl-vm0, start a Windows PowerShell ISE session and create a new cluster by running the following:

     $nodes = @('az12001b-cl-vm0','az12001b-cl-vm1')
     New-Cluster -Name az12001b-cl-cl0 -Node $nodes -NoStorage -StaticAddress
  7. Within the Bastion session to az12001b-cl-vm0, switch to the Active Directory Administrative Center console.

  8. In Active Directory Administrative Center, navigate to the Clusters organizational unit and display its Properties window.

  9. In the Clusters organizational unit Properties window, navigate to the Extensions section, display the Security tab.

  10. On the Security tab, click the Advanced button to open the Advanced Security Settings for Clusters window.

  11. On the Permissions tab of the Advanced Security Settings for Clusters window, click Add.

  12. In the Permission Entry for Clusters window, click Select Principal

  13. In the Select User, Service Account or Group dialog box, click Object Types, enable the checkbox next to the Computers entry, and click OK.

  14. Back in the Select User, Computer, Service Account or Group dialog box, in the Enter the object name to select, type az12001b-cl-cl0 and click OK.

  15. In the Permission Entry for Clusters window, ensure that Allow appears in the Type drop-down list. Next, in the Applies to drop-down list, select This object and all descendant objects. In the Permissions list, select the Create Computer objects and Delete Computer objects checkboxes, and click OK twice.

  16. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE session, install the Az PowerShell module by running the following:

     Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force
     Install-Module -Name Az -Force
  17. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE session, authenticate by using your Azure AD credentials by running the following:


    Note: When prompted, sign in with the work or school or personal Microsoft account with the owner or contributor role to the Azure subscription you are using for this lab.

  18. Within the Windows PowerShell ISE session, set the Cloud Witness quorum of the new cluster by running the following:

     $resourceGroupName = 'az12001b-cl-RG'
     $cwStorageAccountName = (Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName)[0].StorageAccountName
     $cwStorageAccountKey = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $cwStorageAccountName).Value[0]
     Set-ClusterQuorum -CloudWitness -AccountName $cwStorageAccountName -AccessKey $cwStorageAccountKey
  19. To verify the resulting configuration, within the Bastion session to az12001b-cl-vm0, from the Tools menu in Server Manager, start Failover Cluster Manager.

  20. In the Failover Cluster Manager console, review the az12001b-cl-cl0 cluster configuration, including its nodes, as well as is witness and network settings. Notice that the cluster does not have any shared storage.

  21. Terminate the Bastion session to az12001b-cl-vm0.

Result: After you completed this exercise, you have configured operating system of Azure VMs running Windows Server 2022 to support a highly available SAP NetWeaver installation

Exercise 3: Provision Azure network resources necessary to support highly available SAP NetWeaver deployments

Duration: 30 minutes

In this exercise, you will implement Azure Load Balancers to accommodate clustered installations of SAP NetWeaver.

Task 1: Configure Azure VMs to facilitate load balancing setup.

Note: Since you will be setting up a pair of Azure Load Balancer of the Stardard SKU, you need to first remove the public IP addresses associated with network adapters of two Azure VMs that will be serving as the load-balanced backend pool.

  1. On the lab computer, in the Azure portal, navigate to the blade of the Azure VM az12001b-cl-vm0.

  2. From the az12001b-cl-vm0 blade, navigate to the blade of the public IP address az12001b-cl-vm0-ip associated with its network adapter.

  3. From the az12001b-cl-vm0-ip blade, first disassociate the public IP address from the network interface and then delete it.

  4. In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade of the Azure VM az12001b-cl-vm1.

  5. From the az12001b-cl-vm1 blade, navigate to the blade of the public IP address az12001b-cl-vm1-ip associated with its network adapter.

  6. From the az12001b-cl-vm1-ip blade, first disassociate the public IP address from the network interface and then delete it.

  7. In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade of the az12001b-cl-vm0 Azure VM.

  8. From the az12001b-cl-vm0 blade, navigate to its Networking blade.

  9. From the az12001b-cl-vm0 - Networking blade, navigate to the network interface of the az12001b-cl-vm0.

  10. From the blade of the network interface of the az12001b-cl-vm0, navigate to its IP configurations blade and, from there, display its ipconfig1 blade.

  11. On the ipconfig1 blade, set the private IP address assignment to Static and save the change.

  12. In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade of the az12001b-cl-vm1 Azure VM.

  13. From the az12001b-cl-vm1 blade, navigate to its Networking blade.

  14. From the az12001b-cl-vm1 - Networking blade, navigate to the network interface of the az12001b-cl-vm1.

  15. From the blade of the network interface of the az12001b-cl-vm1, navigate to its IP configurations blade and, from there, display its ipconfig1 blade.

  16. On the ipconfig1 blade, set the private IP address assignment to Static and save the change.

Task 2: Create and configure Azure Load Balancers handling inbound traffic

  1. In the Azure portal, click + Create a resource.

  2. From the New blade, initiate creation of a new Azure Load Balancer with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Subscription the name of your Azure subscription
    Resource group the name of the resource group containing the pair of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Azure VMs you provisioned in the first exercise of this lab
    Name az12001b-cl-lb0
    Region the same Azure region where you deployed Azure VMs in the first exercise of this lab*
    SKU Standard
    Type Internal
    Frontend IP name frontend-ip1
    Virtual network adVNET
    Subnet clSubnet
    IP address assignment Static
    IP address
    Availability zone Zone-redundant
  3. Wait until the load balancer is provisioned and then navigate to its blade in the Azure portal.

