09 - Administer PaaS Compute Options

Configure Azure App Service Plans

In this demonstration, we will create and work with Azure App Service plans.

Reference: Manage App Service plan - Azure App Service

Reference: Scale up an app in Azure App Service

Reference: Automatic scaling in Azure App Service

  1. Use the Azure portal.

  2. Search for and select App Service plans.

  3. Create a simple App Service plan. Discuss the need to select Windows or Linux. Discuss pricing plans now or in the next steps.

  4. Deploy your new app service plan.

  5. Review the Scale up (App Service Plan) blade. Discuss the difference between Dev/Test and Production plans. Review the feature list.

  6. Review the Scale out (App Service Plan) blade. Review the difference between Manual and Rule-based.

Configure Azure App Services

In this demonstration, we will create a new web app that runs a Docker container. The container displays a Welcome message.

Reference: Create a Web App

In this task, we will create an Azure App Service Web App.

  1. Use the Azure portal.

  2. Search for and select App Services.

  3. Create a Web App.

    • Publish: Code. Review other choices.
    • Runtime stack: .Net. Review other choices.
    • Operating system: Linux
  4. Select the Free F1 service plan.

  5. Review + create the web app. Wait for the resource to deploy.

  6. On the Overview page, ensure the Status is Running.

  7. Select the URL and ensure the default placeholder page loads.

  8. As you have time, explore the Deployment slots options.

Configure Azure Container Instances

In this demonstration we create, configure, and deploy a container by using Azure Container Instances (ACI) from the Azure Portal. The ACI application displays a static HTML page with the public Microsoft Hello World image.

Reference: Quickstart - Deploy Docker container to container instance

  1. Use the Azure portal.

  2. Search for and select Container instances.

  3. Create a new container instance.

  4. Fill in the Resource group and Container name.

  5. Discuss the Image source options. Use Quickstart images.

  6. For Container image use mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/aci-helloworld:latest (Linux). This sample Linux image packages a small web app written in Node.js that serves a static HTML page.

  7. On the Networking page, specify a DNS name label for your container.

  8. Leave all other settings as their defaults, then select Review + create.

  9. Wait for the resource to deploy.

  10. On the Overview page for the resource, ensure the Status is Running.

  11. Navigate to the FQDN for the container instance and ensure the welcome page displays.

Note: To avoid additional costs, delete the resource.

Configure Azure Container Apps

In this demonstration, we will create and work with Azure Container Apps.

Reference: Quickstart: Deploy your first container app using the Azure portal

  1. Search for and select Container Apps.

  2. Complete the Project details and create the container apps environment.

  3. Review and create the container app.

  4. Use the Application URL link to view your application.

  5. Verify the browser displays the Welcome to Azure Container Apps message.