Lab: Using scripts with PowerShell


You’ve started to develop Windows PowerShell scripts to simplify administration in your organization. There are multiple tasks to accomplish, and you’ll create a Windows PowerShell script for each one.


After completing this lab, you’ll be able to:

  • Digitally sign a script.
  • Process an array by using ForEach.
  • Process items by using If statements.
  • Create user accounts based on a CSV file.
  • Query disk information from remote computers.
  • Update a script to use alternate credentials.

Estimated time: 150 minutes

Lab setup

  • Virtual machines: LON-DC1, LON-SVR1, and LON-CL1
  • User name: Adatum\Administrator
  • Password: Pa55w.rd

For this lab, you’ll use the available virtual machine environment. Before you begin the lab, complete the following steps:

  1. Open LON-DC1 and sign in as Adatum\Administrator with the password Pa55w.rd.
  2. Repeat step 1 for LON-SVR1 and LON-CL1.

Exercise 1: Signing a script

Exercise scenario 1

To enhance security, you’re considering a requirement that all Windows PowerShell scripts in your environment be digitally signed. Before implementing this requirement, you want to test the process.

The main tasks for this exercise are:

  1. Install a code signing certificate.
  2. Digitally sign a script.
  3. Set the execution policy.

Task 1: Install a code signing certificate

  1. On LON-CL1, open an MMC console, and then add the Certificates snap-in focused on My user account.
  2. In the MMC console, browse to Certificates - Current User\Personal.
  3. Use the context menu of the Personal folder and select Request New Certificate.
  4. Use the following settings in the Certificate Enrollment wizard:

    • Active Directory Enrollment Policy
    • Adatum Code Signing template
  5. In the MMC console, verify that the new code-signing certificate is present.
  6. Close the MMC console.

Task 2: Digitally sign a script

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell prompt.
  2. Place the code-signing certificate in Cert:\CurrentUser\My into a variable.
  3. In E:\Mod07\Labfiles, rename HelloWorld.txt to HelloWorld.ps1.
  4. Use the Set-Authenticode cmdlet to apply a digital signature to HelloWorld.ps1.

Task 3: Set the execution policy

  1. On LON-CL1, set the execution policy to allow only signed scripts.
  2. Verify that you can run HelloWorld.ps1.
  3. Set the execution policy to Unrestricted.

Exercise 2: Processing an array with a ForEach loop

Scenario 2

Adatum Corporation is testing a new Voice over IP (VoIP) and video-conferencing system. To support this system, you must set the ipPhone attribute for a group of test users. The naming convention that’s been selected for the ipPhone attribute is

The main tasks for this exercise are:

  1. Create a test group.
  2. Create a script to configure the ipPhone attribute.

Task 1: Create a test group

  1. On LON-CL1, use PowerShell to create a new Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) group named IPPhoneTest in the IT organizational unit.
  2. Add the following users as members in the IPPhoneTest group:

    • Abbi Skinner
    • Ida Alksne
    • Parsa Schoonen
    • Tonia Guthrie

Task 2: Create a script to configure the ipPhone attribute

  1. Create a script named E:\Mod07\Labfiles\ipPhone.ps1, and then open it in the Windows PowerShell ISE.
  2. Use Get-ADGroupMember to create a query to obtain the membership of the IPPhoneTest group.
  3. Create a ForEach loop that processes the users that are members of IPPhoneTest.
  4. In the loop:

    • Use Get-ADUser to retrieve the first and last names for a user.
    • Calculate the required value for the ipPhone attribute.
    • Use Set-ADUser with the -Replace parameter to set the ipPhone attribute for the user.
  5. Run the script and then verify that the ipPhone attribute is modified for the selected users.

Exercise 3: Processing items by using If statements

Some of the servers in your organization have services that don’t start properly when the server is restarted. You want to create a script that can be used to start a specified list of services. When you’ve performed sufficient testing, you plan to configure a scheduled task that runs the script. During the testing phase, you’ll work with the Windows Time and Print Spooler services.