  4. From the az12001b-cl-lb0 blade, add a backend pool with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Name az12001b-cl-lb0-bepool
    Virtual network adVNET
    Backend Pool Configuration IP address
    IP address Resource Name az1201b-cl-vm0
    IP address Resource Name az1201b-cl-vm1
  5. From the az12001b-cl-lb0 blade, add a health probe with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Name az12001b-cl-lb0-hprobe
    Protocol TCP
    Port 59999
    Interval 5 seconds
    Unhealthy threshold 2 consecutive failures
  6. From the az12001b-cl-lb0 blade, add a network load balancing rule with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Name az12001b-cl-lb0-lbruletcp1433
    IP Version IPv4
    Frontend IP address (LoadBalancerFrontEnd)
    HA Ports Disabled
    Protocol TCP
    Port 1433
    Backend Port 1433
    Backend pool az12001b-cl-lb0-bepool (2 virtual machines)
    Health probe az12001b-cl-lb0-hprobe (TCP:59999)
    Session persistence None
    Idle timeout (minutes) 4
    TCP reset Disabled
    Floating IP (direct server return) Enabled

Task 3: Create and configure Azure Load Balancers handling outbound traffic

  1. From the Azure Portal, start a PowerShell session in Cloud Shell.

  2. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to set the value of the variable $resourceGroupName to the name of the resource group containing the pair of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Azure VMs you provisioned in the first exercise of this lab:

     $resourceGroupName = 'az12001b-cl-RG'
  3. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to create the public IP address to be used by the second load balancer:

     $location = (Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName).Location
     $pipName = 'az12001b-cl-lb0-pip'
     az network public-ip create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $pipName --sku Standard --location $location
  4. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to create the second load balancer:

     $lbName = 'az12001b-cl-lb1'
     $lbFeName = 'az12001b-cl-lb1-fe'
     $lbBePoolName = 'az12001b-cl-lb1-bepool'
     $pip = Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $pipName
     $feIpconfiguration = New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig -Name $lbFeName -PublicIpAddress $pip
     $bePoolConfiguration = New-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolConfig -Name $lbBePoolName
     New-AzLoadBalancer -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location -Name $lbName -Sku Standard -BackendAddressPool $bePoolConfiguration -FrontendIpConfiguration $feIpconfiguration
  5. Close the Cloud Shell pane.

  6. In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade displaying the properties of the Azure Load Balancer az12001b-cl-lb1.

  7. On the az12001b-cl-lb1 blade, click Backend pools.

  8. On the az12001b-cl-lb1 - Backend pools blade, click az12001b-cl-lb1-bepool.

  9. On the az12001b-cl-lb1-bepool blade, specify the following settings and click Save:

    Setting Value
    Virtual network adVNET (4 VM)
    Virtual machine az12001b-cl-vm0 IP ADDRESS: ipconfig1
    Virtual machine az12001b-cl-vm1 IP ADDRESS: ipconfig1
  10. On the az12001b-cl-lb1 blade, click Health probes.

  11. From the az12001b-cl-lb1 - Health probes blade, add a health probe with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Name az12001b-cl-lb1-hprobe
    Protocol TCP
    Port 80
    Interval 5 seconds
    Unhealthy threshold 2 consecutive failures
  12. On the az12001b-cl-lb1 blade, click Load balancing rules.

  13. From the az12001b-cl-lb1 - Load balancing rules blade, add a network load balancing rule with the following settings:

    Setting Value
    Name az12001b-cl-lb1-lbharule
    IP Version IPv4
    Frontend IP address accept the default value
    HA Ports Disabled
    Protocol TCP
    Port 80
    Backend Port 80
    Backend pool az12001b-cl-lb1-bepool (2 virtual machines)
    Health probe az12001b-cl-lb1-hprobe (TCP:80)
    Session persistence None
    Idle timeout (minutes) 4
    TCP reset Disabled
    Floating IP (direct server return) Disabled

Result: After you completed this exercise, you have provisioned Azure network resources necessary to support highly available SAP NetWeaver deployments

Exercise 4: Remove lab resources

Duration: 10 minutes

In this exercise, you will remove resources provisioned in this lab.

Task 1: Open Cloud Shell

  1. At the top of the portal, click the Cloud Shell icon to open Cloud Shell pane and choose PowerShell as the shell.

  2. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to set the value of the variable $resourceGroupName to the name of the resource group containing the pair of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Azure VMs you provisioned in the first exercise of this lab:

     $resourceGroupNamePrefix = 'az12001b-'
  3. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to list all resource groups you created in this lab:

     Get-AzResourceGroup | Where-Object {$_.ResourceGroupName -like "$resourceGroupNamePrefix*"} | Select-Object ResourceGroupName
  4. Verify that the output contains only the resource groups you created in this lab. These groups will be deleted in the next task.

Task 2: Delete resource groups

  1. In the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to delete the resource groups you created in this lab

     Get-AzResourceGroup | Where-Object {$_.ResourceGroupName -like "$resourceGroupNamePrefix*"} | Remove-AzResourceGroup -Force  
  2. Close the Cloud Shell pane.

Result: After you completed this exercise, you have removed the resources used in this lab.