Lab: Managing Microsoft 365 with PowerShell


You’ve created a new Microsoft 365 tenant. As a new administrator, you want to try using PowerShell to manage some of the Microsoft 365 services before you start deploying them to users.


After completing this lab, you’ll be able to:

  • Manage users in Azure AD.
  • Manage Exchange Online.
  • Manage SharePoint Online.
  • Manage Microsoft Teams.

Estimated time: 60 minutes

Lab Setup

Virtual machines: LON-DC1 and LON-CL1

Username: Adatum\Administrator

Password: Pa55w.rd

For this lab, you’ll use the available virtual machine environment. Before you begin the lab, complete the following steps:

  1. Open LON-DC1 and sign in as Adatum\Administrator with the password Pa55w.rd.
  2. Repeat step 1 for LON-CL1.

Note: This lab requires an Office 365 tenant and a user with Global Administrator permissions in that tenant.

Exercise 1: Managing users and groups in Azure AD

Exercise scenario 1

You need to make sure that you understand how to create and manage users. You’re particularly interested in learning how to assign licenses to users. In this exercise, you’ll create an administrative user and standard user. You’ll also create and populate a group.

The main tasks for this exercise are:

  1. Connect to Azure AD.
  2. Create a new administrative user.
  3. Create and license a new user.

Task 1: Connect to Azure AD

  1. On LON-CL1, open Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
  2. Install the module that allows you to manage Azure AD.
  3. Connect to Azure AD and sign in using your admin user account.
  4. To verify that you’re connected, review a list of users in Azure AD.

Task 2: Create a new administrative user

  1. Create a new PasswordProfile object in a variable, and then populate the password property.
  2. Note the password so that you don’t forget it.
  3. Identify the name of your verified Azure AD domain and store it in a variable named $verifiedDomain.
  4. Create a new user object using the PasswordProfile object with the following attributes:
    • Display name: Noreen Riggs
    • User principal name: Noreen@$verifiedDomain
    • Account enabled
    • MailNickName: Noreen
  5. Assign the Global Administrator role to the Noreen Riggs user account.
  6. Use the Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember cmdlet to verify that the Global Administrator role was assigned to the Noreen Riggs user account.

Task 3: Create and license a new user

  1. Create a new user object by using the PasswordProfile object with the following attributes:
    • Display name: Allan Yoo
    • User principal name: Allan@$verifiedDomain
    • Account enabled
    • MailNickName: Allan
  2. Set the usage location for Allan Yoo to US.
  3. List the licenses SKUs available in your tenant.
  4. Create an AssignedLicense object, and then configure the SkuId property with the SkuID value from the ENTERPRISEPREMIUM license in your tenant.
  5. Create an AssignedLicenses object, and then place the AssignedLicense object in the AddLicenses property.
  6. Use the AssignedLicenses object to assign a license to Allan Yoo.

Task 4: Create and populate a group

  1. List the groups in Azure AD.
  2. Create a new group object in Azure AD with the following attributes:
    • Display name: Sales Security Group
    • Security enabled: $true
    • Mail enabled: $false
    • Mail nickname: SalesSecurityGroup
  3. Add Allan Yoo’s user object as a member of Sales Security Group.
  4. Query the Sales Security Group membership to verify that Allan Yoo’s user object is its member.
  5. Keep the Windows PowerShell window open.

Exercise 2: Managing Exchange Online

Scenario 2

In this exercise, you will create a new room mailbox and configure the resource booking properties to automatically accept meeting requests. You will also verify that the resource booking works as expected.

The main tasks for this exercise are:

  1. Connect to Exchange Online.
  2. Create a room mailbox.
  3. Verify room resource booking.

Task 1: Connect to Exchange Online

  1. On LON-CL1, in the same Windows PowerShell window, install the module that allows you to manage Exchange Online.
  2. Connect to Exchange Online and sign in using your admin user account.
  3. To verify that you’re connected, review a list of mailboxes in Exchange Online.

Task 2: Create a room mailbox

  1. Create a new room mailbox named BoardRoom.
  2. Configure the calendar processing for BoardRoom to automatically accept meeting requests.

Task 3: Verify room resource booking

  1. Open the Microsoft Edge browser and navigate to
  2. Sign in as Allan Yoo.
  3. From the Calendar, create a new event and include BoardRoom as an attendee.
  4. Select an available time and send the meeting invite.
  5. In the Outlook Inbox, verify that you received a response that the meeting request was accepted.

Exercise 3: Managing SharePoint Online

You’re familiar with the web-based administrative console used for managing SharePoint Online. It serves your needs well, but you want to test the process for creating a site by using Windows PowerShell in case you ever want to automate the process.

The main tasks for this exercise are:

  1. Connect to SharePoint Online.
  2. Create a new site.

Task 1: Connect to SharePoint Online

  1. On LON-CL1, in the same Windows PowerShell window, install the module that enables you to manage SharePoint Online.
  2. Connect to SharePoint Online, and then sign in as Noreen Riggs.
  3. To verify your connection, list the sites in your tenant.

Task 2: Create a new site

  1. In the Windows PowerShell console, review the list of templates available in SharePoint.
  2. Create a new SharePoint site with the following settings:

    • Url:
    • Owner:
    • Storage quote: 256
    • Template: EHS#1

    Note: Creating the site can take 10 minutes or longer. Use the -NoWait parameter to create the site asynchronously.

  3. Use Get-SPOSite to review the status of the new site.
  4. Disconnect from SharePoint Online.
  5. Keep the Windows PowerShell window open.

Exercise 4: Managing Microsoft Teams

The Sales department is interested in using Microsoft Teams for collaboration. To help them experiment with using Microsoft Teams, you’ll create a team by using PowerShell. You’ll then give access to Allan Yoo from the Sales department.

The main tasks for this exercise are:

  1. Connect to Microsoft Teams.
  2. Create a new team.
  3. Verify access to the team.

Task 1: Connect to Microsoft Teams

  1. On LON-CL1, in the same Windows PowerShell window, install the module that allows you to manage Microsoft Teams.
  2. Connect to Microsoft Teams and sign in using your admin user account.
  3. To verify your connection, list the sites in your tenant.
  4. Use the Get-Team cmdlet to verify that there are no existing teams.

Task 2: Create a new team

  1. Create a new team with following properties:

    • Display Name: Sales Team
    • MailNickName: SalesTeam
  2. Add Allan Yoo as a user in Sales Team
  3. List the users in Sales Team to verify that Allan Yoo was added.

    Note: Notice that the user that created the team is an owner.

Task 3: Verify access to the team

  1. Open Microsoft Edge and navigate to
  2. Sign in as Allan Yoo.
  3. In the Sales Team, create a new conversation with the text, Prices are increasing 10% at month end.