The main tasks for this exercise are:

  1. Create services.txt with service names.
  2. Create a script that starts stopped services.

Task 1: Create services.txt with service names

  1. On LON-CL1, open Windows PowerShell.
  2. Create a new file E:\Mod07\Labfiles\services.txt.
  3. Identify the correct name for the Print Spooler service and add it to services.txt.
  4. Identify the correct name for the Windows Time service and add it to services.txt.

Task 2: Create a script that starts stopped services

  1. Create a new script E:\Mod07\Labfiles\StartServices.ps1.
  2. Retrieve the service names from services.txt and place them in a variable.
  3. Use a ForEach loop to process each service:

    • If the service isn’t running, start it, and then enter text to the screen indicating that the service was started.
    • If the service is running, do nothing, and then enter text to the screen indicating that no action was required.

Exercise 4: Creating users based on a CSV file

Exercise scenario 4

The helpdesk for Adatum creates user accounts once per week based on data provided by the Human Resources department. This data is provided in a CSV file.

There have been multiple instances where the new user accounts weren’t created with the correct information. The helpdesk has been using the CSV files as a reference and creating the user accounts by using graphical tools. You want to automate this process to avoid these errors.

The main task for this exercise is:

  • Create AD DS users from a CSV file.

Task 1: Create AD DS users from a CSV file

  1. Create a new script named E:\Mod07\Labfiles\CreateUsers.ps1.
  2. Import users.csv and store the objects in a variable.
  3. Create a ForEach loop that processes the data in the variable to create user accounts:

    • Create a variable that contains the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) name of the organizational unit for the user. For example: OU=IT,DC=Adatum,DC=com
    • Create a variable that contains the user principal name for the new user. This should be in the format
    • Create a variable that contains the display name for the new user. This should be in the format FirstName LastName.
    • Enter a status message to the screen indicating which user is being created and where.
    • Create the new user and be sure to set the following:

      • GivenName
      • Surname
      • Name
      • DisplayName
      • SamAccountName
      • UserPrincipalName
      • Path
      • Department

Exercise 5: Querying disk information from remote computers

Exercise scenario 5

Adatum hasn’t documented the logical disk configuration for all of the computers. As part of gathering the information for your documentation, you’re creating a script to gather logical disk information.

Your script for disk information has the following requirements:

  • Accept the remote computer name as a parameter.
  • If no computer name is provided as a parameter, the user should be prompted to enter a computer name.
  • The query for information should use Web Services-Management (WS-MAN) rather than Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM).
  • Display logical disk information (volumes) rather than physical disk information.
  • Only information for local disks (hard drives) should be included.

The main task for this exercise is:

  • Create a script that queries disk information with current credentials.

Task 1: Create a script that queries disk information with current credentials

  1. Perform all tasks using LON-CL1.
  2. Identify the cmdlet that allows you to remotely query hardware information by using WS-MAN.
  3. Identify the syntax required to query logical disk information and only include local disks.
  4. Create a new script E:\Mod07\QueryDisk.ps1.
  5. Add a param() block to the script that accepts a computer name and prompts for a computer name if one isn’t provided.
  6. Verify that the script correctly queries disk information from LON-DC1.

Exercise 6: Updating the script to use alternate credentials

Exercise scenario 6

You’d like to run a script that queries disk information from remote computers. To account for scenarios where the user doesn’t have permission to query disk information on remote servers, you’re updating the script to accept alternate credentials when specified.

The script needs to meet the following requirements:

  • Accept a switch parameter to indicate whether alternate credentials are required.
  • If alternate credentials are required, gather and use those credentials.

The main task for this exercise is:

  • Update the script to use alternate credentials.

Task 1: Update the script to use alternate credentials

  1. Open E:\Mod07\QueryDisk.ps1 for editing.
  2. Update the param() block to include a switch that indicates alternate credentials will be used.
  3. Add an If statement that evaluates the switch.

    • If the switch is true, run new code that gathers alternate credentials.
    • If the switch is false, run the existing query.
  4. For new code, you must:
    • Get the credential from the user.
    • Open a remote session using that credential.
    • Send the query using that session.