05 - Administer Intersite Connectivity

Configure VNet Peering

Note: For this demonstration you will need two virtual networks.

Reference: Connect virtual networks with VNet peering - tutorial

Configure VNet peering on the first virtual network

  1. In the Azure portal, select the first virtual network. Review the value of peering.

  2. Under Settings, select Peerings and + Add a new peering.

  3. Configure the peering the second virtual network. Use the information icons to review the different settings.

  4. When the peering is complete, review the Peering status.

Confirm VNet peering on the second virtual network

  1. In the Azure portal, select the second virtual network

  2. Under Settings, select Peerings.

  3. Notice that a peering has automatically been created. Notice that the Peering Status is Connected.

  4. In the lab, students will create peering and test the connection between virtual machines.

Configure Network Routing and Endpoints

In this demonstration, we will learn how to create a route table, define a custom route, and associate the route with a subnet.

Note: This demonstration requires a virtual network with at least one subnet.

Reference: Route network traffic - tutorial - Azure portal

Create a routing table

  1. As you have time review the tutorial diagram. Explain why you need to create a user-defined route.

  2. Access the Azure portal.

  3. Search for and select Route tables. Discuss when propagate gateway routes should be used.

  4. Create a routing table, explain any uncommon settings.

  5. Wait for the new routing table to be deployed.

Add a route

  1. Select your new routing table, and then select Routes.

  2. Create a new route. Discuss the different hop types that are available.

  3. Create the new route and wait for the resource to be deployed.

Associate a route table to a subnet

  1. Navigate to the subnet you want to associate with the routing table.

  2. Select Route table and choose your new routing table.

  3. Save your changes.