07 - Administer Azure Storage

Configure Storage Accounts

In this demonstration, we will create a storage account.

Reference: Create a storage account

  1. Use the Azure portal.

  2. Review the purpose of storage accounts.

  3. Search for and select Storage Accounts.

  4. Create a basic storage account.

    • Discuss the requirements around naming a storage account and the need for the name to be unique in Azure.

    • Review the different storage kinds. For example, general-purpose v2.

    • Review the access tier selections. For example, the cool and hot tiers.

    • Other tabs and settings will be covered in other demonstrations.

  5. Create the storage account and wait for the resource to deploy.

Configure Blob Storage

In this demonstration, we will explore blob storage.

Note: These steps require a storage account.

Reference: Quickstart: Upload, download, and list blobs

  1. Navigate to a storage account in the Azure portal.

  2. Review the purpose of blob storage.

  3. Create a blob container. Review the level of access for the container. For example, private (no anonymous access).

  4. Upload a blob to the container. As you have time review the advanced settings. For example, blob type and blob size.

Configure Storage Security

In this demonstration, we will create a shared access signature.

Note: This demonstration requires a storage account, with a blob container, and an uploaded file.

Reference: Create SAS tokens for storage containers

  1. Select a blob or file that you want to secure.

  2. Generate a shared access signature (SAS). Review the permissions, start and expiry times, and allowed protocols.

  3. Use the SAS URL to ensure the resource displays.

Configure Azure Files

In this demonstration, we will work with files shares and snapshots.

Note: These steps require a storage account.

Reference: Quickstart for managing Azure file shares

  1. Review the purpose of file shares.

  2. Access a storage account and click Files.

  3. Create a file share. Review quotas, uploading files, and adding directories to organize the information.

  4. Create a file share snapshot. Review when to use snapshots and how they are different from backups. As you have time, upload a file, take a snapshot, delete the file, and restore the snapshot.

Reference: Get started with Storage Explorer

  1. Install the Storage Explorer or use the Storage Browser.

  2. Review how to browse and create storage resources. For example, add a blob container.

Reference: Copy or move data to Azure Storage by using AzCopy v10

  1. Discuss when to use AzCopy. View the help, azcopy /?.

  2. Scroll down the Samples section. As you have time, try any of the examples.